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PENNY & PEACE 💯 All Natural 🐾
Himalayan Yak Milk Dog Chew & Puff
World’s 1st Yak Cheese Prebiotic✜Probiotic

"𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺 · 𝘉𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 & 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴” 🐶🐱
P+P Yak Milk Products are handcrafted in Nepal at an extremely high altitude where the cleanest environment exists, using traditional methods from an ancient recipe passed down by the Himalayan people. Rich in natural antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, B12, D3, E. Our simple and nu

tritious human grade ingredients deliver the needed energy, proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for pets to enjoy an active lifestyle.

【Unique Blend 獨家配方】💎 A combination of Prebiotic✜Probiotic is essential to maintain and improve our fur babies’ gut~🧬 Sup...

【Unique Blend 獨家配方】

💎 A combination of Prebiotic✜Probiotic is essential to maintain and improve our fur babies’ gut~

🧬 Supplementing our pets with prebiotics & probiotics can help their digestive health by balancing intestinal flora, boosting good bacteria and improving nutrient absorption; resulting in a stronger immune system!

💎 益生素✜益生菌有助於維持和改善毛孩的腸道健康~

🧬 多補充益生素和益生菌能平衡腸道菌叢、促進有益細菌、增加營養吸收,守護毛孩們的消化系統,提高免疫力!

#寵物腸胃 #寵物保健品 #寵物益生菌 #貓益生菌 #氂牛起司 #氂牛起司益生素益生菌

【Daily Packet 每日一包】🗓️ A packet of P✜P a day helps our pets maintain a healthy digestive system and gastrointestinal trac...

【Daily Packet 每日一包】

🗓️ A packet of P✜P a day helps our pets maintain a healthy digestive system and gastrointestinal tract~

🗓️ 每天一包P✜P,讓寵物維持良好消化系統,促進腸胃道健康~

#寵物腸胃 #寵物保健品 #寵物益生菌 #狗益生菌 #氂牛起司 #氂牛起司益生素益生菌

【Packet Of Wonders 奇蹟包】❣️ Every packet of Prebiotic✜Probiotic is loaded with:🧀 Natural antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids...

【Packet Of Wonders 奇蹟包】

❣️ Every packet of Prebiotic✜Probiotic is loaded with:
🧀 Natural antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, B12, D3, E.
🦠 Specially formulated signature probiotic strains of Bifidobacterium lactis B420, Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, Bifidobacterium lactis HN019, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM.
💞 Prebiotics containing phytic acid, dietary fiber, phytic acid, glutathione, various amino acids, minerals, iron, vitamins B1, B6, D, E.
💦 Water-soluble dietary fiber.

❣️ 每包益生素✜益生菌含有:
🧀 天然的抗氧化劑、Omega-3脂肪酸、鈣、鎂、鉀、磷、鋅、維生素A、B12、D3、E。
🦠 專門配製的代表性益生菌菌株包括乳雙歧桿菌B420、鼠李糖菌HN001、乳雙歧桿菌HN019、嗜酸乳桿菌NCFM。
💞 肌醇六磷酸、膳食纖維、植酸、穀胱甘肽、多種胺基酸、礦物質、鐵、維生素B1、B6、D、E的益生素。
💦 水溶性膳食纖維。

#寵物腸胃 #寵物保健品 #寵物益生菌 #貓益生菌 #氂牛起司 #氂牛起司益生素益生菌

【Golden Spice 金色香料】🫚 Turmeric Flavored Yak Milk Chew aids in maintaining a healthy digestive tract, while also soothing ...

【Golden Spice 金色香料】

🫚 Turmeric Flavored Yak Milk Chew aids in maintaining a healthy digestive tract, while also soothing gastrointestinal sensitivity, relieving gas and bloating.

🌟 Curcumin regulates and enhances the immune system, contributing to better overall health.

🫚 薑黃風味氂牛奶棒有助於維持消化道健康,同時也能舒緩腸胃敏感,緩解脹氣和腹脹的困擾。

🌟 薑黃素可調節和增強免疫系統,幫助改善整體健康。

#狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #風味潔牙棒 #薑黃素 #薑黃潔牙棒 #氂牛起司棒

【P+P New Arrivals In Taiwan 新品正式在台上市】🐶 Discover more of our Himalayan Yak Milk Product Series - 🍓 Strawberry & 🫚 Turmeri...

