Still Waters Equitation

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Still Waters Equitation Helping owner and horse connection through the rebalancing of body and mind. Training and Education for both owner and horse.

**Edited - I also could do the same thin in the general Salem area.  I will possibly be expanding my lesson program to t...

**Edited - I also could do the same thin in the general Salem area.

I will possibly be expanding my lesson program to the Estacada area every other Tues. Please pm me if you are interested in signing up for lessons/training/coaching. I love to help riders refine and lighten their riding, to find a deeper connection with their horses, and to help teach the rider how to recognize and adapt in a manner that improves their horses balance and energy.

Please check out my website for more about what I am offering.

Everyone needs a cheerleader who will also help expand your comfort zone.

From youngsters to semi retired horses... you do not have to show or compete in dressage, or even own dressage tack to benefit from classical dressage building blocks.

This year i wasnt going to do any inspections or keurings with Phoenix.   Knowing that he is a bit in an "in-between" st...

This year i wasnt going to do any inspections or keurings with Phoenix. Knowing that he is a bit in an "in-between" stage of life. Our club ended up hosting a Barock Pinto inspection so i figured it would be good practice and to hear judges opionions from a sporthorse perspective.

WOW. This was a FUN inspection! Jusdges were extremely personable and had very good constructive comments. Actually gave advice and looked at potential not only what was right there that day.

Phoenix was much better to handle this year (last year was a huge learning curve and made me question my life choices haha). He was nervous and excited and i could see him looking for ME any my instructions and comfort. He is starting to look to me for guidance (finally woohoo - don't judge, you don't know lol).

His performance for the judges was mediocre at best. I was really disappointed, not in him but the missed opportunity to show others what we've been working on so hard for the last 2 months. I figured we bombed it.

The judges saw so much of what I know is in him just waiting to blossom!

Im so proud of my boy and Phoenix is now a Star Stallion in the BPS studbook WITH a breeding license!


Pro pics coming soon! Next year's events will be something to bring our A-Game to. I love this horse...

*I still haven't found an outfit that will look as good at the end of an event a s it does in the beginning. Maybe the trick is buying 5 of the same thing and just changing every couple hours lol

Big thx to Cascadia Barock Pinto Horse Club for puting this even together. Everyone on our team was so busy and still worked their hinies off.

Also to Deanna Tomasso for all her hard work and handling of so many different horses... you deserve a vacation!

Congratulations to Joe Michielli and Kayla Michielli (im sure theyll make their own announcements soon) and to Julie Renne-Miller on her gorgeous stallion being approved and winning champion of the day... not to forget Michelle Haefer who rode an amazing demo for us and got lovely comments from the judge on riding so naturally!

Royce is officially listed for sale.  Stay tuned for a website update with available foals, breedings, etc.

Royce is officially listed for sale. Stay tuned for a website update with available foals, breedings, etc.

Carol will be here the 18th and 19thBarn address:30558 S. Cramer Rd, Molalla OR 97038**First driveway on S Cramer Rd wit...

Carol will be here the 18th and 19th

Barn address:
30558 S. Cramer Rd, Molalla OR 97038
**First driveway on S Cramer Rd with black gates. Barn is down the driveway

Auditors are welcome: $25/day
We can fit in one more ride on the 19th in the afternoon.

18th - 8am - 5pm - Lunch Q/A from 12-1pm.
19th - 8am - 3pm

Please PM me (personal page) with any questions as I don't get notifications right away for my business pages -

Sarah Orloff


Blue is the sweetest Paint (we think) ever. Hes a bit of a couch potato physically right now with all the beautiful grass but he tries pretty hard. His rider has been doing a wonderful job getting him into a program that will help keep him sound. I wasn't prepared for how smooth he was!

I dont really hop on other peoples horses often. My passion is to empower riders to train their own horses, but every now and again its worth it

I have room every other Thursday and a few random times every Thursday to add a few more lessons to my schedule.  I'd be...

I have room every other Thursday and a few random times every Thursday to add a few more lessons to my schedule. I'd be fine traveling to your barn if there were 2-3 people there (haul-in or boarders). In the general Molalla to Salem area (possibly other areas).

Here's my website with a lot of information about me and my education. Many references :)

Groundwork, trailering, in-hand work, PT, no specific discipline or tack needed. No gimmicks or "fast" training.

Experience with multiple disciplines - Whole Horse & Rider Education.


I hope your trainer doesn't give you what you want.

I DO hope your trainer gives you what you need, more importantly...what your horse needs.

There will always be someone willing to do it faster and flashier. There will always be someone willing to get you into the show ring on your time line instead of your horses. There will always be someone who will tell you only the things you want to hear. For the right price, there will always be someone.

I don't want that kind of someone...not for me and not for you all either.

So, choose your someone carefully.

