😸Cat Spluff
The "spluff" position is part sprawl, part fluff, and totally cute. It's your cat's way of showing she feels safe, happy, and relaxed.
😸Cat Loaf
When sleeping like this, your cat has her front paws tucked and crossed completely beneath her, and her back legs are tucked, so she resembles a bread loaf. Any time a cat sleeps with her body pulled in tightly like this, she's conserving heat while feeling relaxed and comfy.
😸Crouching Semi-Loaf
Sometimes you may notice your cat almost reaches the loaf position, but he's not fully relaxed. He might even sleep while sitting up. This is a less relaxed and more alert position that allows him to jump into action quickly if needed.
😸Tight Curl
Many cats love to sleep curled in tight balls with their tails curled close to their bodies, and their heads are typically on their front paws. In the wild, this position can help cats be tougher to see, and it helps them stay warmer.
😸Side Sleeping
If your cat's lying stretched out on his side with most of his midsection on the ground, then he might be trying to cool off.
😸The Monorail
Cats are downright creative in the way they sleep. You may notice your cat sleeping on the arm of your couch, a handrail, or a fence beam with his front legs hanging low in front of him. This is sometimes called a "monorail," and large, wild cats often use it when sleeping in big trees. It's a comfortable position where your cat feels safe.
😸Snuggling Up (with Another Cat or You)
Two cats sleeping snuggled up together are absolutely adorable. They may do this when they're a little cold, but they'll only sleep close together when they love and trust each other completely.