Warning About Sharon Jean Logan, Repeat Embezzler Behind Paw Protectors

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  • Warning About Sharon Jean Logan, Repeat Embezzler Behind Paw Protectors

Warning About Sharon Jean Logan, Repeat Embezzler Behind Paw Protectors Sharon Jean Logan, of Paw Protectors, has a long history of theft, embezzlement, and harassment. Her victims were her employers and friends. (She is gone.)

This Page's purpose is to prevent future victims of theft, harassment, and false r**e/abuse accusations by 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan, a bookeeper by trade and admitted sometime-prostitute, who is also a donation-seeking activist. Logan has six felony convictions for financial crimes, (four against different employers), and nine total financial crime convictions spanning 1999-2017. Three o

ther people have accused but not prosecuted, one as recently as 2019 (a landlord/roommate said Logan stole from her purse). She owes more than $500,000 in criminal restitution to various victims (counting interest), which she is not paying, although she brags about lavish tastes, and filed bankruptcy in 2022. She also has multiple misdemeanor convictions, restraining orders, and civil judgments against her. She was criminally charged in 1998 for making a false r**e report against an ex, and has made multiple false abuse accusations against men, some of which resulted in restraining orders against her. This matters because Logan seeks employment handling money, seeks public donations through her nonprofit, Paw Protectors Rescue -- and because she publicizes and ridicules the legal, personal, and financial troubles of others, while refusing to own her own much worse history. In fact, Logan has a blog and Page devoted to ridiculing another rescuer's divorce case. In late 2021, Logan lied extensively on her resume to get hired as a law firm's office manager, managing its money. In 2017, Logan pled guilty to her fifth and sixth financial felonies, Grand Theft by Employee and Grand Theft, in Orange County Case No. 16WF2434. She still owes more than $8,000 in restitution to those victims, RSM Plumbing and Geers Plumbing. According to one owner, Logan also made false accusations and tried to demand money to keep quiet. In 2016, Logan pled guilty to a 2013 misdemeanor ID Theft in Orange County Superior Court Case No. 15WF1495. In 2013, a now-deceased lawyer, Brady Price, accused her on the Paw Protectors page of stealing $7,500 from him, although he didn't prosecute. (That's what led us to Logan.) Price also sued her. In 2003, Logan pled guilty to two felony counts of taking money by False Pretenses from Todd Breker in Riverside County, RIF109008. In 2001, while already in prison, Logan pled to her second felony, embezzlement, San Bernardino County Case No. FWV021176. In 2000, Logan pled guilty to one felony count of Grand Theft, and one misdemeanor count of Fraud and Embezzlement, for stealing at least $160,000 by falsifying time sheets from her employer, in Riverside County, RIF090464. She was ordered to pay $160,000 in criminal restitution. In 1999, Logan (as Hecox) pled guilty to misdemeanor ID Theft in San Bernardino against her now-deceased ex-husband, James Hecox, MVA022916. In 1998, Logan was prosecuted by San Bernardino County for making a false police report accusing her ex of r**e.

Combat Ro has been infinitely helpful and patient in explaining shelter reform and cat welfare to me, topics  about whic...

Combat Ro has been infinitely helpful and patient in explaining shelter reform and cat welfare to me, topics about which I knew nothing before starting my Warning About Sharon Jean Logan, Repeat Embezzler Behind Paw Protectors page.


Are county contracts being issued without proper oversight? A former OC Animal Care employee, now living out of state, received a contract that seems to have produced no tangible results. Meanwhile, OC Animal Care is understaffing kennels and ignoring the majority of their very expensive 2018 Strate...

Add yet another restraining order to the long list against 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan.Yes, the court in San Dieg...

Add yet another restraining order to the long list against 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan.

Yes, the court in San Diego issued a temporary
order barring Logan from harassing her old rescue buddy, Dr. Saskia Boisot. Logan has to stay 100 feet away from Boisot until the hearing in August.

Logan tried, but failed, to get the court to issue a restraining order against Dr. Boisot.

