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Good Pets USA Specialized pet nutrition and supplements for your pets

Anyone use these?  Please be careful!

Anyone use these? Please be careful!

Summer is finally here!! What is your favorite thing to do in the summer with your pet? Needing some summer inspo? Here ...

Summer is finally here!! What is your favorite thing to do in the summer with your pet? Needing some summer inspo?
Here are some fun activities you can do with your pet this season! ☀️🕶
Have a dog beach outing
Pack a picnic at your favorite park
Go on an extra mile run
Go to the doggy park
Hit the lake for a refreshing swim!

No More Tummy Issues!!This is what Nalas mom shared with us!My cat, Nala, used to suffer from loose stool. I started usi...

No More Tummy Issues!!

This is what Nalas mom shared with us!

My cat, Nala, used to suffer from loose stool. I started using Gastro Pro Plus and her stool has been solid ever since, and she goes once or twice a day. I have realized how important it is for animals to have probiotics and probiotics in their systems. THIS WORKS!! I am so happy I found this product!

Alexis - Wurl from Chicago

To Treat or Not to Treat?Who doesn’t like treats?  Let’s face it, we ALL do! For us, there are many treat choices from s...

To Treat or Not to Treat?

Who doesn’t like treats? Let’s face it, we ALL do!

For us, there are many treat choices from salty to sweet like - chips, nuts, cookies, ice cream, trail mix, fruit…there’s LOTS to choose from! But WE know that all ‘treats’ are not created equal…not for us humans, and certainly not for our pets.

Take for example an apple vs. a Tw***ie – both are ‘treats’, but are vastly different in nutritional value. There’s no comparison! An apple is full of nutrition and has many health benefits, whereas the Tw***ie is high in sugar and carbs. This is an extreme example, but you get the picture.

Now let’s talk about treating our pets. Dogs and cats love treats, it’s a fact. And we like giving our pets treats probably as much or more than our four-legged friends like getting them.

Treats can be used for training, as a reward, as a way for us to show our love…and yes, they can be used for bribery. Pet owners give all kinds of treats to their pets, some give table food and things with lots of salt and fat that make them tasty.

We feel good about giving our pets treats, but we need to make sure that everything that goes into our pets has nutritional value – that means the food, the supplements and the treats.

There are many kinds of treats to buy for your pets that are used for different ‘treating occasions’. There are different forms - like biscuits or crunchy treats, meaty treats, soft & chewy treats, bones or rawhide, jerky and functional treats like dental sticks.

Within these forms there are different ‘types’ like training treats – which are very small treats with few calories so you can reward your BFF often; and long-lasting treats referred to as ‘occupiers’, which are the kind you give your dog when you need some “alone” time. And within each of these “types” of treats there are a multitude of flavor varieties.

So what are some good choices, since we know not all treats are created equal. How can we know when treating is harming our pets.

Read the labels…

Caloric value is a top concern. For example, an average 30 lb. dog needs around 900 calories daily. That’s calories from everything they ingest, including their treats. And the calories in treats can really add up, depending on the choices you make.

You can choose to feed your pets high calorie treats with little nutritional value, or, you can make a healthier choice and feed them high quality, high protein, low-carb meaty treats that have much fewer calories.

How do I find the best treats for my pet?

Read the ingredients and look for meaty, high-protein treats, like freeze dried and dry roasted, with high- quality meat sources as well as fruits and vegetables. Minimally processed treats are best, so all the nutritional goodness stays in them. There should be no by-product meals, no fillers, no corn wheat or soy, and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.

Remember, many dogs and cats are overweight or obese, so we need to be sure we don’t overfeed them, and that includes over treating. Everything you feed your pets should be nutritious and add value to their diet.

To treat or not to treat? TREAT!

You can and should go ahead and give your pets treats. Just make good, healthy choices for them.

Tips for using meaty treats in your pet’s daily diet.

· Break up freeze-dried meaty treats and use them as a “topper” on your dog or cat food

· If you like to “treat” often, or when training your dog, or treating your cat, break them up into smaller pieces so you get 4-5 small “treats” out of one larger one, so you don’t pack on the calories.

New Food : New YOU! Are you creating health goals for you in 2021? Why not include your dog on your journey! Diet & exer...