Choose someone who values their process enough that they can't be swayed from it by demands and dollars. They know where they've been, where they're going and all of the things they've learned between. They put your horse first and show you the value in work that is centered around what the horse needs. They are your biggest supporter while remaining honest and realistic about what it takes to achieve your goals. The only promise they make, is that your horse will get better...and you will too. You pay them but at the same time, who they are at their core can't be bought. They live their truth each day, honest and humble.

That type of someone is priceless...

- Tarra, Concinnity Farms

**UPDATE**  EveryoneWe will be having a Q&A session at noon on Sat the 18th (lunch hour).  PLEASE PM me any specific que...

**UPDATE** Everyone
We will be having a Q&A session at noon on Sat the 18th (lunch hour). PLEASE PM me any specific questions you think would be great to have answered, I'll put the list together the week before the clinic for Carol.

Last Carol McArdle Clinic until early winter time!!
May 18th and 19th

The venue is in Molalla, OR at Debbie Lovings gorgeous facility.

$25/day to audit
Stalls are $15/day (including bedding)

50% Deposits are due April 10th (or earlier if you want to secure a specific time). Balance is due May 10th.

We have 4 ride times left at this time.
Please PM me or text 971-240-7987 (TEXT only please).


People often ask me about lunging and groundwork. For me personally, if it doesnt have to do with correcting a dangerous problem, it NEEDS to be something that will mean something important to the horse. It needs to be something that benefits its mind and body. It also should be something that will mean something later when under saddle.

Here is just one of those exercises. You dont need cones, but for the purposes of teaching it to someone who is new to it, they really help.

These specific movements benefit the entire neck (especially the lower Cervical) and the shoulder girdle. They also benefit the entire back, ribcage, and pelvis but for the sake of keeping things simple, we are focusing on the shoulders.

There is a LOT of moving parts. The handler needs to find their space, center, timing, and feel. They also have to have a clear understanding of what they are asking the horse to do, if we dont understand the purpose, it will not be as useful. The horse needs to accept being led in a new way, needs to relax, needs to slowdown (balance), and needs to find a rhythm with the handler. As they get better, only their bodies energy and intention will be needed to "dance" around the entire arena doing whatever patterns and movements they want.

Not only does this bring the pair into a soft "feeling" state, it also prepares the body to be physically available for self carriage. After you get the hang of it, its really quite fun. We also can then teach them how to do this with a bridle and then under saddle - this is how you build an educated horse amd rider on one exercise. From the ground to high levels under saddle. Imagine that much layering if applied to everything we teach ourselves and our horses.

With this exercise, you can evolve into shoulder-in/out, sidepass, leg yield, renvers (haunches out), travers (haunches in), half pass, and pirouette. The neck and shoulders can be maneuvered in a lesser or greater degree depending on what benefits each horse in each moment.

These are beautiful examples of how it would look in the beginning stages of learning.

Tonights Lecture with Carol will be moved slightly later. Instead of 4pm, we will start around 4:15.You wont want to mis...

Tonights Lecture with Carol will be moved slightly later. Instead of 4pm, we will start around 4:15.

You wont want to miss it!

$25 to join in.

Beautiful sunset before Carol Lynn Mc Ardle arrives.  Its going to be a wonderful clinic!

Beautiful sunset before Carol Lynn Mc Ardle arrives. Its going to be a wonderful clinic!


Empowering another horsewoman... it's where its at for me!

UPDATE: Clinic detailsVenue address:  30558 S Cramer Rd, Molalla, OR 97038GPS will sometimes take you to the neighbors. ...

UPDATE: Clinic details

Venue address: 30558 S Cramer Rd, Molalla, OR 97038

GPS will sometimes take you to the neighbors. From Molalla take Toliver Rd (west), then take the first right onto S Cramer Rd. The barn is the first driveway on the right. Pull through the gates and drive to the barn at the end of the driveway.

Auditors: fees are due upon arrival (Cash, Venmo, Zelle preferred). You are welcome to pay in advance for any days you want to audit.

PLEASE PM me if you would like to join in for Sat eve so I can have a proper head count.

Fri - 8am - 4pm (5pm ride available)

Sat - 8am - 3pm / Lecture Night 4:00pm - 6:30pm

Sun - 8am - 3pm (4pm / 5pm rides available)

Auditing is $25/day Due upon arrival.

Bring your own chairs and blankets. Videoing rides is only allowed with the permission of the rider.

The time is almost here!!! Carol Lynn McArdle will be here Feb 23rd, - 25th. There are still a couple riding spots available.

We are also happy to announce that we can put on another LECTURE NIGHT on Sat eve!!! October Lecture Night was super fun and informative. Carol has a wonderful way of teaching the small details in such a simplistic way. Her wealth of knowledge, international equine experiences, and classical approach is a gift to our equine community.

