Basset Hound puppies available near me
Our puppies are more than pets. They're Family!
Who We Are...
My name is Jennifer Puhl, wife to Damian Moore and all throughout my life, all I envisioned for myself was having a family of my own and working with animals. I have taken care of children and animals for as long as I can remember. So, growing up I would babysit children and rescue every animal that lived outside, up to and including the squirrels 🙂 We had even taught some squirrels to eat out of our hands. The passion grew more intense and developed as I got older. When I turned 17 I began working at a pet store and than for a veterinarian at the age of 19. I worked there until I became pregnant with my first child. It was then when I witnessed a dog get put to sleep because her tumors were so severe they ruptured. I cried so hard they sent me outside so I would not be seen or heard by the grieving family. It was at that moment I knew I wanted to be more involved with the beginning of life and less involved in the end of life in animal care. Some people have it and some people don’t. But it seemed that no matter what type of care or rescue I’d give to an animal, death was always going to be a part of it. It was a very hard lesson for me in life since I have always been overly sensitive.
Years later I have become a lot stronger. I had worked a lot in rescue and rehabilitation of animals since my younger 20’s. And during that time we had rescued 4 basset hounds that were in such great need, I had to bring help in to assist in removing fleas off of them that would have grossed just about anyone out. They were malnourished and in great need of extra love and care. It was the first experience I had ever had with the basset hound breed. But my love and admiration of basset hounds didn’t even begin there. It wasn’t until 2014 when I told my father I really wanted to get into dog breeding but wasn’t sure the breed. He remembered a good ole basset hound from back when he was a younger lad. He must have talked about that dog for hours. It was then we had decided that basset hounds was going to be our breed. All we needed now was to learn everything there was to know about them and more. lol Sound easy enough? Not really. There is a ton of information out there about breeding and also about the basset hound. And there began my search for information and our very first basset hound puppy.
In the spring of 2015, we had gotten our first basset hound sisters, Katie and Bella. And a few months later, we found Rufus. Even after, we got them I was scared about going back into breeding. I wasn’t sure I was ready for the responsibility, demands on our schedule, or even if we had enough knowledge. But life isn’t worth living without taking that leap. And as we watched them grow and morph into the amazing dogs we ALL have come to love and enjoy my absolute admiration for the breed began. We now have several basset hounds that we care for and no, not all of them are breeders. But, I have dove right into learning all that I can about breeding, and about the basset hound breed; that I have myself, became a breeding mentor to other new breeders. It is with the combined love and passion we share for our babies that truly bonds most of us together. And in the end, our shared knowledge that we have learned can benefit other breeders and their babies. And for that reason, I continue to be the absolute best role model I can be for others and also to provide the absolute best puppies a breeder can offer. For I truly believe you can have a dog from the best quality stock and without love and passion you wind up with just another puppy thirsty for love and attention. I have seen it so many times with breeders. They get two gorgeous dogs and breed them and the result is horrendous. Puppies look malnourished, almost sickly and badly needing the basics of care. So, with that said I continue to reach out to fellow breeders and help them obtain the knowledge needed to go forward in their quality of care that is administered to their puppies. Life couldn’t be better. Basset Hounds are just an absolutely amazing dog breed. I cannot imagine my life without them.
What We Do...
Blue Ridge Basset Hounds was founded in 2015. And although we are a fairly younger breeding kennel, we are quite experienced in all things basset hound. We could not love this breed anymore than we already do. We are located in Taylors, SC which is nestled in between Greenville and Spartanburg. We provide more services than any other breeder out there. And that’s a promise. At Blue Ridge Basset Hounds; Our bassets are more than pets. They’re Family!
Basset Hound puppies available near me
Our puppies are more than pets. They're Family!
We do more than provide families with just another puppy. We have carefully selected bassets that fit the size, build, health, temperament and confirmation that we want to see in our puppies. Once we find what we are looking for, we closely watch them as they grow to make sure they develop properly and without health issues. Each one of our chosen bassets receive thorough health screening and a full physical to make sure they continue to pass our expectations. We want to make sure they will produce the absolute best quality puppy for your family.
Once a litter of puppies are born, we look for traits which are conducive to a career that demands excellence in ability and temperament. We provide very precise testing and early development training to separate those that will make good hunting dogs, medical therapy dogs, or the absolute best companion that they can be. We provide early learning and development through enriched playtime and capture those key opportunities to help them develop emotionally, socially, and physically from the moment they are born. This is done through exposure to a variety of activities and exercises that are necessary to enable an optimal learning structure and experience.