Why? Mainly because of our efforts to warn the public about Logan's lengthy history of grift and harassment. Logan keeps trying to convince the public we're Dr. Boisot in disguise, even though we've been telling her for two years we're not, and that our problem with Logan is not her positions on animal welfare.

Even if we *were* Dr. Boisot, however, Logan still wouldn't have grounds for a restraining order. That's because, unlike Logan, we use true information from public sources. Like her many criminal records, for instance. And the information is relevant regarding a publicity hound who seeks public donations and tries to influence public policy.

Our anonymous days may be numbered. Logan said she plans to subpoena the records from our blog. Oh, well.

What do you want to bet that when the records prove we're *not* Dr. Boisot, that Logan won't change her tune one bit?

After all, Logan was publicly posting the Boisot family's divorce and custody records long before we knew of either of these ladies' existences.

She'll move on to some other cockamamie theory, like that we were put up to this two-year effort by Dr. Boisot in a conspiracy to thwart Logan's heroic anti-shelter rants at government meetings.

And she'll keep that "Donate" button up on her Paw Protectors site.

All 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan's Baby Reindeer-style efforts on behalf of accused animal abuser and fraudster St...

All 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan's Baby Reindeer-style efforts on behalf of accused animal abuser and fraudster Steffen Baldwin went completely ignored in Baldwin's defense's closing argument this week. (Probably luckily for Baldwin).

Nonetheless, the career Southern Cali grifter is still trying to use the discredited "dog whisperer's" criminal case for attention and donations to her nonprofit, Paw Protectors. (We're still not clear on what that nonprofit does.)

After harassing witnesses online, traveling out to Ohio for the tail end of Baldwin's four-week trial, and trying unsuccessfully to get reporters to quote her, Logan is now sneering on her Paw Protectors page about how Remi -- one of at least eight pet dogs the disgraced animal trainer was paid to train, had secretly euthanized, then lied about -- deserved to die.

And implying Baldwin did Remi's owners a favor.

Logan's meanspiritedness about the dog has been striking, coming from a claimed dog advocate. Then again, Logan also turned against Remi's owners in 2022 and publicly harassed them, after two years of spinning yarns to them about Logan's fantasy life wherein she owns real estate and is a successful paralegal and crypto investor, rather than a 55-year-old twice-bankrupt, frequently fired, admitted part-time pr******te who has done multiple prison stints for theft from employers, owes more than $600K in unpaid criminal restitution, and had at least three romances end with her lovers seeking restraining orders. (Two succeeded, as well as one former friend, and two former employers. Another former ally is awaiting a hearing in July against Logan.)

Naturally, the aspiring animal advocacy celeb ignores at least seven other deceased dogs for which Baldwin tried similar coverups. More than 40 witnesses testified for the prosecution, including multiple dog owners, about Baldwin's lies and alleged fraud regarding the dogs they'd paid him to rehabilitate.

Baldwin's defense counsel, in a surprisingly short closing argument (only 21 pages, in contrast to the prosecution's 75), also said nothing about Baldwin's myriad lies to various dogs' owners about the dogs' fate, told while Baldwin continued using the dogs' stories to fundraise and self-promote.

"He had limited resources, and did the best he could with what he had available," the defense wrote.

Except: How is repeated lying about his failures, to the people harmed by them, ever the best someone can do?

But maybe that's why 6Time relates to Baldwin.

Anyway, it's interesting that the defense doesn't deny Steffen Baldwin told all those lies, even though lying, by itself, isn't illegal. We'd expected to maybe hear another version of events.

We don't expect a ruling as to whether Baldwin is guilty until at least mid-June. There's no deadline, and the prosecution has until June 7 to file a reply argument.

As for Sharon Logan, she has removed most of her earlier screeds *against* Baldwin from Facebook. (But see below for a screenshot and links.) Logan bizarrely flip-flopped in 2022, defending Baldwin as an innocent victim of overzealous pit bull advocates once he proved willing to speak poorly about another former Logan friend, Dr. Saskia Boisot of San Diego.

That position hasn't gained any traction with the press or public, however. Or even with Baldwin's criminal defense. It flies in the face of the evidence.

