De-abia așteptăm să vedem puii dintre Hedwig și Bee.❤️ După ce au depășit greutatea de 50 de grame și au trecut de perioada de carantină, a venit momentul împerecherii. We can’t wait to see the offspring between Hedwig and Bee.❤️ After they’ve exceeded a weight of 50 grams and passed the quarantine period, the mating moment has arrived.#crestie #crestedgeckoforsale #crestedgeckolove #crested #crestedgeckos #crestedgecko #crestedgeckosofinstagram #cluj #clujnapoca
Ghost și Layla, cea dea doua pereche de superdalmatieni de anul acesta, cântărind aproximativ 50 de grame. Am vrut sa renunțam la Layla, dar pana la urma ne-am hotărât sa o păstram in colecție încă un an de zile. Ne așteptăm la niște puiuți intr-o culoare cu multe puncte dalmatian. 🦎🦎 Ghost and Layla make up our second pair of superDalmatians this year, weighing around 50 grams. We initially considered parting with Layla, but ultimately decided to keep her in our collection for another year. We anticipate offspring with a coloration featuring many Dalmatian spots. 🦎🦎
Împerecherea Pluto x Serena o așteptăm de foarte mult timp, ambii având o structura remarcabila și cântărind 70 de grame. Pe Pluto îl avem de acum 2 ani de zile. Avem câțiva pui de la el, pe care i-am păstrat la noi in colecție, iar Serena cred ca este cea mai buna varianta de împerechere pentru el, cunoscând lineage-ul femelei pana la bunici. Ne așteptăm la niște pui foarte speciali. 🦎 We have been anticipating the pairing of Pluto x Serena for a very long time, both exhibiting remarkable structure and weighing 70 grams. We’ve had Pluto for 2 years now. We have a few offspring from him, which we’ve kept in our collection. Serena is considered the best mating option for him, given her lineage known up to her grandparents. We are expecting some very special offspring. 🦎
Cosmo și Pumpkin fac parte din colecția noastră de aproximativ un an de zile. Este momentul primei lor imperecheri și ne așteptăm la niște Pinstripe cu pete Portholes cât mai mari. Vom afla rezultatele în următoarele 4 luni. 🦎 We’ve had Cosmo and Pumpkin in our collection for about 1 year. Now it’s their first pairing. We hope for some large Porthole-spotted pinstripes. We’ll see the results in the next 4 months. 🦎
Nu era planificat sa ii imperechem pe Chocolate cu Cupcake, dar femela de Lilly Lavander este pregătită abia pentru sfârșitul anului. Am încercat împerecherea lui Chocolate cu Cotton( Lilly Lavander) la mijlocul anului trecut, dar ceva nu a mers bine. Avem doar doua oua de la ei. Pana când femela va fi pregătită la sfârșitul anului, vom încerca împerecherea între cei doi. 🦎 It wasn’t planned to pair Chocolate with Cupcake, but Lilly Lavender’s female is only ready towards the end of the year. We attempted pairing Chocolate with Cotton (Lilly Lavender) in the middle of last year, but something didn’t go well. We only got 2 eggs from them. Until the female is ready at the end of the year, we will try this pairing. 🦎
Pe Olivia și pe Gringo ii avem de când erau puiuți mici.Prima lor împerechere o au acum la 50, respectiv 54 de grame. Este prima oară cand reproducem o pereche așa frumoasa de superdalmatian.🦎🦎 We've had Olivia and Gringo since they were little. They are now having their first mating, with weights of 50 and 54 grams respectively. This is the first time we are reproducing such a beautiful pair of superDalmatians. 🦎
This crested gecko is truly unique, keeping its true color away from our eyes since it was a baby. We have ambitious projects for her! 🦎🦎
We added this crested gecko to our collection as a hatchling. It’s a specimen with an impressive coloration, a Quadstripe morph and remarkable structure. We can’t wait to be able to breed it. 🦎#crestedgeckobreeder #crestedgeckoromania #quadstripecrestedgecko
Holdback. 🦎 dark brown project. #crestedgeckoromania #crestedgeckobreeder
This male is absolutely stunning. 🔥 Lilly White. 🤍
Thank you Freaky Geckos for this beautiful female.🦎
A nice male from BOSS Geckos. Next year, new projects, a large variety and many babies are announced.
A nice female from Freaky Geckos . Here is fired up. 🔥
Dark Brown Phantom Lilly. One of our favorites. Thank you, BOSS Geckos !!⚡️
A nice female from BOSS Geckos. 🦎Extreme Harlequin. ❤️
Milly.⚡️ A very special baby for us, it is the first tricolor hatched here with the most white. We will post with his evolution.The parents: Yellow Partial Pinstripe and Harlequin Lilly White