Moosh / مش

Moosh / مش Non-profit looking out for the most vulnerable felines and other strays in Morocco 🐾

As Harry and Hermione are to be adopted together, Ron is looking for forever home. He’s almost 2 months old ❤️🐾

As Harry and Hermione are to be adopted together, Ron is looking for forever home. He’s almost 2 months old ❤️🐾

These two are still looking for a home together. Even though they’re not from the same litter, they’ve been bonded since...

These two are still looking for a home together. Even though they’re not from the same litter, they’ve been bonded since the day I brought them home


Luna is in (early) heat - it’s quite intense given her size - and Dayma has been helping her cope! Important note : you should never sterilize a female in heat, due to high risks of hemorrhage. As soon as Luna feels better, she’ll got to the vet to get fixed before we can adopt her out. Also, the cats love recycled boxes, fruit crates etc. Get creative!

Lastly, Hermione, or Hermignonne as I like to call her. She’s super cute and funny but also super adventurous and indepe...

Lastly, Hermione, or Hermignonne as I like to call her. She’s super cute and funny but also super adventurous and independent. Again, very much in character! She loves to cuddle as much as she enjoys exploring her surroundings

Ron hates being picked up for photos but isn’t he gorgeous? I mean... Cream tabby with blue eyes and pink nose and toe b...

Ron hates being picked up for photos but isn’t he gorgeous? I mean... Cream tabby with blue eyes and pink nose and toe beans 🐾 He’s also the most sensitive of the bunch, right in character

Harry hit 500g today and he’s the cutest shoulder cat 🦇 Although it’s a huge milestone he’s not totally out of the woods...

Harry hit 500g today and he’s the cutest shoulder cat 🦇 Although it’s a huge milestone he’s not totally out of the woods yet and we’re starting a new antibiotic to help him till full recovery. He’s already gone through a fully week of injections and corticoids, we can’t give him more than that. If you wish to help, our info is on the link in bio 🙏🏼


And the latest kittens who joined the club... Harry, Ron and Hermione 🧙🏻‍♀️ Harry, the black one, has been the sickest of the three and this is the first time that I see him eat like that with the other for days. I have been hand feeding him over the weekend and this morning he got a couple shots a the vet and I made him a nice hot bottle of water wrapped in a cloth to keep him warm since he was in hypothermia. Just a reminder to never give up on a kitten! Ron and Hermione are getting better and chunkier every day and still have to catch their mom to fix her. She’s sick and she’s the one who’s been giving me sick babies for a year and a half now... wish me luck to catch her 🙏🏼

Oh and this is just a little Jane sass 😼

Oh and this is just a little Jane sass 😼

Last but not least I’ve been trying to help an informal shelter who is home to over 40 cats and I would love to help the...

Last but not least I’ve been trying to help an informal shelter who is home to over 40 cats and I would love to help the littlest ones get adopted. Noisette pictured here is one of them

Then earlier this month came Hope & Grace. They’re not siblings but they’re crazy bonded and ready to get adopted togeth...

Then earlier this month came Hope & Grace. They’re not siblings but they’re crazy bonded and ready to get adopted together. They’re playful and cuddly and will love to hang out on your chest together! The perfect companions 🤍

Then came Luna. She was adopted straight from the streets after being hit by a car but she only spent one night with her...

Then came Luna. She was adopted straight from the streets after being hit by a car but she only spent one night with her adopter as had to be hospitalized the next day. She somehow got poisoned or intoxicated which revealed that she had an underlying condition of anemia (hemobartonellose feline). What I learned basically is that some flea bites can introduce a bacteria that attacks the red blood cells and therefore cause anemia and oxygen issues. That week at the vet her prognosis wasn’t good and she was supported by an IV and multiple shots. Her anemia might explain the fact that she kinda fainted when exposed to stress, due to the bad circulation of the oxygen in her blood. Anyway that’s all pretty much speculative but she pushed through and now she’s doing great. She’s cheeky and independent and loves her kitten kibbles. I’m taking her to the vet this morning for another check up 🙏🏼

Then Veda, Coltrane (Nounou now Star ⭐️ ), and Pyaar all got adopted. Separately but they’re happy and well taken care o...

Then Veda, Coltrane (Nounou now Star ⭐️ ), and Pyaar all got adopted. Separately but they’re happy and well taken care of 🙏🏼

Wow I can’t believe i haven’t posted since august. But I’ve been overwhelmingly busy. Quick update on Dayma, she definit...

Wow I can’t believe i haven’t posted since august. But I’ve been overwhelmingly busy. Quick update on Dayma, she definitely beat the odds. She just got her bad eye removed and is recovering beautifully. She’s playing rough with another kitten as I type this. She’s now 3,4 kg and roams around the house like a pro. She mostly love to hang in Jane’s den, even if they’re not besties yet. She’s very brave, sweet and independent. Another little miracle ✨

Coltrane, aka Nounou, cherche toujours une maison. Il est super coquin et joueur, et va devenir un très beau chat à poil...