It may be, though, that Baldwin's dishonesty and manipulation toward the many dog owners who trusted him, while he quietly euthanized their dogs to protect his reputation, simply doesn't rise to the level of crime. We'll see.

We'll sign off with a 2021 quote from none other than Logan: "Steffen Baldwin and his rabid supporters are a prime example of rescue and animal advocacy gone awry."

It's one of the few smart things we ever saw 6Time say. Too bad she didn't mean it.

Felons can run for president? Uh-oh.Don't get any ideas, 6Time. 🧐

Felons can run for president? Uh-oh.

Don't get any ideas, 6Time. 🧐

Anyone looking for a job? Looks like 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan's gig at Dr. Paul Reardon's office is open for a...

Anyone looking for a job? Looks like 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan's gig at Dr. Paul Reardon's office is open for applicants!

Check out the Indeed ad, below.

We'd been wondering why 6Time was posting from Sacramento on a weekday. It's sure not like legislators needed the non-rescuing gadfly around for their press conference about the proposed trap-neuter-release law, . (Logan doesn't rescue cats, but she latches onto issues that get media attention.)

Readers will remember that last September, we caught up with Logan working the front desk at Newport Coast Mental Health (oh, the irony), for psychiatrist Dr. Reardon.

We rushed to warn Dr. Reardon of Logan's extensive history of embezzlement, theft from employers, harassment, and false accusations.

We were puzzled when Dr. Reardon ghosted us, and kept Logan around even after learning that information. Logan bragged on her Paw Protectors page that she was "thriving" at the job (while she kept stiffing her many theft victims out of their court-ordered criminal restitution).

We doubted that 6Time's mad job skillz were the answer, because we'd never found a former employer of hers with good things to say.

Well, except for one Randy Buchan, an aspiring screenwriter and owner of a small communications installer, Meridian Systems Supply, for which Logan claimed to have worked on the extensively falsified resume she gave to the Newport Beach law firm who fired her in 2022.

When we reached out to Mr. Buchan under a parody LinkedIn account, Logan's alleged former boss apparently mistook us for Logan -- and told us we looked "sexy."

He wouldn't comment about her job performance.

So, we started periodically checking court records for a divorce filing. Sure enough, in mid-March, Dr. Reardon's wife filed for divorce.

We hope it's just a coincidence. (The doctor's wife did say in her petition that they'd been separated since 2021, which was well before 6Time's arrival.)

And let's face it, 6Time would be a HUGE drop for Dr. Reardon, whose wife is also an MD. Educated, not-felonious professionals typically date same -- not 55-year-old grifters with lengthy rap sheets and recent bankruptcies. So, a Logan link seems farfetched. We're just casting about wildly for any reason he'd have kept such a liability around for so long.

Let's hope Logan doesn't devote another poorly-written blog to their divorce, as she did to her erstwhile friend in rescue, Dr. Saskia Boisot of San Diego. Logan's online harassment was so bad, the court actually sealed the family's case.

Let's also hope Logan doesn't start making false accusations about Dr. Reardon to the Medical Board, the way she did (unsuccessfully) with Dr. Boisot. Dr. Reardon is already on probation with the Board until April 2027. It's his second discipline by the board. (Mainly, they don't like how he prescribed meds. It's not like he stole from a patient or anything.)

Anyway, better luck to Dr. Reardon in this round of his employee hunt.

I've received 1,100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

I've received 1,100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉

The OC Register accepts former volunteer Michael Mavrovouniotis's numbers regarding the increase in dog euthanasia, and ...

The OC Register accepts former volunteer Michael Mavrovouniotis's numbers regarding the increase in dog euthanasia, and disregards 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan's claims that MM is misleading the public.

MM does have a Ph.D in engineering, and is retired from a research career. So he probably knows what he's doing. Columnist Terry Sforza called him "Zorro with a spreadsheet."

As for 6Time, we haven't even been able to verify she has a high school diploma. She has falsely claimed an accounting degree from CSU Fullerton, but removed that from her LinkedIn after we called her out.

