Tremendous Training: Learn How to Train Your Dog

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Tremendous Training: Learn How to Train Your Dog Tremendous Training teaches science-based dog training using the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach. A well-trained dog is a happy dog!

All sessions are held by a certified professional. Contact Tremendous Training at [email protected]

$80/ 45 minute sessions for Providence and Cranston area.
$100/ 45 minute sessions for all other locations in Rhode Island. More info about the LIMA approach:

Set your dog up for success! Teach and practice cues in a calm setting BEFORE practicing in exciting situations. Individ...

Set your dog up for success! Teach and practice cues in a calm setting BEFORE practicing in exciting situations.

Individualized dog training sessions are $80. Offered in your home, business, or local park. Email [email protected] to schedule a free phone consultation.

Focus on teaching your dog what TO do!It's easy to get frustrated when your dog is not responding to you, but punishing ...

Focus on teaching your dog what TO do!
It's easy to get frustrated when your dog is not responding to you, but punishing your dog does not make him or her want to work with you. Be an excellent leader by staying calm and rewarding good behavior.

Contact Tremendous Training at [email protected] to schedule an in-home training session!

Set your dog up for success! Learn how to train your dog with a professional trainer in the comfort of your home, neighb...

Set your dog up for success!

Learn how to train your dog with a professional trainer in the comfort of your home, neighborhood, or local park! Email [email protected].

Set your dog up for success by teaching cues in a familiar environment. When they consistently succeed, they are ready t...

Set your dog up for success by teaching cues in a familiar environment. When they consistently succeed, they are ready to practice in more exciting environments.

Learn how to train your dog with a professional trainer in the comfort of your home, neighborhood, or local park! Email [email protected].

Learn how to train your individual dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training. Dur...

Learn how to train your individual dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training.

During an in-home session, we'll teach your dog cues, and practice in different environments. Email [email protected] to talk to a professional trainer.

"When partners dance as a couple, one leads and the other follows. The leader’s job is to decide ahead of time which ste...

"When partners dance as a couple, one leads and the other follows. The leader’s job is to decide ahead of time which steps to perform and then guide his partner in a clear manner... With animals the approach is similar... we convey the rules by rewarding good behaviors as they occur and remove rewards for bad behavior. And we stick to the plan until good behavior is a habit." (Dr. Sophia Yin)

Contact [email protected] for an in-home session!

Learn to train your dog with a professional dog trainer! Email to schedule an in-home session.

Learn to train your dog with a professional dog trainer!

Email [email protected] to schedule an in-home session.

Learn to read your dog's body language to improve communication- and your relationship! Train your dog with the Least In...

Learn to read your dog's body language to improve communication- and your relationship!

Train your dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training! Email [email protected] to consult with a certified professional dog trainer.

Help your pup adjust to seeing people with masks on by putting yours on in front of your dog, and wearing it for a bit.Y...

Help your pup adjust to seeing people with masks on by putting yours on in front of your dog, and wearing it for a bit.
You don't want to make it a big deal, just casually put it on while in sight of your dog and go about your business. For example, when you put your coat on to go for a walk, or while doing some chores.
(If you give your dog a lot of attention the first time you do it, they are likely to get excited. The goal is to calmly get them comfortable seeing people with masks.)

Learn how to train your dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training! Email [email protected] to consult with a certified professional dog trainer.

Please read!

Please read!

It’s baby season and that means wildlife in Rhode Island are looking for creative places to build their nests and raise their families. This often leads to parents finding places that they believe are safe for their babies within attics, under porches and sheds, and in garages. These animals mean no harm and there are safe and effective ways to encourage them to move on if you really don’t want them where they are. Trapping and relocating is illegal in RI and can often lead to unnecessary orphaning of the young, and “pest control” companies can not relocate - they will kill every animal they trap, including the babies.

Here are some tips on how to humanely evict families without separating the babies from their parents and without spending hundreds to hire a company:

-Play music or a talk show near the nest on a portable radio 🎼 the constant noise will let the parents know that this isn’t a safe place for their babies and within 24-72 hours, they will relocate and take their babies with them.

