Today we said bye to our sweet Marvin. Him and his twin have always been known as ”the babies” even at 3 years old, they never outgrew being the babies. He was such a sweet boy and him and his twin brother have been attached at the hip since day one, it was hard to find a picture without them both together. Unfortunately he broke his hip and our local vet was not able to perform the surgery that would have been needed. Our only option would have been to take him several hours away to the college hospital down in Oregon but even then they were very unsure on the quality of life after surgery and with it being the hip that was broken amputation wouldn’t have been a great option either. For his quality of life we made a VERY hard decision to say goodbye and let him go over the rainbow bridge. His brother has called out for him off and on but seems to be occupied with the other goats. It’s always hard to say bye to our animals but when it’s unexpected and they’re so young it’s a little harder 😞