New Food : New YOU! Are you creating health goals for you in 2021? Why not include your dog on your journey! Diet & exercise are important to their health too! Schedule a Pet Nutrition Consult with me today!

Who doesn’t love a homemade pie? Now you can share one with your pet!  Want my recipe for Turkey-Apple Shar-Pie?  Ingred...

Who doesn’t love a homemade pie? Now you can share one with your pet! Want my recipe for Turkey-Apple Shar-Pie?


Turkey, Apples, and Cinnamon pawTreats®
Turkey Medley pawPairings®


Crumble the pawTreats over your pet’s food. Add a sprinkle of Beef Medley pawPairings ® and enjoy watching your pets be delighted with variety at mealtime.

Ask me about ingredients below!

From Alpha to Omega - Everything You Need to Know about Fish Oil for Your Pets Well, our mothers were right when they sa...

From Alpha to Omega - Everything You Need to Know about Fish Oil for Your Pets

Well, our mothers were right when they said that it’s important to take your fish oil, because it’s good for you from the inside out. Dr. Oz promotes fish oil all the time. So why is it so important for us? The reason is because fish oil contains the polyunsaturated fatty acids – Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids are touted for helping to improve blood cholesterol levels by lowering LDL – the “bad” cholesterol, and helping to lower blood pressure levels, just to name a few benefits. Omega-3 and Omega-6’s are essential fatty acids, meaning our bodies need them to function. However, we can’t make these essential fatty acids on our own, we must get them from the food we eat. We need to eat good sources of fish like wild salmon, trout, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel or seaweed, OR take supplements in order to get the DHA we need. Salmon oil, in particular, is very high in Omega-3 fatty acids which are extremely beneficial to your health.
Omega-3’s have been found to be very beneficial for many different conditions for humans. Well, it’s the same for our pets.
As dogs and cats age, they face an increased risk of issues including stiffening joints, loss of energy and stamina, and heart health. These issues may be reduced by a diet supplemented with readily accessible long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids which are necessary for almost every function in your pet’s body. They work on the cellular level, from the inside out.

Like with humans, essential fatty acids are critically important to your pet’s overall health and vitality because they provide essential nutrients necessary for them to thrive. However, they can’t be made by your pet’s body and must be supplied by their diet. The most important of these fatty acids for pets, are the long chain Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, found in cold water fish oils. These have a much higher immediate bioavailability than Omega-3 fatty acids from plant sources.

What’s the difference between Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids?
Omega-6 fatty acids are found in vegetable oil, sunflower oil and safflower oil – oils common in most pet food diets. Omega-3 fatty acids however, are found in either fresh wild caught cold water fish or types of seaweed. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and Omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory. In a typical pet’s diet today, the ratio is about 1:40 (Omega-3’s to Omega-6’s) which is actually a pro-inflammatory diet. By adding a good fish oil to your pet’s diet, you increase the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet achieving a preferred 13:1 ratio of over 15 heart-healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

Salmon oil is probably the most important supplement you can add to your pet’s diet, because the Omega-3 fatty acids provide widespread benefits. By increasing the amount of good oils in your pet’s diet, you're supporting overall optimum health and vitality for your dogs and cats.

How can I tell if an Omega-3 supplement is making a difference?
With consistent use, you will begin to see the following changes:
· An overall improvement in the health of their skin (which by the way is the largest organ in our pet’s body)
· A huge improvement in the quality of their skin and coat shown by:
o reduced itching
o reduced shedding
o less sensitive skin (reduced redness and less “hot to the touch”)
o a lustrous, huggable coat

Remember, not all salmon oil is the same. It’s very important to choose carefully to ensure you’re providing your pets the preferred 13:1 ratio.

By Brooke Sloate

Do you do this? 💚🐾

Do you do this? 💚🐾

Keep your pets safe this Thanksgiving day!  Happy Thanksgiving!  🐾💚

Keep your pets safe this Thanksgiving day! Happy Thanksgiving! 🐾💚

Can your personality rub off on your cat? A UK study says it’s true! The more agreeable, extroverted, conscientious and ...

Can your personality rub off on your cat? A UK study says it’s true! The more agreeable, extroverted, conscientious and open you are, the happier and healthier your cat is likely to be!