We'll stay in our lane, and not comment on animal policy. We'll just note that we're pleased that Orange County's longtime paper of record didn't see the need to include 6Time among the multiple sources it quoted about shelter policy.

Because there are many non-felonious, non-embezzling, non-harassing shelter reform activists out there. You just wouldn't know it if you read 6Time on her Paw Protectors page, or heard her comment at public meetings. You'd think Logan was the only one who ever cared about OC Animal Care.

You'd think that when OCAC canned MM last year from his volunteer position for speaking out, 6Time would have rushed to his defense. After all, she still brings up about how that happened to her 13 years ago.

Every. Time. She. Speaks.

But not a word about OCAC doing the same to MM. If there's nothing in it for 6Time, she's not interested.

Columnist Teri Sforza writes that a comparison of pre- and post-pandemic years show failure of shelter policies, critics charge.


Crooked bookkeeper and 6Time convicted Financial Felon Sharon Logan recently boasted online about how she's "thriving" at her job managing the Newport Beach psychiatry office of Dr. Paul Francis Reardon -- yet she still isn't paying her court-ordered victim restitution.

If 6Time is doing so well, why is she still stiffing her victims?

Logan's refusal to pay is especially puzzling, given that she recently found the money for airfare and hotel to watch Steffen Baldwin's fraud and animal abuse trial in Ohio. (Logan is neither a victim nor a witness in Baldwin's criminal case, but she has been contacting reporters about it nonetheless. The self-styled "rescue" activist, who no longer actually rescues animals, asserts on her nonprofit Paw Protectors Rescue page that Baldwin is really an innocent victim of various people Logan doesn't like.)

Overall, Logan owes $600,000-plus in victim restitution, counting interest, ordered by the criminal courts for her various embezzlements and thefts over the years. Logan stole most of the money from places she worked.

While that might seem like an impossible amount to repay, a good start would be the approximately $11,000 she owes her most recent victims, the two Orange County plumbing companies from whom she was convicted of felony grand theft in 2017. (Logan was doing their payroll and processing customer payments, which is apparently what she's also doing at Dr. Reardon's Newport Coast Mental Health office.)

Those companies recorded liens against Logan for the restitution. You can look them up yourself under her name on the Orange County Recorder website. You'll also see some civil liens against Logan, mainly for unpaid taxes, that she dumped in her 2022 bankruptcy. But bankruptcy doesn't erase criminal restitution judgments.

When we interviewed the owners last year, they told us they hadn't received a penny from Logan since she got out of jail in 2018. (See link in comments.)

While their former employee was doing her weekend jail sentence for the two felonies, they'd received small weekly payments, due to the penal system garnishing Logan's wages for the restitution.

Logan bragged online about how she was allowed to do weekend jail for the felonies. (For her past four financial felonies, she'd done prison time.) She said she was "not ashamed" of her felonious past, comparing herself with the likes of Martha Stewart and Danny Trejo. (See screenshot in comments.)

We haven't heard of Trejo or Stewart having unpaid victim restitution orders, however.

We don't understand how Logan is morally comfortable with her failure to repay her victims, even when ordered to by the court. She brushes off her nine financial crime convictions (six are felonies) as old news -- but the bill for her unpaid restitution gathers more than $50 daily in interest.

As always, more info on the blog. See link in comments.

Sharon Jean Logan, of Paw Protectors, has a long history of theft, embezzlement, and harassment.

We, too, have been wondering what 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan's Paw Protectors "rescue" nonprofit actually does t...

We, too, have been wondering what 6Time Financial Felon Sharon Logan's Paw Protectors "rescue" nonprofit actually does to rescue animals.

Apparently, others were questioning this back in 2020. The president of R&R Boxer Rescue
noted below that Paw Protectors didn't seem to have actually taken in a rescue animal since 2012.

In 2020, Logan was at least sharing posts of animals in need of rescue. By the time we discovered Logan in 2022, she didn't even seem to be doing much of that anymore.

