Nala showing off her impressive loose-leash walking skills. Can you believe this sweet girl is only 9 months old??
We started increasing the difficulty on Chomper's recall this week as he's growing up. Who can spot the exact moment when he realizes his dad is by the couch? 🥰
Walter working on front door manners. Currently his normal routine is to be ushered into his crate when someone knocks on the front door, but his humans don't want to continue doing that, so we're teaching him to sit and stay instead. Walter has good self-control and good work ethic, so he's fun to teach!
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #goldendoodle #frontdoormanners #sitstay #obediencetraining #dogobedience #doodle #dogmanners #gooddog
Look at Chomper learning his baby recalls! It's so easy to build an excited, motivated recall in a young puppy -- there's no reason to wait until you already have problems with your dog to begin training!
Also, side note, look at his gorgeous trot! This boy is from show lines, and you can see it in how he moves. 🥰
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #puppytraining #puppy #labpuppy #labradorretriever #blacklab #recall #recalltraining
Puppy training 101: sometimes you have to make do with what you have! In this training session with Finch, he offered me something brilliant that I wanted to reward excessively. I had a few pieces of food but my toy was several yards away in the garage and I didn't want to break the moment by walking away from my puppy. So I reached in my pocket and grabbed Finch's puppy collar, and he got to play tug with that! It's great to have exactly what you want on hand, but real life doesn't usually work that way -- so don't break the moment, and just make do with what you do have!
Walter is making good choices! His default is to charge the fence and bark anytime he hears a neighbor passing, but he's finally learning to calm down and let his world go by without being THAT neighbor dog. Great work, Walter!
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #doodle #goldendoodle #dogobedience #ecollar #ecollartraining #gooddog
I'm so proud of Bowie! He's working on front door manners, and he's just about there! Now it's up to him and his people to practice, practice, practice.
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #dogobedience #gooddog #doxie #daschund #frontdoormanners #sitstay #politedog #dogmanners
Look, no hands! George and his owner are conquering the skill of good, polite loose-leash walking.
If you wish your dog could walk like this, let me share a secret: he can! Need help? Reach out!
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #walk #walkyourdog #looseleash #heel #dogobedience
Bailey was practicing long, speedy recalls across his yard this week!
Tucker's introduction to the stay command. He's going to pick this one up in no time!
#dogtrainer #dogtraining #obediencetraining #stay #sitstay #shelterdog