Sat Feb 24th, 4:00pm - 6:30pm
The fee is $25 (waived if you paid to audit during the day).
*bring your own chairs - snacks/drinks are donation-based.

We all know how boring warming up can be.  Here ate a couple of things you can do to get more use out of your warm up.  ...

We all know how boring warming up can be. Here ate a couple of things you can do to get more use out of your warm up. There is a LOT more than this and many useful things to do with your horse (on and off).

Hope you enjoy.

I'm finally getting around to editing videos from the Oct clinic with Carol.  This one is Part 1 of our Lecture Night!! ...

I'm finally getting around to editing videos from the Oct clinic with Carol. This one is Part 1 of our Lecture Night!! Was really fun.

In this lecture, we decided to see where the conversation took us. It was really nice to interact and absorb great information from such a wonderful teacher and human!

Please feel free to share this post/video. Follow / Subscribe for updates and more information.
**let me know if the link is working.


We are so blessed to have Carol Lynn McArdle back here Feb 23rd - 25th. If you missed out on her last clinic, you will not want to miss out again!! Limited riding spots.

The clinic venue is in Molalla, OR off Toliver Rd.

Rides are $200/ride
Auditing is $25/day (please RSVP with me)
Stalls are $15/day

I have a few more spots available:
Fri/Sat/Sun - 7am, 9am, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm

As is standard, half your total $$ is required to reserve your ride spots. This deposit is NON non-refundable as there are many expenses paid for ahead of time to secure our Clinician (as is standard). The remainder of your balance is due BY Feb 15th.

IF you need (need) a spot that is not listed here, please PM me.
Please PM for more information or requirements.

I can't believe it's only been 4 years since I leased this mare.  MAN!!!  What a treat she was to ride.  I wish we would...

I can't believe it's only been 4 years since I leased this mare. MAN!!! What a treat she was to ride. I wish we would have gotten some of her cantering on video too.

Such a fine mare. So sensitive and deep thinker. Love her responsiveness to the aids. Just a quick snapshot into some fun work with her.MoSa Ranch Training, ...

I've been giving lessons out of Tamarind Ranch LLC in Oregon City (near Redland Station).  I will be expanding to every ...

I've been giving lessons out of Tamarind Ranch LLC in Oregon City (near Redland Station).

I will be expanding to every Tuesday and have room in the schedule for 1-2 people Tamarind does allow haul-ins.

Any discipline is welcome as my focus is on Straightness, Mental/Emotional/Physical Balance, Educating and Empowering owners/riders. Building connection and clarity between horse and rider.

My passion is Dressage in the French traditions, this foundational work is key in keeping your horse sound and happy no matter the type of riding you enjoy.



Carol McArdle Clinic DatesThese dates might be subject to change and I will only be confirming 3 days that have the most...

Carol McArdle Clinic Dates

These dates might be subject to change and I will only be confirming 3 days that have the most commitments.

Locations are not confirmed. We have a Molalla option with several nice stalls available and a larger turnaround as well as a Lebanon/Lacomb location possibly in the works... Also Stayton.

Feel free to PM me about location, distances, and commitments. I try to keep the drive time within 2 hours of all the riders.

Price per ride will be $180-$200

Thurs 22nd, Fri 23rd, Sat 24th, Sun 25th

Thurs 16th, Fri 17th, Sat 18th, Sun 19th

Lucy went on her very first trail ride.  Oliver was VERY excited and even with all of his energy she was a good girl.  S...

Lucy went on her very first trail ride. Oliver was VERY excited and even with all of his energy she was a good girl. She learned how to pace herself and stride out, pick up her feet, and this girl is NOT spooky! She didn't bat an eyelash at anything. Just wanted to GO!

My time is so limited that Levi has stepped up and offered to help out with her. He's almost 15 and said she's fun and easy. This girl is a 100% amature friendly horse. She's green and full of potential. She will be listed for sale soon.

*idk why they both look so long through my lense.

Wonderful clinic with Carol Lynn McArdle. Always something learned, something understood in much depth and happy horses!...

Wonderful clinic with Carol Lynn McArdle. Always something learned, something understood in much depth and happy horses! I will be aiming to host her again, ideally this winter and then again in the spring. Please let me know if you have any questions please PM me if youd like to commit to a spot.

Thank you Heather Humelbaugh for the use of your lovely facility.

I do have short videos of some of the rides. Ill be contacting you for permissions to post short educational videos for Carol (she will also be approving them as well).

Please - if you used a stall, please get your balances squared up with Heather. Same for auditors (pay me directly).


If you arent here for Carols lecture you are missing out....

If you arent here for Carols lecture you are missing out....