The "fraud" accusation probably stemmed from the fact that Logan calls her nonprofit a rescue, and seeks public donations. Neither Heather Jones, nor any of the other commenters, appeared to know that Logan actually does have a lengthy history of financial crime convictions, which includes fraud, and that she owes more than $600K, counting interest, in court-ordered criminal restitution which she isn't paying.

They also probably didn't know that in 2012, Logan's policeman boyfriend, Alex R., evicted her from his home, where she'd been keeping her rescue dogs. Logan unsuccessfully fought the eviction in court, and we've posted those documents previously. It was her fourth eviction judgment that we've found.

Logan also accused the boyfriend of domestic abuse, and unsuccessfully tried to get a restraining order against him. He got a restraining order against *her,* which was in effect until 2021. (It was the fifth restraining order we found that courts had granted men against Logan over the years, see comments for link.)

Since 2012, Logan has bumped around through many rentals, often renting rooms. She did weekend jail for a few months in 2017-2018 for grand theft from employers. That may be why she hasn't been rescuing dogs. Although she sometimes tells people she owns a beachfront condo, that's untrue.

Logan also doesn't own any *pets,* according to her 2022 bankruptcy petition .

From what we can tell, Paw Protectors is just Sharon Logan (she has a couple people ID'd as officers in her corporate documents, but they don't seem to be involved in animal rescue activities). What Logan does is show up at government meetings and make public comments, and use her Paw Protectors page to harangue shelters and other animal rescuers.

And if people want to donate money for a repeat embezzler and serial harasser to travel around to do that, well, that's perfectly legal. We just hope they understand what they're getting for their money.

Remember the Newport Beach law firm that 6Time convicted Financial Felon Sharon Logan conned with a fake resume into giv...

Remember the Newport Beach law firm that 6Time convicted Financial Felon Sharon Logan conned with a fake resume into giving her their office manager job, handling their payroll and client trust account?.

After the firm fired her in 2022, Logan tried to shake them down for $40K. She said if they didn't pay her the money, she'd file a lawsuit for sexual discrimination and harassment. (They said she was incompetent at her job, and couldn't get along with clients and coworkers -- in addition to being completely inappropriate for a money-handling job as someone with multiple thefts and embezzlements from employers.)

But Logan couldn't find an attorney who'd take the repeat embezzler's case. So, she filed a retaliation claim with the Department of Industrial Relations. Unlike a lawsuit, that's free to the complainant. (Records are on our blog, link in comments.)

Never one to miss a grift, 6Time also made a slip-and-fall claim to the management company for the firm's office building.

Logan eventually dropped the retaliation charges, but not without causing many months of headache to her bamboozled employer. It underscores the danger of being involved, personally or professionally, with someone like Logan who has no assets to lose, and no problem with lying.

And as regular readers will remember, it's not the first time Logan has pulled similar stunts with former employers -- even those she's stolen from. (See the records on our blog, link in comments.)

Logan is currently working the front desk of psychiatrist Dr. Paul Francis Reardon, of Newport Beach. We're curious to see how that turns out for Dr. Reardon -- and his patients.


6time Financial Felon Sharon Logan is now using her nonprofit Paw Protectors page to harass the lead investigator in the fraud and animal cruelty case against Steffen Baldwin -- and implying Baldwin's defense attorneys aren't competent enough to find and use good evidence.

Keep in mind that 6Time, a California resident, didn't attend most of Baldwin's 3-week criminal trial in Ohio. She popped in on the last day for the last hour of testimony. (As usual, Logan chose to spend money on travel rather than paying the more than $600,000 of court-ordered criminal restitution she owes her many financial crime victims.)

We weren't there either, so we'll just point out that Baldwin's court-appointed defense attorneys seem to be providing him with the vigorous defense required by law. If there was any good evidence against the state, we're confident they used it.

We highly doubt that the longtime career grifter's Google searches, gossip, and dishonest posing turned up anything relevant and admissible that Baldwin's paid investigator and experienced public defenders couldn't find themselves -- or didn't use.

Many of Logan's ranting accusations against the detective appear misleading or outright untrue. But as we posted before, Logan apparently feels free to lie because she would have no assets to collect in a libel judgment against her.

