Here are the differences on how eggs are classified as…
Conventional Eggs
Conventional eggs Hens that lay conventional eggs are housed inside climate-controlled barns in stacked rows of cages. Inside of the cages, birds are given continual access to water and food. However, each bird is only given a small amount of space to live in, approximately the size of a sheet of paper. The chances of conventional eggs carrying salmonella bacteria is 7 times higher than cage-free eggs. that these birds are also fed poor quality feed that often contains antibiotics and hormones.
Cage-free Eggs
Chickens freely roam a building, room, or enclosed area with unlimited access to food and fresh water during their production cycle. In comparison, conventional cages are about the size of a piece of paper, it's certainly a step up from conventionally raised hens.
Free-Range Eggs
Brown eggs do not mean organic eggs. Free-range eggs aren't necessarily organic, as they do not need to be fed organic feed. Free-range eggs come from chickens that have some access to a small fenced outdoor area. Chickens have access outdoors and indoors.
Pasture-Raised Eggs
Pasture-raised is like free range the hens can access outdoors. It means that each hen was given 108 square feet (about the area of an apartment bedroom) of outdoor space, as well as barn space indoors. It can be a more humane way of raising hens.
Organic Eggs
Organic eggs must come from chickens that are fed only organic feed free of animal by-products, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or chemical additives. These chickens must not be given any antibiotics or hormones either. Organic eggs must be laid by 100% free-range, cage-free chickens, able to freely enjoy the outdoors. It contains more nutrients. In fact, you can see the nutritional difference between a conventional and organic egg simply by comparing their yolks. Organic eggs will almost always have a richer, orange color that will taste so much fresher than conventional eggs.