Ask me how to learn more!

🐈 emoji in the comments

Does your pet have anxiety?

Does your pet have anxiety?

GI Wish I Felt BetterHave you ever experienced loose stools or diarrhea? How about killer flatulence…you know, passing g...

GI Wish I Felt Better

Have you ever experienced loose stools or diarrhea? How about killer flatulence…you know, passing gas! What about a tummy ache, or worse yet vomiting? If you’ve experienced some of these things, you can understand how uncomfortable it is. Unfortunately, our pets experience these same things. And when they have a loose stool, pass gas or have a gurgling tummy…they’re actually trying to tell you something! And what they’re trying to tell you is that they’re not feeling well, and that they’re having issues with their gastrointestinal (GI) system.

Good health for our pets begins in the gut! In fact, GI issues are one of the most common reasons pet parents take their pets to the vet. What if there was something you could do to save your pets from unnecessary discomfort or suffering, and save on those vet bills too?

How do you know when your pet is trying to tell you their gut needs a little help? Look for these indicators:

● Loose stool

● Passing gas

● Gurgling tummy

● Vomiting

One other indicator is stool eating, known as Coprophagia. Yes, we may cringe at the idea of it, but it happens. Why? The simple reason is that the deposited stool hadn’t been fully digested and still has some “good stuff” left in it. Now, it’s important to note who’s eating the stool and who is depositing the stool being eaten – especially if you have more than one dog or cat. Actually, the pet that is depositing the stool that’s being eaten is the one with the issue, not necessarily the one that is eating the stool. Now, you should always treat both pets with probiotics to get their GI tracts healthy. When treated properly with a good probiotic, this habit will stop. Sorry for THAT visual!

What causes GI issues?

Basically, the bacteria in their gut is unbalanced, it’s as simple as that.

● It can be genetic

● It can be a dietary issue

o Or…combination of the two

● It can be environmental - something they’re getting into and eating outside

● If your pet takes antibiotics, they’ll likely have a loose stool, as antibiotics change the levels of the gut flora, allowing bad bacteria to grow

So let’s heal that gut with 4 simple solutions:

● Probiotics – beneficial microorganisms for GI health – known as the “good bacteria”

● Prebiotics – the long-chain sugars which feed the “good bacteria” (probiotics) to assist in probiotic growth

● Digestive Enzymes – help breakdown fats, proteins, starches and cellulose

● Amylase breaks down carbohydrates into basic starches - like sugars and sucrose

● Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids

● Cellulase breaks down cellulose

● Protease, Bromelain and Papain all break down protein

● Herbs – which soothe the gut

● Ginger – supports overall bowel health – it’s an antioxidant, and an anti-inflammatory

● Cinnamon – balances the sugar metabolism, and is an excellent antioxidant

● Licorice – is also an antioxidant and anti-spasmodic

How Much is Too Much When it Comes to Your Pet’s Weight?These days, it seems most of us are struggling with our own weig...

How Much is Too Much When it Comes to Your Pet’s Weight?

These days, it seems most of us are struggling with our own weight, and we humans aren’t the only ones caught up in the obesity epidemic. Unfortunately, dogs and cats are also in a pudgy predicament. Porky pups and tubby tabbies are more common than ever. In fact, a 2018 study showed that 56% of dogs and 60% of cats in the U.S. were either overweight or obese.1 But what is causing all of this weight gain, and what can we do about it?

Causes of Weight Gain in Pets
There are a number of factors at play…with play being one of them! Or not enough play, as the case may be. The quality and the amount of food we provide for our pets are both important to maintaining a healthy weight, along with regular exercise. It’s a delicate balance that’s definitely achievable when you understand what causes pet weight gain and how to remedy it.

To Treat or Not to Treat
Pet parents know it can be hard to say no when those soulful puppy dog eyes beg for just a bite of your sandwich, and rewarding good behavior with an extra treat just seems like the right thing to do. After all, making our pets happy makes us happy, too! Unfortunately, calories can add up fast in those furry little bodies and what seems like a little to us is actually a lot to them. Also, as our lifestyles have become more sedentary, our pets are following suit.
So, giving your pet healthy treats is great. Make sure he or she is getting plenty of exercise to burn off those extra calories.

