Norah Sprout and Riddle waiting outside the supermarket in a Down Stay.
Riddle is environmentally sound- she is pretty comfortable with noises, heavy footfall and wheels etc. so being this close to the entrance and trolley park is really easy for her.
Norah is 5 months now and is pretty confident, especially when Riddle is there, but much more easily distracted by people walking close by. This was rush hour so one of the busiest environments she has worked in so far. I kept the reinforcement rate pretty high at first but faded it quickly back down after about 30 secs, once she had relaxed into it.
I'd rather pay well now so I don't have to do more work later. It's about building habits and making what works for you work for the dog.
Remember when training puppies: when you raise the distraction level, raise the reward level, be that freque cy or value.
Set them up to succeed and make it super obvious what's expected in whatever environment they find themselves in.