We ensure that the puppies are given the right balance of stimulation, play and rest so they enjoy learning and never feel overwhelmed. We provide structured schedules, safe play and learning and alter it based on each individual puppies developmental timelines.
We believe that a quality basset hound is not only found through careful breeding but also in early development training. So, if you are looking for a puppy that not only meets your expectations but surpasses them then you're at the right place,where we take the time with each one of our amazing puppies to make sure they are emotionally healthy, well socialized and physically fit. When you bring them home they will be ready for just about anything in whatever direction or adventure life may take them.
Jennifer Puhl – Owner
In charge of puppy care, marketing, customer service, and everything in between. Website Designer. 😉
Damian Moore – Owner
In charge of kennel care, building our outdoor projects including puppy play yard and more.
About Basset Hounds
Breed Characteristics
Adapts well to apartment living
Good for novice owners (new to basset breed)
Sensitivity Level
Tolerates being alone
Tolerates cold weather
Tolerates hot weather
Kid Friendly
Dog Friendly
Stranger Friendly
Cat Friendly
Health and Grooming
Grooming Requirements
Easy to Groom
General Health
Potential for weight gain
Expensive Breed in General
Easy to Train
Prey Drive
Barking and Howling
Potential to Wander
Energy Level as a puppy thru young adult
Energy Level as an older dog
Exercise Needs
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Our Parents
Our Amazing Females
Our Amazing Males
We have some of the most amazing basset hounds here….
Just Take a Look For Yourself.
American Females
European Females
American Males
European Males
Our Females
Our Males
Puppies, Puppies, and More Puppies
Available Puppies
First Read over Our 100% Guarantee and how we cover your new puppy.
Read our Puppy Contract and learn how we cover your new puppy. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. Just READ Through the contract, read it thoroughly, and once you decide you wish to work with us then you can sign it and return it to us at the address.
Pick the mother that you would like a puppy from and decide on a boy or girl puppy. Once you have decided the gender of puppy you want from your chosen mama you are ready to place your holding fee. This holding fee locks in your pick for that chosen litter for your chosen gender. Each pick spot is determined in the order of which your holding fee was received.
You will make your holding fee in the amount of $500 plus 4% payment fee via PayPal, Zelle, or Visa gift cards.
when your payment is sent and we will let you know what spot you locked in at the time your deposit was received. Once your puppy litter has been born you will have a variety of pictures to chose from when its your turn and you must choose your puppy as quickly as possible. This allows us to move on to the next family for their pick. Once you pick your puppy, you must let me know your choice of puppy and also payment method, if you will need shipping, delivery or if you will be picking your puppy up when he/she is ready. And your second half of deposit will also be due at this time. We offer 3 payment methods. a) deposit due by the time puppy is born, and balance due within 2 weeks. b) deposit is due by the time puppy is born and remaining balance paid in weekly payments until balance is paid in full. c) deposit is paid by the time puppy is born and remaining balance paid in biweekly payments until puppy is paid in full. Please note, all puppies MUST be paid in full by the time they reach 12 weeks old.
Puppies can be picked up around the age of 12 weeks old. It is YOUR responsibility to schedule your pick up appointment. Each family is scheduled with enough time in between appointments to not overlap with another family. We fully believe in giving each family their private time with me so you can feel comfortable to ask me questions or concerns. Please remember to bring your $50 with you for paperwork fee when you pick up your puppy. We provide your puppy his/her microchip for free with the understanding you pay for their paperwork fees due to AKC and AKC Reunite. We do the paperwork for you to save you $25. We also provide you an AKC litter certificate free of charge.
If at any time you have any questions or concerns, drop your comments or message us on FB
Thank you so much for your interest in obtaining a basset hound from our breeding program. We look forward to working with you in providing you the absolute best puppy out there.
Our Basset Hounds are more than pets. They're Family!
Breeding Program
Are you looking for the absolute best puppy for your family. Look no further! We invest the love, passion and training into each individual puppy to ensure the best puppy for you.
Pet Transportation Services
Are you looking for pet transportation and you don’t know where to begin to look? We arrange hassle-free transportation service. Don’t stress for one more second.
Rehoming Services
We understand things happen in life where you have to make hard decisions for your family. You want the best for your pets. So we offer hassle-free re-homing service at no cost to you.