Stress, Emotions & Overeating
A study cited in Psychology Today revealed that a pet’s mental and emotional state may contribute to overeating. Stress, anxiety, and time alone can induce habits of “stress eating.” To figure out if changes in your pet’s mood are instigating an overactive appetite, try keeping a journal of your household activities and routines while keeping an eye on your pet’s eating habits. With this information, your veterinarian can better assess why your pet may be gaining weight and will help them to offer appropriate solutions.
Are Some Dog Breeds More Prone to Weight Gain Than Others?
There are some dog breeds that are genetically prone to gaining excess weight. Breeds like Pugs, Dachshunds, Labrador Retrievers, Basset Hounds, Beagles, and English Bulldogs all tend to gain weight more easily. Even active breeds like German Shepherds, Boxers, and Collies may be more prone to obesity than other breeds.

Is Being Overweight Dangerous for Pets
Gaining a pound or two might not seem like much for us, but just one extra pound on a small dog is like 10 extra pounds for a person. As an example for larger dogs who are carrying a few extra pounds, a Golden Retriever that is 7 pounds overweight is the equivalent of an adult female who is 16 pounds overweight.
Pet obesity may take a toll on internal organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys. That extra weight can also put stress on the back and knee joints making walking, running, and jumping difficult. Joint pain, in turn, makes overweight pets less agile and interested in the exercise that will help them slim down.

Just How Much Should My Pet Weigh?
The average adult cat should weigh up to 10lbs. Of course, getting your kitty to sit still on your home bathroom scale may not be easy, so a proper vet visit may be necessary to get an accurate weight measurement.
Healthy weights for dogs can vary quite a bit. Factors that determine an ideal weight for dogs vary based on gender, age, breed and activity level. For a more detailed, customized weight estimation, try using the Healthy Weight Calculator at

The Simple Pet Weight Check Anyone Can Do
When dogs gain weight, they tend to swell around the sides, along with an increase in hip and neck girth. Cats tend to gain weight in the abdomen, with bulging sides and a hanging belly.
For cats and dogs, the weight evaluation process is similar. When your pet is standing up, simply look straight down on them. There should be a bit of a taper at the waist between the bottom rib and the hind legs.
If you don’t see any “hour-glass” definition here and the waist is actually wider than the ribs your pet is likely overweight. You shouldn’t be able to see your pet’s ribs, but you should be able to feel them as you run your hands along the sides of the torso.

Weight Loss Tips for Cats and Dogs
Keeping pets at a healthy weight should be the goal from an early age since it’s easier to stay fit than it is to lose weight. And just like with people, the older a pet gets the more difficult it is to shed those extra pounds. If you’ve determined that your pet is carrying too much weight, here are a few tips to help them get back into shape.

1. Don’t ‘free-feed’ – Keeping a bowl of food full and available at all times can inspire over-eating. Keeping your pet on a regular meal schedule can cut out between-meal snacking.

2. Measure food rations – Most pet food bags have detailed instructions on how much to feed your pet based on their weight. However, these are only guidelines. If your pet is overweight, you will need to reduce the amount. It’s best to consult your vet for the ideal amount of pet food for weight loss.

3. Increase exercise – Set aside at least 30-40 minutes of daily playtime for cats and dogs. Depending on your pet’s current condition, you may need to gradually increase activity as tolerated. For dogs, long walks in the park and a daily game of Go Fetch can help them lose weight and will also help strengthen your bond and improve emotional wellbeing. For cats, grab a few interactive toys and make time for nightly play, as cats are more active in the early evening hours.

4. Cut back on treats – Reward good behavior with kind words and cuddling rather than more calories from too many treats. Only 30 extra calories a day can cause a pet to gain three pounds or so over the course of one year. When you do offer treats, make sure they are wholesome, all-natural, and low-carb in nature.

5. Don’t feed pets “people food” – Our food isn’t necessarily good for our pets. Even if they beg, don’t encourage a habit of sharing your food with your pet. Dogs and cats have entirely different nutritional needs than we do, and many foods that are safe for humans can be harmful for our pets.

