If you want to buy a dog and walk away, don’t buy one from me.
If you want to pick a puppy because it came to you when you sat down or gave you a cute look, don’t buy one from me.
If you don’t want to take my recommendations on what food to feed or what is best for the health and well-being of the dog, after years of experience, don’t buy a dog from me.
If you want a puppy in a hurry, because you need it for a Christmas gift or to be in senior pictures, don’t buy one from me.
If you never plan to update me on how the dog is doing, or send a picture once in a while, don’t buy a dog from me.
If you want a dog to live in the backyard, run loose on a farm, and never share time in the house with your family, definitely don’t buy a dog from me.
If you want a lawn ornament, you can buy one made of cement or plaster, not much care needed.
However, if you want a puppy that has parents with health testing, that was socialized, loved, and made a priority from the day it was born. A puppy who’s temperament and activity level has been carefully chosen to fit your lifestyle. A puppy selectively and purposefully bred to the standard set forth by our breed club, then maybe you do want to buy a dog from me.
If you want a breeder who will at any time in the dogs life take them back, no questions asked. A breeder who is there 24/7 for you and your dog for questions and concerns and will work hard to help you resolve any issues. Then you might want to buy a dog from me.
If you want a breeder who loves each puppy/dog with all their heart, considers you part of the family and will laugh or cry with you at any time. Well then, we might be a match.
Reputable breeders should never be lumped in with puppy mills, backyard breeders, or those who broker dogs. A reputable breeder will be able to provide clearances, a five-generation pedigree, an explanation as to why they bred the two dogs. While most of the time they will make little or no money. What money they might get is reinvested into the dogs one way or another.
A reputable breeder knows their dogs and can realistically tell you what to expect and when to guide you toward veterinarians, training facilities, and products that will benefit your dog.
A reputable breeder will be your friend, a guiding hand, and a strong shoulder.
So whatever choice you make, make it with the best interest of the dog in mind and if that’s not your plan, then don’t buy a dog from me.
- Author unknown, but I'm sure most ethical, reputable, preservationist breeders feel the same. Please feel free to re-post, I did.