Coltrane, aka Nounou, cherche toujours une maison. Il est super coquin et joueur, et va devenir un très beau chat à poils longs quand il sera grand 🐾

La petite trouvée sous une benne va mieux. On a vu la véto, on continue l’antibio, on la stabilise, et s’occupera de ses...

La petite trouvée sous une benne va mieux. On a vu la véto, on continue l’antibio, on la stabilise, et s’occupera de ses yeux et du reste après. Elle a un traitement topique pour les yeux aussi, a priori elle va pouvoir en garder un, mais ce n’est pas la priorité et au pire elle vivra très bien sans. On l’a installée dans le petit parc de jeu qu’on avait acheté à Jane histoire qu’elle ne se perde pas, et on ne bouge pas ses gamelles de place. Elle commence déjà à s’habituer et semble moins confuse, elle réclame juste beaucoup de câlins. J’ai décidé de l’appeler Dayma, comme « Dima Dayma » le podcast de x parce que je l’ai trouvée sous une benne et qu’elle puait le lixiviat (le jus de poubelle). Aussi « Dayma » parce que quand on a vu la véto elle m’a dit « ça ne s’arrêtera jamais ». La condition des animaux n’est que le reflet de notre condition et tant qu’on n’aura pas pris conscience de l’aspect systémique des choses, rien ne changera… Tant qu’on ne respectera pas la nature, qu’on consommera comme on consomme, et qu’on traitera la rue comme une déchèterie géante, on continuera de trouver des chatons aveugles sous des bennes à ordure…

Veda, aka Le Mignon, is thriving! He just hit 1kg which means he doubled in size since we got him 2 weeks ago. We also c...

Veda, aka Le Mignon, is thriving! He just hit 1kg which means he doubled in size since we got him 2 weeks ago. We also confirmed that he was a tricolor male, which makes him super rare (and a hermaphrodite). Indeed, only 0,1% of tricolor cats are males, due to a genetic anomaly, and Veda is the second one we got since last year (remember Leon? 🐱), how lucky is that to have such special kitties?! Anyway Veda is playful and cuddly and super easy. He’s really turning into a beautiful cat and will be adoptable starting next week 🙏🏼🐾

Meet Coltrane 🎷🎶 aka Nounou! Notre avant dernier pensionnaire. Il a la tête d’un main c**n et le caractère d’un doudou. ...

Meet Coltrane 🎷🎶 aka Nounou! Notre avant dernier pensionnaire. Il a la tête d’un main c**n et le caractère d’un doudou. Il se laisse prendre dans les bras et adore les câlins, mais a récemment découvert les bagarres pour jouer avec les autres petites et ne s’arrête plus ! Il a 3 mois et plein d’énergie.


Janie too is getting her catio time. Every morning and every afternoon, I take her out to sniff around, see some birds or a fly. She even tries to climb the fence!


Birds watch 👀 These 4 are still looking for their forever homes. They’ll make fantastic guard cats 😹

My sweet winky face is ready for adoption! Celeste has been with us since January and she’s in perfect health now. She h...

My sweet winky face is ready for adoption! Celeste has been with us since January and she’s in perfect health now. She has a strong personality and is very active despite her missing eye. I love her and would love to see her blossom into a loving home ❤️ DM for contact

Pyaar and Holi are still looking for a home (together)! They are unbearably sweet and extremely bonded although with ver...

Pyaar and Holi are still looking for a home (together)! They are unbearably sweet and extremely bonded although with very different personalities. Pyaar is very energetic and playful and Holi is more of a mellow fluff who especially like cuddles. They both love to play and to cuddle but each one has her own specialty 🥰 I’ll never say it enough, adopting in pair is really the best option both for the cats and for their guardian. You’ll be more at peace when leaving them alone while at work knowing that they have one another... and let’s face it, double the fun, double the cuteness, double the love ❤️❤️🐾

Princess Lady Di, aka Petit Pied (because she screams like a baby Dino whenever she wants something), aka Moulat l’fchou...

Princess Lady Di, aka Petit Pied (because she screams like a baby Dino whenever she wants something), aka Moulat l’fchouch (self explanatory) is turning one month old! This is a beautiful milestone because it means that she’s becoming independent! She can now seriously start to wean to solid food (although each kitten has her own rhythm and it’s important to respect it), while being totally comfortable going to the litter box. It’s been a little while since I’ve had a bottle baby and this one has been quite a walk in the park despite the occasional whining 😸 She actually cracks me up most of the time and when I kiss her she retaliate with the cutest (love)bites 😻 She’s super smart and has a strong personality! Here’s a little recap of her evolution during the last couple of weeks ➡️🐾adoptdontshop

Dans la galerie marchande en bas de chez moi, une boutique qui vend absolument tout (électronique, encens, bonbons, gâte...

