We set out to resolve this issue. After speaking with several veterinary hospitals known to treat a large number of cases of FIP in China, we contacted two brands who agreed to supply us with GS-441524 for buyers outside of China. Slayer and Hua Hua. While their products were generally good, the volume, and concentration was inconsistent. When we tested by independent labs, we found that the concentration from batch to batch could vary between 10-15mg/ml. We needed to do better. We began focusing our time on working with selecting and collaborating with our own contract manufacturer to create a product with more consistent quality standards. Today, we can proudly say that through our persistent efforts, we have help saved thousands of cats around the world, and the number is growing everyday. Our GS-441524 are tested independently by internationally certified labs to ensure proper concentration, purity and volume as stated in our product description. We ship to most global destinations in 3 days or less. We are happy that we can make a living doing something good in this world.