-Put up motion sensor lights, or shine flashlights in the area where you know the nest is located 💡 Strobe lights are very effective for enclosed spaces like attics, sheds and garages.

-Secure your trash cans! Trash cans and bird feeders are an easy food source for wildlife and will attract them to the area 🐦

-Seal off your chimney. Open chimneys allow for mother’s to climb in and have their babies, but they sometimes have trouble getting out. Additionally many species of birds like owls and Wood Ducks will often explore chimneys as potential nest sites since they are cavity nesters but once in, they can’t get out. Chimney Swifts, as their name implies, especially love chimneys for their nest sites. All of this is easily prevented by installing a chimney cap on any open chimneys and securing any loose or damaged caps.

- Mammals do not like the smell of ammonia or predator urine! By placing rags soaked in ammonia around the nesting area, mom will likely take off due to the smell and hopefully take the babies with her. Most mammalian mothers typically make more than one nest and will transfer their babies to the secondary nest.

Reminder: raccoons, foxes, woodchucks, bats, and skunks are considered rabies vector species (RVS) in the state of Rhode Island. Do not touch these animals with your bare hands. If you come across babies that you think are abandoned or in need of help, please call the wildlife clinic at ‪401-294-6363‬ for assistance.

# RIwildlifeRehab

“Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of th...

“Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.”
– Carl Jung
Train your dog by teaching them what to do, and rewarding desired behavior. Punitive training methods do not strengthen your bond with your dog, and will likely create a fearful dog that is a flight risk.

Learn how to train your dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training! Email [email protected] to speak with a professional dog trainer.

"When partners dance as a couple, one leads and the other follows. The leader’s job is to decide ahead of time which ste...

"When partners dance as a couple, one leads and the other follows. The leader’s job is to decide ahead of time which steps to perform and then guide his partner in a clear manner so that the partner CAN follow. Partners who have to shout out the steps or who yank their follower around don’t make the cut. With animals the approach is similar. If we set rules and have a clear picture of what we want, then we can consistently convey this information to the animal through our body language and perfectly timed rewards. When learning to lead, it is essential to realize that positive does not mean permissive. We still set stringent rules and limits for behavior. It’s just that we convey the rules by rewarding good behaviors as they occur and remove rewards for bad behavior. And we stick to the plan until good behavior is a habit." (Dr. Sophia Yin)

Contact [email protected] to learn how you can improve your relationship with your dog!

Learn the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training! Contact f...

Learn the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training!

Contact [email protected] for more information about science-based training.

A daily exercise routine is beneficial to you and your dog! Staying on a schedule will make it easier to stay motivated,...

A daily exercise routine is beneficial to you and your dog! Staying on a schedule will make it easier to stay motivated, manage stress, and be physically fit.

If you are working on any behavior problems with your dog, start with a healthy, regular routine.

Talk to a certified professional dog trainer- email [email protected] with any questions regarding dog behavior or training!

"(This) study looked at... the secure base effect, whereby the owner is a secure base from which the dog can explore. (S...

"(This) study looked at... the secure base effect, whereby the owner is a secure base from which the dog can explore. (Similarly, for infants that are securely attached, the parent is a secure base to explore from, and a safe haven to return to if something is stressful).
These results show that there was a secure base effect for the dogs that had been trained with reward-based methods.
..This study provides more evidence that reward-based methods are the best way to train dogs, and that aversive methods may have a detrimental effect on the dog’s relationship with their owner."
(Link in comment section)

Learn the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training- contact [email protected] with any questions regarding dog behavior!

"When I was a young warthog!!" Got dog behavior questions? Comment below or email

"When I was a young warthog!!"

Got dog behavior questions? Comment below or email [email protected]


PORTSMOUTH — The Potter League for Animals is asking people to make plans for their pets as they reduce staffing and look to the future. “We


Holy Moly everyone - we have been happily overwhelmed with foster applications - we will get back to every single person who applied as soon as we can so please be patient!!! Promise - we are so thankful and we need the help because we don't want a bunch of our precious pups to get stuck in shelters in case we get to the point where we can't move them...