【P+P New Arrivals In Taiwan 新品正式在台上市】

🐶 Discover more of our Himalayan Yak Milk Product Series - 🍓 Strawberry & 🫚 Turmeric Flavored Dog Chews, and our newest Pocket-Sized Crunchy Puffs❕

🐱 The World’s 1st Yak Cheese Pet Health Supplement Combined With Prebiotics✜Probiotics - to support the Gut Health of Cats & Dogs❕

🐶 喜馬拉雅氂牛奶系列產品新風味登場 - 🍓草莓和🫚薑黃風味潔牙棒,以及袖珍鬆脆小泡芙❕

🐱 全球首創以氂牛起司結合益生素✜益生菌做為寵物保健品 - 守護貓犬腸胃健康❕

#寵物保健品 #狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛起司棒 #氂牛奶泡芙

【Simple Pleasure 簡單的快樂】🐕 Yak Milk Chews keep fur babies engaged mentally and physically, while satisfying their natural ...

【Simple Pleasure 簡單的快樂】

🐕 Yak Milk Chews keep fur babies engaged mentally and physically, while satisfying their natural desire to chew~

🐕 氂牛奶潔牙棒可使毛孩們全心投入,盡情享受咀嚼帶來的快感~

#狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛奶潔牙棒 #氂牛起司棒 #氂牛奶棒

【Potassium + Sodium Team 鉀+鈉組合】💧 Potassium is an essential mineral needed by our fur babies to maintain balance in their...

【Potassium + Sodium Team 鉀+鈉組合】

💧 Potassium is an essential mineral needed by our fur babies to maintain balance in their blood and prevent dehydration.

🩸 Yak Milk Chew contains potassium that works together with the natural sodium content to keep the heart beating in rhythm, while helping nerve impulses and muscle contraction.

💧 鉀是維持毛孩血液平衡及防止脫水所需的必需礦物質。

🩸 氂牛奶潔牙棒含有鉀,與天然鈉含量一起作用,保持心臟跳動有節奏,同時幫助神經脈衝和肌肉收縮。

#寵物知識 #泰皇犬 #天然零食 #狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛奶潔牙棒 #氂牛起司棒 #氂牛奶棒

【Best Indoor Treats 最棒的室內零食】🏡 Natural and additive-free Yak Milk Puffs can be enjoyed anywhere around the house~ You no ...

【Best Indoor Treats 最棒的室內零食】

🏡 Natural and additive-free Yak Milk Puffs can be enjoyed anywhere around the house~ You no longer have to worry about any odor or stains often encountered in natural treats that may stick to your furniture and clothing.

🏡 純天然無添加的氂牛奶泡芙可以在家裡隨處享用~不必擔心傢俱及衣物沾黏殘留有零食常帶來的腥臭味、弄髒的情況。


#寵物知識 #天然零食 #狗狗零食 #氂牛奶泡芙

【Chewing In The Shade 在樹蔭下啃咬】🐕 Our smart fur babies have constantly curious and wandering minds, which if not fully prep...

【Chewing In The Shade 在樹蔭下啃咬】

🐕 Our smart fur babies have constantly curious and wandering minds, which if not fully prepared for, may end up in a lot of chasing after… Providing them with a long lasting Yak Milk Chew can save you from carrying a hundred toys outdoors and keeps them entertained for hours~

🐕 聰明的毛孩總是好奇心多,心思游離,如果沒有做好充分的準備,可能會陷入大量的追逐中⋯提供耐啃的氂牛奶潔牙棒,能讓您免於攜帶一百個玩具到戶外,讓牠們開心好幾個小時~

#寵物知識 #寵物玩具 #狗狗玩具 #狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛奶潔牙棒 #氂牛起司棒 #氂牛奶棒

【Honeycomb Texture 蜂巢狀紋理】🥨 P+P Yak Milk Puffs come in a lightweight honeycomb texture, crunchy and bursting with flavor!...

【Honeycomb Texture 蜂巢狀紋理】

🥨 P+P Yak Milk Puffs come in a lightweight honeycomb texture, crunchy and bursting with flavor!

🪥 Its honeycomb structure is very suitable for fur babies with dental issues. Scrubbing their teeth and gums during chewing helps reduce tartar and plaque buildup.

🥨 P+P氂牛奶泡芙質地輕盈呈蜂巢狀,口感鬆脆且味道非常十足!

🪥 其蜂巢結構的特性非常適合有牙齒問題的毛孩。在透過啃咬的過程中,摩擦牠們的牙齒與牙齦,有助於減少牙垢和牙菌斑的形成。

#寵物知識 #泰皇犬 #狗狗零食 #氂牛奶泡芙

【Perfect Pairing 絕配】🦴 Yak Milk Chew can be paired with a chew toy-style holder to slow down and challenge an enthusiasti...

【Perfect Pairing 絕配】

🦴 Yak Milk Chew can be paired with a chew toy-style holder to slow down and challenge an enthusiastic chewer like Typsy Jr.