6. Choose the Healthiest Pet Food – Dog food and Cat Food made with real meat, no fillers, and no artificial flavors or colors, like the varieties available at, will provide the nutrients your pet needs and help reduce overeating. When your pet’s nutritional needs are being met, his appetite will decrease naturally.

Be Your Pets Super Hero With Superfoods!There are two types of nutrients when we talk about food. There are macronutrien...

Be Your Pets Super Hero With Superfoods!

There are two types of nutrients when we talk about food. There are macronutrients, which are proteins, carbohydrates and fats – the source of calories. Then there are micronutrients which are vitamins and minerals, all those little things that help your cells on a very micro level to function. These different types of vitamins and minerals, even though you only need them in very tiny amounts, help support immune function, and are vital to overall good health.

So what is Superfood?

Superfoods are nutrient-rich ‘whole foods’ that pack large doses of antioxidants, phytonutrients (nutrients derived from plants), and vitamins and minerals (the nutrients the body needs to function properly – to boost the immune system and promote cell and organ health). Anyone focused on making healthy choices at mealtime looks for ways to add some of these superfoods to their plates at every meal. We choose to add them to our diet because we know they will make a difference in our health and make us feel good. Studies actually show that ‘people’ who eat more superfoods are healthier than those who don't.

Well, the same goes for making healthy choices for our pets. Adding superfoods to their bowls at every meal helps to support their immune system and keeps them healthy from the inside out – at the cellular level, thereby helping them fight off diseases.

Our pets are 100% dependent upon their human to choose what gets put in their bowl to help them thrive and benefit from healthier choices. So who wouldn’t want to be their pet’s super hero by adding superfoods to every meal?

Of course, it would also help if you didn’t need the “powers” of a superhero to make them eat those healthy choices! At pawTree, we understand and have developed a line of superfood seasonings with 8 different fruits and vegetables (superfoods), a proprietary vitamin and mineral blend, and premium freeze-dried meat proteins they love and crave. Just a few shakes of one of our seasonings provide the superpowers of these 8 superfoods:

· Kale is a super healthy green. It’s a very good source of vitamin B6, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, iron, magnesium, vitamin B1, omega-3 fatty acids phosphorus, protein, folate, and niacin.
· Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and contain high amounts of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.
· Pumpkin is a very nutrient dense food. It’s a good source of Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol), Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Potassium, Copper and Manganese.
· Carrots are rich in beta-carotenes, and a very good source of Vitamin A, biotin, vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C
· Sweet Potatoes are a good source of Beta Carotene
· Cranberries and Blueberries are good sources of potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, and are loaded with antioxidants.
· Pomegranates are high in vitamins C and K, and polyphenols (antioxidants)

What difference will superfoods make in my pet’s health?
· Keep their skin and coat healthy
· Are good for their digestive tract
· Are helpful for their eyes
· Are beneficial to all of their organs
· Optimize your pet’s overall health

Why does my pet need Superfoods when I feed a quality food?
That’s a good question! When any food is processed, some of the nutritional goodness is lost through processing. Therefore, we need to supplement to get that goodness back into our diet. We as humans know that and take daily vitamins and minerals. It’s the same for our dogs and cats. It’s often difficult to get our pets to eat fruits and vegetables, but it’s not difficult to get them to eat these delicious seasonings! pawPairings Superfood Seasoning is an easy way for pet parents to ensure their pets eat well and feel well on a daily basis, by providing a boost of nutrition from vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

It’s the perfect topper for ANY pet food – wet or dry. And because it’s not the mainstay of their meal (you’re only sprinkling a little on top of their base diet), it won’t cause any tummy upset! So you can feed them a different variety at every meal – they’ll love it!

Lets chat if youd like to know more information! Ill get you our unique url!

Did you know that 1 in 3 dogs and cats suffer from anxiety? Learn what triggers pet anxiety, and how to help your pets d...

Did you know that 1 in 3 dogs and cats suffer from anxiety? Learn what triggers pet anxiety, and how to help your pets during stressful situations. There are lots of remedies out there -- what actually works? Learn how to keep them calm during stressful times!

