So you may be experiencing some issues with the relationship between you and your dog, behavioural concerns that are making life tricky, or literally anything else dog-related.
Who do you turn to?
Why them?
It's a pretty important decision.
Qualified Behaviouralist?
Hobby trainer?
Social media icon?
At K9 Command when people request assistance, we consider a lot of decisions and developing what is best for both the owner and the dog.
❌Are we going to rev up an 18 month old German Shepherd, with an owner that is elderly and lacks significant strength?
❌Are we going to put a dog that prefers being a couch potato through obedience competition training?
It's about expectations, yeah?
Let's achieve your goals and have a good, solid plan of how we will achieve it short-term, mid-term and long-term.
The wins along the way are what we enjoy the most!
✅The owner having hope again in their daily outings
✅The owner feeling in control and ready to tackle obstacles
✅Watching the dog learn through mistakes and achieving foundation structures
✅The first time the dog pays no attention to the "thing" they were fixated on or troubled by
✅No restrictions to where the owner takes the dog anymore
✅Lower feelings of fear that the dog might do something to another person/dog
And overall, the feeling of hell that owners once lived with - coming to an end.💯
Choose the people you turn to wisely, and question methods/techniques/tools they use. Educate yourself as much as you can too.
❓Will this improve the behaviour I'm addressing?
❓What are the results looking like?
❓Is there a timeline to progress?
❓Is there any evidence that this has worked with a case like yours?
Know that somebody (or heaps of somebodies) are reading this and feeling terrible, because they've tried EVERYTHING and NONE OF IT WORKED IN THE END. And then they found someone that helped them, loaded them with the knowledge on how to keep going forward and lives have been changed since.
If you have any questions about anything, or want to organise a consultation, pop a message through to us 👌
📸 Mrs.K9 Command and the boys