We Offer Hassle Free Rehoming Services...
Nothing means more to us than the well being of our 4 legged babies. I could not imagine not having them. However, we understand when things in life happen and families needing help rehoming their pets. If you have a pet that needs a home, we offer hassle free Rehoming Services. Our goal is to remove that stress and help little Fido find his new furrever home. We are always here for these babies. However, space is limited so please call and see if we have room first.
Yes, we are basset breeders but no bassets are not the only breed we help rehome. So again please just give us a call. We are always glad to help.
If you are a family with one of our puppies, remember we will ALWAYS be here for you and your puppy per our contract. No matter the reason, there may come a time you need us to temporarily take your basset or permanently take him/her. We are here.
No Basset family will be denied.
Rescue Services
We take great pride in our rescue program. We also assist those affected by domestic violence. We understand that even pets need a way out of a bad situation.
Stud Services
We offer stud service from the best we have to offer. There are strict criteria for this to happen. If you have a qualifying female, we have a male. This is a service that must be scheduled.
Learning About Basset Hounds Couldn't Get Any Easier...
Here are the answers to your most…..
Frequently Asked Questions.
Are Basset Hounds good pets?
Basset Hounds were bred to hunt small game and when brought home they lounged around with the family making absolutely perfect family pets. Basset Hounds are among the most pleasant-natured and easygoing of all breeds. Some are dignified, but most are clownish. Almost all are reliably good-natured, sociable, and peaceful with everyone – strangers, children, and other pets, too. … “Come” is not a command that Basset Hounds are eager to obey.
Are Basset Hounds smart?
The basset hound is a friendly, easygoing dog. … Fairly smart dogs, bassets are not easy to train as they are somewhat stubborn. A firm, patient hand with plenty of creativity is required to bring out the best in them.
Are Basset Hounds lazy?
Basset Hounds are a high energy dog when young. Basset Hounds are hearty eaters, but because they aren’t very active in the house, they can gain weight and quickly become obese, which can cause them to have back and leg problems. Regular exercise is a must. Bassets have a great deal of endurance, so they enjoy taking long walks. And if kept fit, they can definitely keep you on your toes as they are quite active during outdoor playtime.
Do Basset Hounds drool?
Basset Hounds seem to drool at all times. Drooling is at its worst after eating meals and drinking water. As the Basset Hound eats, he produces saliva to help soften and digest the food, which builds up in the jowls and flaps of skin around the mouth; water collects in these areas as well.
Why do basset hounds stink?
Basset Hounds have many skin folds on their body. This means that when he has saliva, food, sweat, or water drip on his coat, it will get caught in his skin folds. The skin folds on Basset Hounds will hold any and all substances, which produces a body odor as well as yeast.
Do basset hounds like to cuddle?
Basset Hounds possess a calm, sweet temperament and love to snuggle with family members. Despite their size, Basset Hounds are very lovable and are often happy being lap dogs.
Do basset hounds whine a lot?
Basset Hounds in my experience do not whine more than any other breed. Usually a whining basset hound is attempting to get your attention. Like mine is at this very moment. She sneaked upstairs and is now trapped behind the gate that opens up only in one direction. Meanwhile, I’m downstairs and she wants to be with me. 😀 Be right back. Gotta go get her.
How long can basset hounds be left alone?
They are loyal to their people and have a pleasant, friendly disposition. Because they originally were bred as pack dogs, they love to be with their families and also do well with other pets. Bassets hate to be left alone for long periods of time, and may become destructive and howl if left alone for too long.
Do basset hounds dig?
Basset Hounds are one of the breeds of dogs who hate to be left alone. You also must remember that Basset Hounds are diggers, because they are bred to dig down into rabbit and other small animal holes. You may find that they do this in the backyard. This is often a sign of boredom.
Are basset hounds easy to train?
While Basset Hounds are intelligent, they are also stubborn and highly sensitive, which can make potty training difficult. Basset Hounds respond well to positive, reward-based methods and learn best when they don’t feel lots of pressure to succeed.
Do basset hounds sleep a lot?
Dogs sleep a lot more than people do. On average, dogs need about twelve to 14 hours of sleep a day. If you notice a change in how long your dog sleeps, it could mean a lot of things from a dietary change to a thyroid problem.
Are stairs bad for basset hounds?
Basset Hounds are a long-bodied, low-legged, scent hound developed in France. For example, they should not climb stairs or jump up or down from
Are basset hounds aggressive?