ANOTHER interview with Carol McArdle.  "The Language of the Aids"Carol will be in Stayton, OR Oct 20-22nd.  We do have a...

ANOTHER interview with Carol McArdle.

"The Language of the Aids"

Carol will be in Stayton, OR Oct 20-22nd. We do have a spot or 2 available for rides and there's no limitation to the number of Auditors.

Fri evening you are invited to gather around 6:45 to fill your plates with some goodies and around 7Pm we will begin Carol's lecture. Topics are being decided, so please let us know if you have any.

Auditing is $25/per day or $60 for all 3. The lecture is $25 (if you audited that day it's free). Rides are $180/ride.

Please share this video as we would like to spread the word and all of Carol's great information.

Time for another Interview with Carol Lynn McArdle!!This one was fun.  Talking about all horses benefiting from dressage...

Time for another Interview with Carol Lynn McArdle!!

This one was fun. Talking about all horses benefiting from dressage, treating all horses as individuals. Please share... Carol is a wonderful teacher, full of wisdom that she happily passes along.

Carol will be in Stayton, OR, Oct 20th - 22nd to teach. PM me if you are interested in a ride spot or auditing!

Here's the link:

Here we are going over why dressage is important for EVERY horse, every breed, every conformation, and every discipline.You do not have to "do" competitive d...

YAY!!  Just got this video done last night. video's topic is "BALANCE".  Carol and I go ...

YAY!! Just got this video done last night.

This video's topic is "BALANCE". Carol and I go over her knowledge of balance. It is a good one and I think there are several gold nuggets in there for anyone listening.

Please share this video on your social media and with your friends. Also, Carol will be here in Stayton, OR at Heather Humelbaugh barn to teach for 3 days (please contact ME for more info).

Oct 2oth - 22nd. There are still a couple riding spots available.
Friday evening the barn will be having a charcuterie board (and other goodies) Lecture with Q&A afterward. It's going to be so fun and we really want to share Carol and her knowledge with others. Carol is VERY accomplished (internationally in several disciplines) and now teaches dressage classically with a strong French undertone.

Here is the link to the second video in this series. Carol Clinics all over the country by word of mouth - so let's share the heck out of these =)

Good morning everyone!!  I'm so excited to share these with you.  For the last 2 years I have been wanting to sit down w...

Good morning everyone!! I'm so excited to share these with you. For the last 2 years I have been wanting to sit down with classically based trainers for interviews and post them as videos. I am finally making the time to do so and am starting with Carol Lynn McArdle.

We try to stay on topic (sometimes that's hard lol). We are also trying to keep things simple and light. IF there are ANY topics you would like to cover, please PM me and we will do it.

Carol will be in Stayton Oct 20th - 22nd at Heather Humelbaugh barn. Friday evening the barn will be having a charcuterie board (and other goodies) Lecture with Q&A afterward. It's going to be so fun and we really want to share Carol and her knowledge with others. Carol is VERY accomplished (internationally in several disciplines) and now teaches dressage classically with a strong French undertone.

Enjoy this first video - more to come soon!!

Please share this video with anyone you know who might be interested in a fresh perspective and insight into their horsemanship.

Our next video will cover "BALANCE". This one was fun to make so keep your eye open for it. Follow this page for notifications.



Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday 06:00 - 20:00
Friday 06:00 - 20:00
Saturday 06:00 - 20:00


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Little about what makes me tick...

Bringing horses and their owners together is a passion of mine. Helping the horse to be balanced Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually is something I strive for everyday. To help owners see, understand, communicate and be able to help their horse with this delicate balance is one of the KEY elements in the formula for success. To carry a high standard in oneself, while being open to new concepts and ideas will help not only your horse but yourself. By using a wide variety of “tools”, I am able to design a plan specific to your horses needs. Maybe he has an injury that makes it hard for him to be supple. Maybe he is recovering from ill-fitting tack or sore hooves and needs to relearn correct muscle memory. Maybe he is young and doesn’t understand how to move in a manner that will keep him sound and healthy longer. Maybe you are feeling there is something missing in your partnership. Maybe your steed has lost interest in the work and you feel him tuning out. I use my background, studies, and schooling in Equine Sports Massage Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupressure, Equine Bio mechanics, Barefoot Trimming Restoration, TSR (Therapeutic Stretch & Release), Equine Behavior studies, Energy work, French and Portuguese Classical Dressage, Natural Horsemanship, and now adding my journey with Straightness Training (in hand, under saddle and liberty). I look forward to meeting you and your horses, to helping you in your journey together and being part of what helps you connect and shine together. I also will have my website up soon with lots of articles and case studies to share. Sharing the process (which includes set backs and redirects) and not only the final product is a high priority to me as well as ongoing education. Thank you for Liking my page, and supporting my own journey.

Sarah Orloff ~ Still Waters Equitation