So why does my dog eat hoof clippings?
If you have been in an environment of horses and dogs you are completely familiar with the strange obsession dogs have with bits of hoof, the smellier the better accompanied by some surprising rituals surrounding the division of the spoils. In our own group we have a female (who thinks she is in charge, for sure she is) who collects all the clippings and buries them, before digging them up a few days later, happy then to dish out the bits to the other dogs, almost choosing who gets what, big dog big bit, puppy dog a softer smaller often smellier bit.
Being in the job I’m in, I couldn’t resist mentioning a couple of benefits to the gut biome.
The microbiome of a dog fed a wholesome varied diet contains a healthy percentage of bacteria that are potentially pathogenic but are also prolific digesters of protein, keratin is a type of protein hence dogs with access to bones (collagen) or hooves will have higher percentages of proteolytic enzymes.
Proteolytic enzymes have some really important health benefits
improved digestion,
decreased inflammation,
eases arthritis pain,
reduces symptoms related to colitis and inflammatory bowel syndrome.
Worryingly many dogs that take the Petbiome test don’t have any proteolytic bacteria……