Some of the most common causes are:
Anxiety from thunderstorms (noise and barometric pressure)
Fear of fireworks
Separation anxiety
Destructive behavior (frantic digging or scratching walls and tearing up furniture when left alone)
Boarding fearful pets
Motion sickness from travel
Trips to the vet or groomer
Anxiousness around strangers (parties, visitors, workers)
Dogs & Cats
Have no fear! Our holistic h**p chews naturally help lower the dog or cats anxiety level. They are safe and effective. NO more having to drug your pet when anxiety becomes too much!

Seasonal Allergies Aren’t Just for People About 10 to 15 percent of all dogs and cats have ‘atopic dermatitis’, also ref...

Seasonal Allergies Aren’t Just for People

About 10 to 15 percent of all dogs and cats have ‘atopic dermatitis’, also referred to as ‘seasonal allergies’. What this means is that your pet may simply have an allergy to something in their environment.

This can be roughly comparable to hay fever in humans, except that instead of a runny nose and sneezing, your dog or cat will itch.

As a general rule, if your pet is allergic to something inside your home they’ll tend to have year-round symptoms. If they’re reacting to something outdoors, it could very well be a seasonal problem.

Pets may be exposed to these allergens through breathing them in or exposure through the skin. The most common sites that atopic pets focus on are:
· their feet – licking or chewing
· their face – which they will rub against carpet or furniture
· their tummy, groin and “armpit” area

What are signs my pet has an allergy?
So what you would typically see is excessive itching or scratching, chewing their paws, biting their fur, or red spots known as ‘hot spots’ on their skin.

A hot spot is a condition which involves an area of the skin which has become inflamed and infected – it’s a bacterial infection. The affected skin often appears as a moist, oozing, reddened area that’s painful and very itchy to the pet. Hair loss may also be seen. Continued licking and chewing at the area by the pet worsens the condition dramatically. Anything that causes itchiness of the skin can lead to the development of hot spots on dogs and cats if you can’t get the itching under control.9

How can I help my pet get some relief?

A natural supplement rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids can reduce the severity of chronic dermatitis. It’s best to use one with a 13:1 ratio (Omega-3’s to Omega-6’s). This is a very good choice to help your pet feel good from the inside out.

To soothe your dog’s skin at the surface, use a blend of Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile and Aloe Vera that work synergistically to treat and ease the discomfort of environmental allergies, scrapes and scratches and other skin issues in dogs. This will provide gentle, natural and immediate relief of itchy or irritated skin, to help stop the “itch/scratch cycle”. NOTE: Tea Tree Oil is not to be used on cats due to their grooming habits, as they should not ingest it.

Supplement with herbs known to support the body’s normal ability to combat skin-related issues associated with food and seasonal allergies including: Raw Rehmannia Root, Scuttellaria, Plantago Seed, Alisma, Gardenia, Gentian, Licorice Root, Bupleurum, Jujube Seed, Angelica Root, Longan Fruit. This is an INCREDIBLE way to give them relief.

Use an ear cleaning system that both washes and dries your pet’s ears. It should contain a soothing mix of chamomile, yucca, clove oil and calendula which both controls odor and itching and soothes raw, red and greasy ears naturally.

Feed a good food, as a proper nutrition plan can be really effective in helping to fortify overall skin health.

Ear problems don't stink anymore!Having a Cocker Spaniel means ear cleaning is part of our routine. Most ear washes smel...

Ear problems don't stink anymore!

Having a Cocker Spaniel means ear cleaning is part of our routine. Most ear washes smell awful and would leave excess moisture in her ears. Using the ear wash and dry her ears now smell so good after they get cleaned and the dry removes any excess moisture remaining from the wash. Makes the ear cleaning process just a little more enjoyable!

Rebecca - May from Denver

Are Your Pet's Joints a Jumpin'? - Tips for Pet Joint Health Do you or someone you know take your dog to the dog park? H...

Are Your Pet's Joints a Jumpin'? - Tips for Pet Joint Health

Do you or someone you know take your dog to the dog park? How about taking your dog for a walk or a run? What about just playing with your dog or cat in the yard or in the house? I’ll bet you all know a lot of people who do these activities with their dogs and cats regularly…probably most pet parents -- every day! And why not? Part of being a pet parent is enjoying daily activities with our pets!

Well, in order for our dogs and cats to be able to participate and enjoy these activities, they need to feel good. That’s why joint health is critical for our pet’s quality of life.

