This is a post that nobody ever wants to make but sadly this is the reality of ethical dog breeding.
I have made the absolute heartbreaking decision to have Monet spayed.
When I started this journey to become an ethical breeder, I went in with the idea that no matter what, I would do everything I could to improve the breed I loved so much. I told myself I would strive to improve the versatility, temperament, and health of these dogs as much as I could. With that in mind, I knew I would face tough choices in order to make sure I was meeting the high standards I set for myself. It just never crossed my mind that I would have to make that choice with my gorgeous, spicy, and wickedly smart little girl.
Devastated is a word that doesn’t even begin to touch how I feel, but I know this is the right decision none the less. Thank you to all the judges, poodle people, and general dog community who have rewarded Monet with placements and general compliments. I just know she was very special, but not only in my eyes.
When it’s comes to Monet’s day to day life, not a single thing will change. She will still run laps, dig holes, and annoy her brothers at home with me. We may also start competing in altered conformation and some sports depending on how the queen is feeling. We all know she is the one who calls the shots around here 👑