Dans la galerie marchande en bas de chez moi, une boutique qui vend absolument tout (électronique, encens, bonbons, gâteaux...) s’est mise à vendre des chatons, entassés dans des cages d’oiseaux où ils font même leur besoins. Aucun argument (éthique, religieux, d’hygiène) n’a eu raison du patron. Quand, excédée, j’ai menacé très sérieusement d’envoyer les services d’hygiène, il m’a rit au nez. J’ai compris plus t**d qu’il les avait dans la poche. J’ai prévenu un policier qui va se déplacer et envoyer le caïd. Non seulement ce n’est pas éthique de vendre des animaux, mais au-delà de ça, il y a des conditions d’hygiène et de confort minimales à assurer, des vaccins à faire. Une colonie d’animaux est très susceptible de développer et de se transmettre des maladies, plus ou moins graves, de la teigne, à la PIF (qui m’a poussée à euthanasier Matisse la semaine dernière). Et le stress est un facteur aggravant. Cela vaut aussi pour les chiens. Combien de personnes ayant acheté en animalerie se sont retrouvés avec des animaux malades, qui meurent parfois au bout de quelques jours. Quand ils finissent par se retourner vers moi, malgré ma colère, je ne les juge jamais, je les informe. A ma connaissance, aucune loi au Maroc ne protège les animaux ni ne régule leur commerce. C’est donc à nous que revient la responsabilité de nos choix : adopter, refuser d’acheter, (s’)éduquer, et dénoncer lorsque qu’on est témoins de maltraitance. Parfois je me sens démunie face à l’ampleur des injustices, mais chaque position que je prends, chaque chaton place, chaque moment que je passe à expliquer les choses sont des petites victoires.

Angela & Maya are up for adoption together as a pair! DM for details 🐾

Angela & Maya are up for adoption together as a pair! DM for details 🐾

My sweet boy Matisse is back amongst the stars. Letting him go was the toughest decision I’ve ever had to make but it wa...

My sweet boy Matisse is back amongst the stars. Letting him go was the toughest decision I’ve ever had to make but it was also the ultimate expression of love. I am grateful to have been able to be with him until the last moment, after giving him a few months of comfortable care. I knew from the beginning that he was special. Thank you for the love and the lessons. Thank you for the strength. I’ll always cherish our moments in the sun together. I love you forever ❤️

Look how pretty Celeste turned out to be! She’s perfectly healthy and up for adoption 🐾💫

Look how pretty Celeste turned out to be! She’s perfectly healthy and up for adoption 🐾💫

Please somebody take them away from I can’t handle their cuteness 🥰

Please somebody take them away from I can’t handle their cuteness 🥰

My sweet Bushwick is doing much better since his fall two weeks ago! He still can’t jump or properly use his back legs b...

My sweet Bushwick is doing much better since his fall two weeks ago! He still can’t jump or properly use his back legs but he’s managing, although he definitely expresses the need to be away from the annoying energetic kittens 😅 I just got him this pretty basket and it’s a reminder to support your craftsmen and try to go for natural materials even for your pets, instead of plastic or synthetics 🐾

* Educational post * This sweetheart gave me quite a scare earlier this week. She was doing just fine playing with the o...

* Educational post * This sweetheart gave me quite a scare earlier this week. She was doing just fine playing with the others when all of the sudden she started wobbling, meowing and her 3rd eyelid came out (usually linked to tummy or neurological issues). At first I thought I was being paranoid and that she was just being sleepy and fussy but after observing her for a few minutes I could tell that she was distressed and disoriented. I rushed her to the vet and he explained to me that sometimes deworming can cause neurological toxic choc because when the worms die in the abdomen they release some toxins that can be quite dangerous... 2 lessons to take away here: observe your pets, and when in doubt, always go to the vet, especially when there’s a sudden behavioral change or issue, don’t waste time googling, asking for help or self diagnosing. I’ll have to deworm Maya again next week and she’ll be ready to be adopted. Although this was not so serious it could have been and her - quite impressive - symptoms lasted till the next morning! Love is care ❤️🐾

Little update on the tuxedo trio : Olympe & Colette were adopted together! Simone got to stay with and is having a wonde...

Little update on the tuxedo trio : Olympe & Colette were adopted together! Simone got to stay with and is having a wonderful time with Celeste. Please consider adopting in pairs, makes the job easier for you and the life happier for them. Simone & Celeste are still up for adoption and soon to be followed by Angela & Maya 🐾




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