Joint issues are one of the most commonly seen problems in vet clinics today. Unfortunately, as a result of the aging process and high levels of activity, many dogs and cats will face hip and joint issues and limited mobility during their lifetime. In fact, 1 in 5 dogs suffer from some kind of joint problems due to everyday activities. And about 1/3 of cats have joint issues by age 6, especially due to an epidemic of obesity in cats. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA) Pet Owners Survey, 55% of dogs today are given a supplement for joint health and mobility - especially medium and large-size dogs. So as you can see joint problems are an important issue with pet parents today, and there’s a lot of awareness of it out there.

Some Basics About Joint Health:
Your pet’s joints are composed of soft connective tissue, cartilage and joint fluid. Their role is to provide cushioning between bones to allow for normal movement. Cartilage contains nerve endings, and when cartilage breaks down and the surface becomes rough, the movement of the joint creates a firing of these nerve endings, which your pets know as pain. Joint fluid and cartilage are necessary to support joint and musculoskeletal health in dogs and cats. Over time, all of the nice viscous joint fluid that keeps your pet’s joints lubricated, tends to dissipate as part of the aging process.

Giving a daily supplement will actually help those joints maintain their state of lubrication and prevent them from rubbing and getting worn down. Though many people think this is a “big dog issue”, this really affects all dogs, small, medium and large – old and young; as well as all cats. A good joint supplement is necessary to help keep their joints healthy and keep our dogs and cats active and comfortable, because every dog and cat is going to have some loss of the natural lubrication in their joints as they age.

We need to supplement every day because our pets are active every day. There’s nothing we can do to prevent joint problems as our pets age, but we can slow them down. This is done by replenishing the building blocks for healthy joints every day to promote thicker joint fluid…as this fluid is broken down on a daily basis by hydrolyzing enzymes. That’s why it’s important to supplement each day to thicken the fluid again.

The food I feed has glucosamine in it…isn’t that enough to support healthy joints?
While some dog foods may contain glucosamine, it’s not nearly at the therapeutic level your pets need. It’s not necessarily that pet food companies don’t want to provide the higher, therapeutic levels, it’s just that it’s very expensive to do so.

What can I do to help my pets?
You can use a premium joint supplement. Be aware that most joint supplements out there only address the thickness or viscosity of the joint fluid but don’t address the role that soft tissue plays in joint health. A premium joint supplement will address both aspects.

For Dogs: Look for a premium joint supplement that uses a combination of these ingredients:

Glucosamine, Green-Lipped Mussel, Chondroitin and Hyaluronic Acid to promote thick viscous joint fluid to absorb concussion within the body or joint.

All of these are referred to as ‘GAGs’ or glycosamine-o-glycans, which promote healthy cartilage.

MSM (METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE), is an organic source of sulfer, that manages aches and discomfort associated with every day activity and helps reduce inflammation.

Herbs – Boswellia, Corydalis, Turmeric and Yucca to help to maintain joint, bone and supporting soft tissue health, while managing discomfort caused by normal everyday activities. These herbs cause immediate relief of discomfort – think of them as ‘natural pain relief’ as opposed to using pharmaceutical medications.

What about cats?
As mentioned, for cats it’s a similar story. About 1/3 of cats have joint issues by age 6, especially due to an epidemic of obese cats. How can you tell? Well, they’ll tend to walk with a limp, they’re more likely to be stiff and less active, and they won’t jump on the bed or window sill. Every cat needs joint help for everyday activities as well.

Do the same ingredients work for cats as dogs?
The difference between the dog and cat solutions is that the cat formula should not contain certain herbs, like Corydalis, as certain herbs aren’t good for cats. Other than that, look for the same combination of ingredients to provide a well-rounded solution for all of your cat’s joint care needs.

A final word…
Pet parents need to be proactive with their pets, and not wait until they show signs of discomfort. Don’t think of joint heath as a ‘big dog’ issue or an ‘older dog or cat’ issue, because it’s not. If your dog or cat is active at all (even just going for daily walks, running around the house, or jumping up or down on furniture), you should consider adding a joint supplement to your pets’ daily nutrition plan as a ‘preventative measure’ to ensure a fun, active, pain-free life for as long as possible.



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