Basset Hounds are not known for being aggressive unless something unfortunately has happened to them either purposely or by accident. Please read this article to see reasons your Basset Hound could become aggressive.https://www.mybassethoundguide.com/ebook/temperament.pdf
What is the oldest living basset hound?
Oldest Dog – This distinction goes to Max, a beagle-Dachshund-terrier who lived to be 29 years and 9 months old, which is three times the lifespan of some dogs.
Oldest Basset Hound – UnKnown.
What is the longest ears on a basset hound?
Longest Ears – Mr. Jeffries, a Basset hound from West Sussex, England, holds the record for longest ears. His measured 11.49 inches. He was also the grandson of the famous Hush Puppies dog.
Do basset hounds snore?
Basset Hounds snore and snore some more.
Are Basset Hounds good as an only pet or better with a friend?
Because they originally were bred as pack dogs, they love to be with their families and also do well with other pets and other Basset Hounds especially.
Do Basset Hounds howl a lot?
Bassets hate to be left alone for long periods of time, and may become destructive and howl if left alone for too long. Their distinctive baying bark is loud and travels long distances. And if not alone, they are probably singing in the neighborhood choir with the neighbor dogs. Don’t be surprised if your neighbor is forever grateful your basset taught their dog how to howl. 😀
Do Basset Hounds Shed a lot?
I always tell my clients that Basset Hounds only shed once a year. It just lasts 365 days. 😀 There are techniques you can apply to help reduce shedding. Furminator, diet, and special shampoo just to name a few.
Health Guarantee
Seller warrants that the Dog or Puppy is in good health at the time of sale and embodies the characteristics of the breed. This Dog or Puppy is purebred and is registerable (registered) with the American Kennel Club.
Your Dog or Puppy comes with a health guarantee that covers congenital health defects for a period of one year from the date of your purchase. This health guarantee is NOT VALID if you fail to meet any of our terms and conditions. You must notify us immediately if your puppy becomes sick, has a loss of appetite, or shows any other signs of distress for a period of thirty days from the date of your purchase. You have forty-eight (48) hours within which to have your puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian, as set forth below. Your Dog or Puppy Must be on a pet insurance program of your choice, however we recommend AKC Pet Insurance. Your Dog or Puppy Must be on Cosequin DS. Cosequin for dogs is a patented, scientifically researched nutritional supplement recommend by veterinarians to support and maintain joint cartilage in dogs. It features a unique blend of ingredients that have been scientifically formulated to support and maintain your dog’s health and quality of life.
If your puppy is found to have any life threatening or genetic defects, you must notify us immediately and provide us with written veterinarian’s statement that includes the complete diagnosis of the puppy’s condition within forty-eight (48) hours of diagnosis. We reserve the right to have the diagnosis verified by our personal veterinarian or veterinarian of our choice and/or require you to have specific test run on the puppy to verify the diagnosis. If the puppy is replaced, it will be replaced with one of equal value as soon as one becomes available and only after the puppy and all papers have been returned (in satisfactory condition) to us , unless we determine a full/partial refund is more appropriate. You are responsible for providing all transportation and transportation related costs of the puppy or puppies.
Buyer SHALL NOT euthanize the Dog or Puppy without prior written approval from Seller or this guarantee is VOID. You understand that the following slight defects are not considered life threatening and therefore are not covered; hernias, undescended testicle, under and over bites, or any other minor non-life-threatening issue.
Adoption/Purchase Application & Waiting List
Full Name
Your Occupation & Adress
Spouse's Full Name
Spouse Full Name
Spouse's Occupation & Address
How long at Current Address?
Previous Address (if under a year)
How long at previous address?
Phone Number
How many adults are there in your family (their relationship to you)?
How many children (ages)?
What type of home do you live in? Single family, town home, apartment, farm, etc?
Please describe your household: ___ active ___noisy ___quiet ___average If you rent, please give the rules governing pets and the landlord's name and number: (by providing this information you are allowing Blue Ridge Basset Hounds to contact your landlord. Please inform them of this call so they will speak with me)
Does anyone in your household have a known allergy to dogs?
Is everyone in your household in agreement with the decision to purchase a puppy?
Do you have time to provide adequate love and attention to your puppy?
Submit Application
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My Dogs are the reason I wake up every morning
Really freakin' Early
Every. Single. Morning. ❤️🤏