Despite Logan's many, many turns as a criminal defendant, she misuses terms such as "mistrial." A mistrial happens when one side does something impermissible to prejudice the jury against the other side. But Baldwin waived jury; a judge will decide whether he is guilty.* And you don't get a mistrial when one side *chooses* not to present evidence on its own behalf.

Despite her lack of legal understanding, Logan does have a history of trying to latch onto attorneys socially and professionally. She has lied about having worked for lawyers, although the convicted embezzler did trick one firm into hiring her in 2021 to handle its money.

That firm fired her 10 months later for alleged incompetence and dishonesty, according to Labor Board records.

Whether Baldwin is guilty will be decided by the judge after receiving written closing arguments from both sides. Yesterday, the judge denied the defense's oral motion (known in Ohio as a Rule 29 motion) to dismiss the case based on the state not presenting enough evidence to, even if true, support the charges.

That doesn't mean Baldwin is guilty. The judge still has to decide if he *believes* enough of the evidence presented to convict Baldwin.

But denial of the Rule 29 motion means the court believes that, if the evidence presented is *true,* it's enough to convict Baldwin on the charges.

A word on public defenders: They get a bad rap. Any time you hear someone complain they were convicted because they couldn't afford a "real" attorney and just had a "public pretender," disbelieve that person.

Public defenders get tons of experience being in the courtroom daily. They also know what the judge and prosecutors are likely to do.

Baldwin hired private attorneys at first. But he stiffed them out of more than $30,000, according to his bankruptcy petition, and had publicly funded attorneys thereafter.

It's common for defendants who are convicted to appeal. Often, they argue that they wouldn't have been convicted if their attorneys had done what they were supposed to. This is known as an Ineffective Assistance of Counsel claim (IAC).

So, those who want to see Baldwin pay for his extensive, admitted dishonesty to the public and todog owners should be happy when they see his defense pulling out all the stops.

That includes their unsuccessful motion, made on the eve of trial, claiming the entire prosecutor's office should be disqualified from prosecuting Baldwin because many years before Baldwin's crimes, he helped out one of the prosecutors on a couple of animal welfare cases. (If anything, we think that relationship would be *helpful* to Baldwin, not prejudicial.)

And have some sympathy for Baldwin's lawyers, trying to do their job in the public interest, who have to deal with the shrill, nonsensical yammerings of an attention-grubbing grifter with multiple fraud convictions claiming she wants to "help."

*Update: We see 6Time doubled down on her misunderstanding of "mistrial," over on her anti-Boisot page. If you're interested, see our response below in the comments.

If anyone needed a reminder that Steffen Baldwin's dishonest behavior was witnessed by, and harmed, many separate people...

If anyone needed a reminder that Steffen Baldwin's dishonest behavior was witnessed by, and harmed, many separate people and groups, here's one such reminder from . (See screenshot below, and link in comments.)

6Time convicted Financial Felon Sharon Logan is having a meltdown over on her Paw Protectors site about Baldwin's criminal trial. She's trying to convince her followers that Baldwin's three-week criminal trial, with its 40 prosecution witnesses, eight euthanized dogs, and 40-something criminal charges of animal abuse and various financial fraud, is simply the result of a vendetta by witness Litsa Kargakos of .

We're not sure why. But Logan seems to have, bizarrely, pinned her hopes on Steffen Baldwin for revenge against Baldwin's former California nonprofit partner, Dr. Saskia Boisot of San Diego. (Neither Boisot nor Baldwin have any charges stemming from the California rescue operation, and Boisot wasn't involved in Steffen's alleged Ohio crimes.)

As we've previously posted, Logan and Baldwin have worked together to embarrass the Kargakos family on social media by ridiculing them for personal issues having nothing to do with Baldwin or rescue, such as the untimely death of Angelo's adult daughter.

Revenge for what? We don't know. The doctor has kept mum since Baldwin's arrest at the California dog rescue ranch, Underdog Alliance, and Baldwin's subsequent extradition to Ohio, which caused the shutdown of the ranch.