🥨 When done chewing until the last bit, remove the leftover end piece from the holder and pop into the microwave for 30-60 seconds, which turns into a crunchy treat!

💞 Prepare the best gift for your beloved fur baby this coming Valentine’s Day~

🦴 氂牛奶棒為毛孩最佳啃咬、磨/潔牙好夥伴,也能如圖中可愛的Typsy Jr.搭配磨牙玩具一同服用。

🥨 啃咬到最後將尾端的一小塊從玩具中取出並放入微波爐30-60秒,即可享用由剩餘氂牛奶棒製作成的鬆脆泡芙!

💞 在即將到來的情人節,我們已經為您家中的寶貝愛寵們準備好了禮物~

#寵物知識 #狗狗日常 #幼犬 #天然有機 #寵物零食 #狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛奶潔牙棒 #氂牛奶棒




🐶 Tiny
8️⃣ 歲

【Snow Capped Mount Everest 白雪擁抱的珠穆朗瑪峰】🇳🇵 P+P 氂牛奶系列產品取自高海拔、零污染的喜馬拉雅山脈上氂牛奶/牛奶手作而成。🏔️ 圖片為前往珠穆朗瑪峰大本營途中著名的雪巴人丹增諾蓋雕像,背景是雄偉的珠穆朗...

【Snow Capped Mount Everest 白雪擁抱的珠穆朗瑪峰】

🇳🇵 P+P 氂牛奶系列產品取自高海拔、零污染的喜馬拉雅山脈上氂牛奶/牛奶手作而成。

🏔️ 圖片為前往珠穆朗瑪峰大本營途中著名的雪巴人丹增諾蓋雕像,背景是雄偉的珠穆朗瑪峰,全世界最高山峰,海拔8849米。

🇳🇵 P+P Yak Milk Product Series are handcrafted from yak/cow milk collected in the Himalayas at a very high altitude with only the cleanest climatic conditions and environment.

🏔️ Pictured is the legendary memorial statue of Sherpa Tenzing Norgay on the way to Everest Base Camp and a view of the snow capped Mount Everest in the background furthest to the left, which is the Earth’s highest mountain above sea level with an elevation of 8849 meters.

👬🏻 A big thanks to our cousin brothers for sharing photos from your recent trek!


#雪巴人 #珠峰大本營 #珠穆朗瑪峰 #天然有機 #寵物零食 #狗狗零食 #佩伲國際


24/10/2022 Happy Kukur Tihar कुकुर तिहार 🐕
為了慶祝這份人與犬之間珍貴的友誼,在這一天尼泊爾人會為家裡的狗狗在額頭抹上硃砂、戴上花圈並送上大餐給牠們吃 🏵️
#尼泊爾 #印度排燈節 #狗狗日常 #佩伲國際


【Treats As Toppers 零食當澆頭】

💡 知道嗎⋯毛孩最喜歡的零食居然也可以添加到牠們的乾、濕糧上面,增加風味~

👅 因為一些毛孩可能會在一段時間後對牠們日常吃的食物味道、氣味和質地感到厭煩;將牠們最喜歡的零食作為餐前裝飾可以使牠們的食物更可口、更誘人,同時增強適口性和營養。

🐕 澆頭可以幫助挑食者多吃一些食物,比如那些因健康原因需要特定飲食的毛孩或需要補充飲食的幼犬。

🥛 泡芙零食加在食物上可為牠們的正餐增添鬆脆的口感、豐富的優質蛋白和令牠們難以抗拒的不同風味。

🐶 噗啾 (14 歲),貴賓

💡 Did you know that our fur babies favorite treat can be added on top of their regular dry or wet food?

👅 As some fur babies may become bored with the flavor, smell and texture of their regular food after a period of time; a little sprinkle of their favorite treat as a meal topper can make their food more enticing, while enhancing the palatability and nutrition.

🐕 Meal toppers can help picky eaters eat a bit more of their food like those who need a specific diet due to a health reason or puppies who need to supplement their diet.

🥛 Puff treats topped on food also add a crunchy texture, boost of protein and irresistible different flavor to their meal.

