This horse just continues to please me.
I love may so much ❤️.
An absolutely beautiful night for a trail ride❤️😍
Mr. whsisper being amazing at liberty as per usual 💪
It's been a loooong time since I've posted on here, but enjoy this video of whisper today!
May is such a 👑.
I'm so proud of her!
In this video, we tried doing stations liberty circles at a lope for the 2nd time!
We still need have much work to do but we're getting there! I won't be able to work with her for awhile though because we just got some rain. Which is fine, we're gonna need it🫠
Just thought I'd share this video of may being the bestest mare!
Don't forget that may will be up for adoption this summer!
May doing some cool liberty!
Okay may!😍😍🥰🥰
May is such a good pony, her liberty has been getting a LOT better!! she finally stays in more consistent circles and holds her head very nicely!🥰
May is doing very good at all the other things we've also been working on.
May was sitting down for at least 2 mins on the ground today, (which is pretty long lol.)
So proud of May!🥰
May: are tarps supposed to be scary?😜
May has a surcingle, saddle pad, and tarp on her and she couldn't care less!💪
Some videos of May from tonight!
May is just so cool!!
new trick: spinning with moving her front!
Even though May didn't preform as I had hoped, I'm still so proud of her. I learned SO much this year. It's not always about winning, but about, learning having fun, etc.
May has taught me so much and I am so thankful for that. May learned so much within 100 days which is amazing since she is still a yearling!
Of course I can't blame it all on May, it didn't help that I was nervous while we were waiting for our turn to show.
also the place we showed in was big and scary and May has never been to a place like it before.
I'm SO proud of May!!
Whisper-"Leaves are yummy😜"
Whisper doing the bend! I'm SO SO SO proud of Whisper, He learned it really quick! Bend is usually a hard thing to teach and takes patience.
I'm starting to teach bend to him going the other way and it's going to be more difficult, from what I can tell :\
Here's a video of whisper doing the bend!! sorry about the bad quality video, it was late in the night :(
Bridle-less ride on Whisper this morning!
He did amazing, I did not expect him to listen so well since he hasn't been worked/ridden for almost 2 weeks!!