The self trotting up herd! I love when they do this, it’s a really good way to see that everyone is ok ❤️🐎🦄🐎🐎
Belated happy 9th birthday to Finola for Tuesday. At the weekend Malcolm took her out for a walk and a bit of exploring on some tracks we haven’t used. We’re bringing her back into work over the next few months, she seems to be looking for a job and enjoyed her trip out. #rosewarnesporthorses#Rosevidneyliverystables#jennyopiethreeponiesandme#CappaLawerence#Cappaincornwall#irishsportshorse#tbxid#equinelife#irishdraught#thoroughbred#eventing#eventinghorse#eventinglife#allrounder#hunters
Well I’ve the last couple of days we have had hornets or really big wasps building a nest….they been creating havoc….we finally got them sorted today so Lawrence and Super cob can enjoy their barn again…..
Soggy Saturday
Cappa Lawrence enjoying a good roll coming in out of the rain……such a dude! I feel the same today, may have a roll when I get home 🏠
#CappaLawerence #Cappaincornwall #irishsportshorse
Apparently you can breed scratch able bottoms 😍 Marge’s babies live a bum scratch! You can take this bottom home with you, if you promise to keep scratching it! 😉
Here is Gracie leading into the stables for her top up vaccination… when we are advertising she is halter broken, she is definitely halter broken unlike Daniel Craig that is wild and free in his new advert…..🥰🕺🏻
A glimpse from Thursday at Royal Cornwall, Cappa Lawrence showing his fantastic temprement. Here he is making a new friend in the lovely Louise, winning a seven year olds heart ♥️ thank you @sam Cyster for allowing us to share this video.
Today saw us take Cappa Lawrence to Royal Cornwall Show in the Irish Draught & Irish Draught Sport Horse Youngstock class.
From the moment we sat on the couch and made the decision he was going the schedule has been relentless.
Thank you Verity Perry Rosevidney Livery Stables for coming today, plaiting last night, racing up in the morning and being there in such a busy venue for us……and standing in if John was kidnapped……for all the training of both Lawrence and us as handlers and putting us in touch with @jonathan Payne to expertly handle him in the ring and Beansy Payne for the make up tuition and bridle set up. With increased work and travelling Sam Cyster Equine Sports and Rehabilitation Massage Therapist has supported Lawrence making sure he’s in fine form.
Today we have been surrounded by amazing friends and family all rooting for Lawrence and cheering us on. We’ve been humbled by everyone support and our equine community have been amazing!
When we made the entry Lawrence hadn’t left base camp so this has been an epic journey, and we are so delighted with his behaviour in and out of the ring he was a pleasure to take to the biggest event in Cornwall! We are so incredibly proud of him! He was amazing, the judge pulled him in 4th her comments were “she prefers fillies, he behaved well and you wouldn’t know he was entire” and that was the best feedback we could have gotten so for us that was a win!
Today proved we (the team in place as above) were able to get Lawrence ready for the county’s biggest stage in 7 weeks that in its self is outstanding.
🎉🎉🥂 Congratulations to two local riders who won our lovely sponsored Sashes at Poldice Valley in the M&M Championship last weekend 🎉🎉🥂
Lee Lashbrook went champion with her Welsh D Stallion Budore King James who has been with her for six years ( I asked he doesn’t stand at public stud 😞) such a handsome chap!
Sophie Trenoweth and her beautiful three year filly Fleetwoods Keeping Faith went reserve champion.
Congratulations ladies producing for the show ring takes time and dedication and a lot of grooming!
Good luck with the rest of your showing season ❤️
We’ve been a bit quiet on here this week, Marge picked up a little infection which has kept us busy with vet visits. We’ve been keeping both mares and foals close to keep them well monitored. We are pleased to report they are all doing very well! Little Conker is growing away so I thought I’d share some snaps of him. Thank you to Charlotte and Joe at Rosevean Equine for managing Marges extra care. We think this little dude is extremely smart! 🥰 #Rosewarnesporthorses #Rosevidneyliverystables#verityperrydressagemaster#irishsportshorse#tbxid#equinelife#irishdraught#thoroughbred#eventing#eventinghorse#eventinglife#allrounder#hunters
Thank you to everyone for your for your lovely comments and being a part of this journey.
We have decided to name this little Filly Aurora AKA Rosewarne Aurora Borealis.
We have dried out a little this morning, what stunning colour. But as we have some white Aurora is a lovely buckskin…..
We are delighted to say that Morning Gloria foaled a Dun filly for us at 2211pm to Cappa Chino who stands at Cappa Stud.
She is strong, feisty and was suckling with 45 minutes.
We think she is absolutely stunning! Massive thank you to everyone who has been in the background helping us out…..
We are off to get some sleep!