I guess many of us watched the Presidential debates this week. Personally, I don't care which side of the isle you are on. I find myself not listening to the words. I watch the actions of the candidates. I look at results. We are fed the result of digestion fed to a bull.
I really don't like to hear the blame game. It's not about Democrats or Republicans it's about Americans in my opinion. Those under 30 probably don't identify to either candidate. I find it hard to communicate to that age bracket myself and I am younger than both of them. Why is this? I believe it's a breakdown in belief. I see mega churches that are more about church doctrine than the bible. We are more worried about image than content.
I have seen prosperity in my lifetime. The fact is I haven't seen much else. The enemy of good is better. Our life is good here in the USA yet we see those who are feeling they don't have their piece of the pie. They haven't bought the ingredients, gone to the store, paid for the groceries nor baked the pie. You might conclude they thought it should have been a piece of cake to live here.
Groceries are more these days. I see many people struggle in their day to day life. Those people under 30 want what we have yet seem to think they don't have to work late nights, extra days or weekends to afford it. It should be easier in their minds. After all they don't have mentors or teachers these days. They have the internet. Many have been taught not to give or keep their word. It's about what you get, not how you get it. Trust seems to be a thing of the past to the point that even God isn't trusted. Yet our youth wants to believe in something when little is believable.
As for me, I hope the candidate that is elected represents our whole country. Fulfills the promises that they are making. Afterall, they are to be public servants. I will be looking at the Vice President candidate as that will most likely be our future President. I think it's safe to say we live in troubled times.
I would encourage each one of us to keep our eyes open. Search for what is best for our future, all of us. Yet some won't be happy with that thought. I believe it's not about what's good for me, but what is good for us. Something to think about as we approach our Independence day. What would those who signed the declaration of Independence think of us? Would they think their sacrifice was worth it? Just a few thoughts. Thanks, Pat.