Wondering what you can do during this time?!


We will be in desperate need of foster homes as more and more shelters are starting to close. We are trying to help out our shelters and you can help us! Please consider joining our team!

“& forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” (Khalil Gibran)...

“& forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.” (Khalil Gibran)

So get out there and play with your dog!

Tremendous Training teaches the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training-
Check out


Dominance-based dog training is ineffective, outdated, and inhumane. Using force or fear to train your dog does not result in a trusting, obedient companion.

Here's an example- a person encourages a dogs' excitement because it is cute, but then gets annoyed and expects the dog to immediately cease the behavior. If the animal doesn't comply, he or she gets yelled at for the behavior that was rewarded a moment ago- sometimes even hit, or pushed to the ground, in an attempt to convey dominance over the dog. This is confusing to the dog and damages their relationship with the person, who is often their caretaker.

"Dogs are often described as being “dominant” which is an incorrect usage of the term. Dominance is not a personality trait. ..Dominance comes into play in a relationship between members of the same species when one individual wants to have the first pick of available resources such as food, beds, toys, bones, etc. Even between dogs, however, it is not achieved through force or coercion ⬅️ but through one member of the relationship deferring to the other peacefully. ..Dogs that use aggression to “get what they want” are not displaying dominance, but rather anxiety-based behaviors, which will only increase if they are faced with verbal and/or physical threats from their human owners.⚠️ Basing one’s interaction with their dog on dominance is harmful to the dog-human relationship and leads to further stress, anxiety and aggression from the dog, as well as fear and antipathy of the owner."

Learn the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training! Contact [email protected] to schedule an in-home training session or for more information.


Every dog owner should know-
Dogs thrive when provided with a regular routine!

Tremendous Training teaches the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training-
Check out⬅️⬅️

"...One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arri...

"...One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. All of this is saying that, in the final analysis, means and ends must cohere because the end is preexistent in the means, and ultimately destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends." -MLK Jr.

Learn how to train your dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training.
Check out and email [email protected] to schedule your own in-home training session with a professional dog trainer.

Learn how to train your individual dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training⬅️Che...

Learn how to train your individual dog with the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to dog training⬅️
Check out and email [email protected] to schedule your own in-home training session with a professional.

"Dogs Dissing Their Owners?

Many people appear to have a knee-jerk emotional response to non-compliance; one that has been exacerbated by dog training in popular media, especially television and the internet. People get frustrated, upset, insulted and even angry when their dogs are non-compliant.

People have been spoon-fed such silliness — that the dog is dissing them, trying to dominate, or misbehaving on purpose — “He knows it’s wrong!!!” All this clouds the brain and prevents rational resolution. Let’s just calmly, quickly, easily, effectively and happily, train the dog."
-Dr. Dunbar

A well-trained dog is a happy dog! ➡️Check out and schedule your own personalized dog training se...

A well-trained dog is a happy dog!

➡️Check out and schedule your own personalized dog training session!

Hurry, the holiday season is on it's way! Prepare for the hustle and bustle by learning how to train your dog with a sci...

Hurry, the holiday season is on it's way!

Prepare for the hustle and bustle by learning how to train your dog with a science-based professional dog trainer- with convenient, in-home sessions.

➡️Check out and schedule your training session now☑️

Defining dominance is a vital part of understanding dog behavior. This article is one of the most clear and concise I've...

Defining dominance is a vital part of understanding dog behavior. This article is one of the most clear and concise I've come across- and that's saying a lot!!

Key point: Dominance is a behavior in a particular circumstance- NOT a personality trait.

Please take some time to read it & share with your dog-loving friends!

In the following, I will give you four definitions of aggression and dominance; and will analyze them determining whether and why they are good or bad definitions.


"The more we know of other forms of life, the more we enjoy and respect ourselves ... Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, but because knowing them well elevates the very concept of life." - Edward O. Wilson

▪️Learn life-long dog training skills- Check out & sign up for dog training sessions: offered in your home, business, or local park.▪️

"....What is the root of unruly behavior? The psychology studies on learning and behavior of the last 60+ years have sho...

