Breeders of Basset Hound
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Amélie St-Jean & Alain Lemieux
Basset Hound dog breeders
His history
The Basset Hound is one of the common dogs even if they have very short legs and do not go very fast. The goal of the French monks was to develop a type of hunting dog that could run after game but that the hunter could follow on foot. The English continued to deepen the breed and then the first Basset Hounds arrived in America towards the end of the 19th century. The goal of shortening the legs was to get them as close to the ground as possible so they could better follow a trail. The length of the ears also helps them bring odors back to the nose and maintain their tracking rate. Officially,the Basset Hound can be used for hunting foxes, raccoons, squirrels, scaring away rabbits, partridges and pheasants, following game blood trails to follow hunters but most act as pets .
His character
Basset Hounds are dogs that adapt very well to family life. The Basset Hound is calm and poised; he can very well live in an apartment or in a house with several children. Its bark is powerful and deep, amazing for its size. They are quite independent and self-sufficient dogs; when they are well educated, they are very obedient, as in all other breeds. Although still looking sad and exhausted, they are players at heart and are always in a good mood!
His flair
The Basset's sense of smell is extremely well developed; one of the best in the canine kingdom. He is a born tracker; it can trace odors of several days, however weak they may be. The desire to flee by following a trail is therefore innate in him; his nose will always prevail over his master's voice. Many have categorized him as "stubborn" but the master must be aware that the Basset Hound is basically a hunting dog and even when trying to make him a lap dog, his instincts guide him as far as his nose will sniff. some things. It is very important to keep it on a leash or in a fenced area to avoid losing our companion. This is how his greatest quality, his sense of smell, can be perceived as a major flaw!
His allure
The Basset Hound has a short, smooth coat. He has a lot of loose skin and creases in his neck and on his legs. There are two types of colors: the Tricolores (black, fire and white) and the Bicolores (lemon and white). The choice of color is personal; they are very beautiful in both cases. He always looks sad and must have a pointed skull with long, floppy ears set below the eye line. Even at 2 months, your Basset Hound will already have a lot of skin, folds on the legs, a big frame, be low to the ground (sitting, he touches the ground up to the chest), straight limbs (the front legs should not not open outward too much). They are very funny and clumsy at a young age. For sure, you will not go unnoticed with a real Basset Hound; people find them either adorable or very comical with their heavy gaits and short legs.
His size
Their adult weight should be between 50 and 70 lbs; Excess weight could harm the health of your Basset Hound since all this excess would strain his spine and joints. He is massive and strong, stocky and muscular. It should not exceed 38 cm at the withers (top of the shoulder). They should have short legs with a strong bone structure. The back is broad and the chest is powerful. The head high and well defined with a tail straight and carried upwards. There are different lineages in the world; it's all in taste and preferences.
His development
Your puppy will need to be fed high quality food to ensure that he stays healthy; we can give you all the necessary advice so that everything goes well, especially in the first year of life. We can direct you to the types of kibble or raw ration (depending on your choice) that will best suit your dog. The diet thereafter must be adapted to your lifestyle: if you are athletic and go out for walks several times a week with your Basset Hound, you will need to feed it with a richer ration. If you don't have much time for outdoor activities, it would be better to go with a lower fat diet. Always keep an eye on your dog's body condition; Obesity in Basset Hounds is common and this can affect their general health but also their joints. In addition, during its growth (at least the first year), it would be preferable that your puppy does not have too many stairs to climb but especially to descend; a gallery is sufficient, keep your Basset Hound on the ground floor if possible. If they have to cross more than one floor several times a day, the ideal would be to take your puppy in your arms; the disadvantage is that it will quickly become very heavy and difficult to carry...
His training
Potty-wise, the Basset Hound is no more picky than other breeds. By making him sleep in a small place (we prioritize the enclosure to the crate), your puppy will get used to holding back. It is necessary to avoid arguing over it when the evil is done in the house; better catch him in the act and send him out immediately. A reward when going outside for necessities is a great reinforcer even if he hasn't done anything; he will enjoy going outside. As the Basset Hound has a lot of skin on its neck, avoid collars; rather use a martingale collar or a choke and put it on only when he goes outside accompanied, he will learn very quickly not to pull and to walk quietly at your feet and you will prevent him from removing his head from the collar and finding a track to feel. The Basset Hound is not a dog used in obedience; he has a very independent and autonomous attitude. The Basset is not necessarily boring; if you work all week, he will wait patiently for you and we can give you various tips to spend his time in a good way. However, when he's taking his usual nap and you call him, it's possible he won't even open an eye!
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