Meanwhile, 6Time is shrieking over at PP that she, and she alone, ended the California ranch, Underdog Alliance. As if the closure had nothing to do with the ranch's dog trainer being hauled out of state on dozens of fraud and animal cruelty charges.

Grandiose much, 6Time?


Six-Time convicted Financial Felon Sharon Logan showed up in court Friday to support accused fraudster and animal abuser Steffen Baldwin on the last day of his 3-week criminal trial regarding a scheme for fame and money where he killed pet dogs whose owners had paid him to train, believing he had "dog whisperer" skills.

Although the convicted, repeat embezzler and admitted pr******te wasn't a witness, one of her cons to help the admittedly dishonest Baldwin played a bit part in the trial. Posing as someone eager to *help* the investigation, Logan had texted with the lead investigator, trying to get him to say something Baldwin could later use against him.

Logan had gotten the investigator's contact info from witness and victim Litsa Kargakos of -- whom Logan had latched onto, under the guise of wanting to help get the word out about Baldwin's misdeeds and get him prosecuted.

Logan then wheedled the investigator for advice about how to help a dog she supposedly thought was being abused in California. The investigator reportedly told her if she was that concerned, she might think about dognapping the dog away from its abusers. Lo and behold, that text showed up years later in cross-examination of the investigator. "Look, he advised her to break the law to save an animal!"

That seems like pretty weak character impeachment to us. But it's the best Baldwin had, apparently.

As of Friday, all the evidence is in. Since Baldwin opted to have a judge rather than a jury decide his case, the judge is allowing written closing arguments. The judge won't rule on Baldwin's guilt for more than a month.

In the meantime, 6Time is trying to drum up public support for Baldwin (see screenshot in comments). In fact, Logan was seen in court latching desperately onto the reporter for the linked article -- but her efforts were fruitless. She's not mentioned. (See link in comments. There's a paywall, and we recommend you support local journalism by paying the small amount to get the story, but for our financially compromised readers we've posted screenshots in the comments.)

By way of background, Logan, who has a string of felony convictions for fraud and embezzlement from friends and employers, has for years been trying to make a career for herself out of animal activism, much as Baldwin was. She latches onto popular causes for publicity, and often claims credit for the work of other activists.

She has a nonprofit, Paw Protectors, that seeks public donations. Anyone can have a nonprofit who fills out the paperwork -- regardless of criminal history.

Logan's activism consists mainly of posting on social media, and showing up at public meetings to speak during the comments sessions. But, back in 2014, she got a public interest attorney to take her case against an Orange County animal shelter that had stopped her from volunteering after she accused them of needlessly putting down a dog. (She settled the case for no money, as she was dealing with several criminal charges for theft on top of her previous felony fraud convictions.)

So, it made sense at first when Logan reached out to Kargakos offering to help get the word out about Baldwin -- who hadn't been arrested for his Ohio crimes yet, and was running a rescue in California. At the time, Baldwin was, and remains, an unpopular character in the animal rescue world.

But as it turned out, Logan was conning Kargakos. Logan was on Baldwin's side. She turned on Kargakos, harassing her, ridiculing her, and posting screenshots of their personal conversations (which has been a common Logan harassment technique over the years). As we posted previously, she even worked with Baldwin to dig up personal information to ridicule the Karkagos family with on social media, such as the sad death of Angelo Kargakos' adult daughter from drug addiction.

Why? The best we can figure out is that Logan is so blinded by whatever grudge she has against Baldwin's former partner in California, Dr. Saskia Boisot of San Diego, (a former friend of Logan's) that she'll shill for absolutely anyone who'll speak negatively about Boisot. (Boisot has a clean record, and neither she nor Baldwin have any criminal charges related to the California rescue, which shut down when Baldwin was arrested for the Ohio crimes. Boisot had no involvement in Baldwin's alleged Ohio crimes.)

She'll even shill for a guy who admits to taking money from pet owners to train their dogs, killing them, and lying about it.

And she's hoping you'll be impressed enough to hit that "Donate" button on her website.

Sharon Jean Logan, of Paw Protectors, has a long history of theft, embezzlement, and harassment.



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