Let me tell you a story about a dog named “Ranger”. Ranger was a puppy out of our Rip x Kirby litter born May 2023. Ranger was a happy healthy puppy and went to a loving home. When he was about 6 months old i got a call from his owner saying they could no longer keep Ranger. The owner had lots of ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys, Guinea hens on their little hobby farm, and Ranger, being of great breeding had a very high natural bird drive, and had chased and killed quite a few of the birds in the flock. Funny story here, Ranger had killed one of the guinea hens. The owner had heard that if you tied an alive one to the dogs collar it would freak the dog out and the dog would no longer chase the birds…so he did it, and said Ranger had that bird dead within seconds and was proudly carrying around the bird.
So i bought Ranger back and put him through my obedience program. I had a buddy from high school who had lost his lab recently and was looking for a started dog for his family. Ranger is such a sweet dog, lived in the house with us, great with little kids and his obedience was outstanding, it was the perfect match. So i sold Ranger to his new owner. Well about 6 weeks later i get a call that they can no longer keep Ranger. They said he was the perfect dog, and they loved him to death, but with both my buddy and his wife having jobs that required lots of travel, they didn’t feel it was fair to board Ranger for weeks at a time. So, i bought Ranger back again. I started putting him through my gun dog program and started to advertise him. I was going to to be very picky on who i sold him to, to make sure he found the perfect fit for his forever home. Then one day i received a call from a guy named Ty, saying he had seen my pictures and videos of Ranger and was interested. I told him Rangers story and that i would stay in touch with him, as i was not going to sell him until his training was complete. Well that time finally came and Ty agreed to drive up from Iowa to meet Ranger. Ty is one of those guys that i could tell right from the start, would be perfect for Ranger, and Ranger would be perfect for him, and Ty took him home. Ranger had an amazing first hunting season picking up lots of ducks and geese. But more so, Ranger has a warm bed to sleep in. A best friend in Ty’s son who Ranger follows like a shadow. And a loving home for him to live his life.
Ranger is the lab that anyone would be lucky to have, and I’m glad he found his people.