Small Business Networking Opportunity!
Goodafternoon Pristine Pooches Community, just a quick appreciation post aswell as seeking local pet based businesses, and/or a local pet related charity to connect and work with.
For those whom we haven't met, Pristine Pooches provides quality, affordable, regular mobile dog-washing services to our community. Thanks to your incredible support, we’re now in a position to expand and give back to the community that’s helped us grow.
I’d love to connect with and support other local pooch related businesses, whether you specialize in dog treats, shampoos, dog walking, or grooming we'd love to hear from you! We’re particularly interested in finding a reliable, friendly groomer to whom we can refer excess clients.
Additionally, I’m eager to connect with anyone involved in local pet charities. I’d love to explore the possibility of organising regular donations or free washes to pup's in shelters(insurance permitting). If you have any ideas or know of a great charity we could work with, please reach out!
Thank you all for your continued support over the past two years. I’m excited to continue contributing to the positive growth of our community and to making our dreams a reality together.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Evan | Pristine Pooches