Did you know that the way a puppy/ dog sleeps can tell you a lot about them?
1. The Side Sleeper
If your pooch tends to sleep on the side, it means that they're incredibly comfortable with their surroundings, are secure with themselves, and are in no way high-maintenance.
And though your dog may be guarded and alert when awake, she feels blessed to be in your home and company, and has an enormous sense of trust in you.
Dogs who sleep in this position tend to be happy-go-lucky and fiercely loyal.
2. The Snuggly Fox
The curled-up position is probably the most common. Their paws will be comfortably tucked away under their bodies, and the tails will wrap all the way round til it touches the face.
By curling up, your dog is naturally conserving her body heat and protecting her limbs, face, throat, and all vital organs, according to BowWow Times.
Dogs who sleep in this position are gentle, easy-going, and have a naturally sweet disposition.
3. The 'Superman' Pup
Many dogs sleep on their stomachs, but the "super" pups are probably the most adorable of them all. With all of their four limbs stretched out and heads level on the ground, they look like they're flying through the air.
This position makes it easy for pups to spring up and get moving, as soon as you call them, or as soon as they've woken up, according to Dog's Best Life.
Pups who sleep in this position are super high-energy and very easily motivated.
Come back tomorrow to see the next 3 sleeping positions and what they say about your furbaby.