B***O GENTLING DEMO: Ok guys, to those who are interested in the b***o gentling demo scheduled for this Saturday, March 11, in Hall, MT here’s the details.
Demo is $20 per person to audit. Youth 12 and under are free. Please do let me know if you are attending.
I plan to begin at 1:00 pm regardless of weather. Weather hasn’t been our friend, we still have a lot of ice and snow. Forecast is for low 40’s, so if that happens we could also have mud. Come prepared for ALL weather and conditions and dress accordingly. Bring your own lawn chairs, food and drink etc. This is all outdoors. Arrive and leave at your leisure.
I will be working with up to 6 b***os over the course of the afternoon as time and weather allow. 4 have had no handling and 2 are part way thru the gentling process so it should give you a wide variety of what the process looks like. I plan to cover initial touches, haltering, beginning leading, backing and sending and picking up feet. There may be more or less depending on the individual animal and what each b***o offers us.
Let me know if there are any questions. PM for directions to the facility.