Hi everyone,
Just giving an update on where we are at. We started this idea full of excitement and enthusiasim all of which is all but gone at this point. We have some items in stock that we wanted to have available but for the most part are really struggling with suppliers for a lot of things.
We keep hearing things from wholesalers like "we dont deal with businesses unless they have been opereating for 6 months or more". Ummm how can you operate a business without stock? And another great one we've heard a lot "we only supply to pet stores". While I'm sure many of the more serious staockmen would argue sheep/stock dogs are not pets, in a general sense of the word a dog is most definately a pet.
Some of the more specialty items you all have requested such as talking timers and walk n sits have been virtually impossible with no response recieved from anyone who makes or wholesales this type of item.
So our fun idea has turned into what feels like an impossible nightmare, with walls in all directions. (No wonder no ones done this!)
Never the less, we haven't completely given up. It just means this idea is going to take a lot more getting off the ground than we first thought, so a time frame for opening is a far off dream at this point in time.
As soon as we can source enough of a range to make a shop we will open up and go from there.