🐶 噗啾 (14 Years Old), Poodle

#寵物知識 #寵物乾糧 #狗狗日常 #貴賓 #狗狗試吃員 #寵物試吃員 #天然有機 #寵物零食 #狗狗零食 #氂牛奶泡芙 #佩伲國際


【Rub/Roll 摩擦/滾動】


1️⃣ 遮蔽氣味
2️⃣ 出於本能,留下自己的味道,保護食物
3️⃣ 個人成就 - 喜歡毛上有自己喜愛食物的香味,就像人類喜歡噴香水的道理一樣

🐶 陪你 (4 歲),米克斯

Why do our fur babies rub/roll on their food? 🐕

1️⃣ Natural instinct to cover their own scent and mask their presence
2️⃣ Resource guarding and protecting anything that is valuable to them
3️⃣ Personal fulfillment - loving the smell of food on their fur, just like humans enjoy spraying perfume

🐶 Penny (4 Years Old), Mixed

#寵物行為 #狗狗日常 #米克斯 #狗狗試吃員 #寵物試吃員 #天然有機 #寵物零食 #狗狗零食 #氂牛奶泡芙 #佩伲國際


【Double Tenth Day 雙十節】



🐶 Teazr (2 歲),米格魯
🐶 Typsy Jr. (1 歲),米格魯

What is better than enjoying a Yak Milk Chew at home alone? 💓

Both of us having one each and chewing together~ 💞

🐶 Teazr (2 Years Old), Beagle
🐶 Typsy Jr. (1 Year Old), Beagle

#雙十節 #狗狗日常 #米格魯 #狗兄弟 #狗狗試吃員 #寵物試吃員 #天然有機 #狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛奶潔牙棒 #無乳糖 #佩伲國際




🐶 米克斯
4️⃣ 歲
📍 杜拜

🐶 Mixed
4️⃣ Years Old
📍 Dubai

【World Animal Day 世界動物日】10月4日 - 感謝與我們共享這片土地的所有動物,為我們的生活帶來許多歡樂及陪伴。毛孩是我們日常的伴侶、家人,相互關照彼此尊重,人類與自然界動物的關係皆為平等、共存世界。🌏您可以給予愛寵純天然...

【World Animal Day 世界動物日】

10月4日 - 感謝與我們共享這片土地的所有動物,為我們的生活帶來許多歡樂及陪伴。毛孩是我們日常的伴侶、家人,相互關照彼此尊重,人類與自然界動物的關係皆為平等、共存世界。🌏

您可以給予愛寵純天然健康的氂牛奶潔牙棒/泡芙,在今日向牠們致謝表達愛意,慶祝 World Animal Day - 4th October] 。🐕

October 4 - a day where we appreciate all the animals we share this planet with and be thankful for the many positive influences they bring to our lives. Fur babies keep a natural balance as our life companions who help us in both work and play. 🌏

Celebrate World Animal Day - 4th October] by showing your fur babies a little extra love with their favorite Yak Milk Dog Chew/Puff. 🐕

#世界動物日 #哈士奇 #天然有機 #狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛奶潔牙棒 #佩伲國際


🐶 貴賓
1️⃣4️⃣ 歲
📍 台灣

🐶 Poodle
1️⃣4️⃣ Years Old
📍 Taiwan


🐶 米克斯
1️⃣1️⃣ 歲
📍 台灣

🐶 Mixed
1️⃣1️⃣ Years Old
📍 Taiwan

Thanks for sharing & Happy Crunching 🐶

Thanks for sharing & Happy Crunching 🐶




【Pet Tricks Day 愛寵上課囉】

寵物技巧日是由一位馴獸師創立,訂於每年的 9 月 30 日,讓人們可以與寵物共度更多美好時光。 今天是我們與寵物一起玩樂、從遊戲中學習技巧,使他們處於需要集中注意力及保持健康的最佳狀態。💞

在學習新技巧過程中給予寵物適當鼓勵也是不可或缺的哦,氂牛奶潔牙棒絕對會是您最棒的選擇!既可滿足愛寵的啃咬慾又能讓身體補充能量,特別是在 。🦴

「Penny 陪你」,我們今日的寵物技巧學生代表,在這裡為我們示範 - 坐下、握手、啃咬潔牙棒~🐕

Pet Tricks Day was created by a pet trainer and takes place on September 30 every year for everyone to spend more quality time with their pets. Today is a day where we just have fun with our pets and honor the joy that they bring us. Teaching our pets tricks puts them in a learning state and helps to improve their overall health. 💞

What better way to reward your dog for learning a new trick than with our Yak Milk Chew that brings a sense of accomplishment to them especially on ? 🦴

Penny, our pet tricks representative for today, is here to demonstrate a few tricks for us - SIT, SHAKE HANDS & RECEIVE CHEW. 🐕

#狗狗日常 #米克斯 #狗狗表演 #天然有機 #狗狗零食 #潔牙棒 #氂牛奶潔牙棒 #佩伲國際


🐶 鬥牛犬
3️⃣ 歲
📍 台灣

🐶 Bulldog
3️⃣ Years Old
📍 Taiwan


🐶 哈士奇
6️⃣ 歲
📍 杜拜

🐶 Husky
6️⃣ Years Old
📍 Dubai


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00


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