"....What is the root of unruly behavior? The psychology studies on learning and behavior of the last 60+ years have shown us that animals (and humans) behave in undesirable ways because these behaviors have been reinforced. To change behavior we have to remove the rewards for undesirable behavior and focus instead on rewarding good behavior." Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, MS

Learn how to train your individual dog with in-home training sessions! Check out price based on location at & email [email protected]

Dogs need clear, consistent instructions or they will not understand what is expected of them. Dogs can understand words...

Dogs need clear, consistent instructions or they will not understand what is expected of them. Dogs can understand words and short phrases, not sentences, and often need to be addressed before they know you are talking to them.
Too often, people will punish their dog's bad behavior, leaving their dog confused or even scared. Tell your dog what TO do, and reward that behavior.

🐾Learn how to decode canine body language, gain life-long dog training skills, & improve your day-to-day interactions with your dog. Check out!


This is now added to the Free Posters page on my website (see comments),

Need help training your dog? Speak with a certified professional dog trainer for FREE- there is no obligation to schedul...

Need help training your dog? Speak with a certified professional dog trainer for FREE- there is no obligation to schedule a training session. Just email [email protected] with any questions!

If you are interested in in-home training sessions, check out our prices based on location at & email [email protected]!

Focus on teaching your dog what TO do- instead of what NOT to do.It's easy to get frustrated when your dog is not respon...

Focus on teaching your dog what TO do- instead of what NOT to do.

It's easy to get frustrated when your dog is not responding to you, but punishing your dog does not make him or her want to work with you. Be an excellent leader by staying calm and rewarding good behavior.

🐾Check out & learn how to train your dog! Our dog training sessions are offered in your home, business, or local park.🐾

Interested in improving your dog's life, as well as your own?Learn how to decode canine body language, gain life-long do...

Interested in improving your dog's life, as well as your own?
Learn how to decode canine body language, gain life-long dog training skills, & get advice on how to improve your day-to-day interactions with your dog from a certified professional dog trainer. Check out!

"The very cool thing about dog training is that the more you reinforce a behavior you want, the more it grows–literally, reinforcement builds behavior...Dog training is like your retirement account, an investment. You will see the returns of your effort by sticking with the program for the long haul...Time, information, and effort are the three components that will make all the difference."

Tia and the team at Hoffman Animal Hospital always make going to the vet a positive experience!▪️Learn life-long dog tra...

Tia and the team at Hoffman Animal Hospital always make going to the vet a positive experience!

▪️Learn life-long dog training skills- Check out & sign up for dog training sessions: offered in your home, business, or local park.▪️

Tremendous Training can help you with any companion dog training, but did you know we specialize in redirecting aggressi...

Tremendous Training can help you with any companion dog training, but did you know we specialize in redirecting aggressive behavior? We use the Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to remedy serious behavior problems- no force necessary!

Check out and contact our certified professional dog trainer at [email protected]🐾


"One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means. " -Martin Luther King Jr.

"We have to realize that whether we’re aware of it or not, every interaction we have with the pet is a training session....

"We have to realize that whether we’re aware of it or not, every interaction we have with the pet is a training session." -Dr. Sophia Yin
▪️Learn life-long dog training skills! Check out & sign up for dog training sessions: offered in your home, business, or local park.▪️

Next year I could be just as good...Happy Holidays everyone!

Next year I could be just as good...

Happy Holidays everyone!




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Learn how to train your dog!

Tremendous Training teaches dog owners how to train their individual dog. Teaching dogs in familiar environment (your home, neighborhood, or a local park) is ideal. Whether you need help with a behavioral issue, teaching cues or commands, or just want to learn more about dog behavior and cognition, Tremendous Training can help.

Check out for prices based on location. Email [email protected] to schedule a free phone consultation. During the consultation, we will discuss your dog and lifestyle before the sessions begin, and you can ask any questions you may have.