My little rescue dog suddenly started to test me during her meal times. She is just making sure that the right individual has the job as the leader with all the responsibilities. I am constantly giving her the right signals, so that she can feel safe and calm at all times, without any responsibilities other than to warn me of potential danger, which she does through barking. When she barks and warns me, i thank her to start with.
I think it is very important to know that every dog will through out their lives test us, just to make sure we are still up for the job as the leader. When they test us, that does not mean that we have done something wrong, it just means that we are having a re-election, initiated by the pack. Our job is to prove to them that we are up for the job, so they can safely re-elect us as leaders. We have to be the leader, as they cannot go out to get food or pay the rent, all that is our job as leaders of our pack.
I think we, the people should also be able to initiate re-elections, when we want to question whether our leaders are incapable of leading us the right way.