It started with bridles and show rings.
Place this hoof here and that one there.
More energy, but not in that way. Look here, step higher, more please!
Come up to my standards as I ride to theirs - because I don’t know what my own should be.
And when the marks on the test sheet are high enough, we will send in our entry for the next level.
One day, perhaps, we’ll both be good enough.
There’s nothing wrong with tests, dressage courts, and high expectations.
Except when what you’re competing against is your own striving.
How is your horse enough for you, when you’re never enough for yourself?
What is left when I come to the end of my own endeavoring?
When everything is stripped away and it is revealed that the reins were only holding onto my own desire for control?
And the reins were never necessary to stop the thundering hoofbeats - only trust and a whispered prayer.
Who am I but who He created me to be?
Who is my horse but a perfect gift designed to reveal everything He desires for me?
First photo: Blesk Photography
Second photo: