UPDATE: Good news - SOFI has finally found the best possible home!
8-aastane emane kooikerhondje (hollandi väike veelinnukoer) on uue kodu ootel. Sofi on väga rahulik, sõbralik, leebe ja viksi käitumisega koer, kuid kahjuks ei sobi väikeste lastega perre. Talle meeldivad pikad jalutuskäigud metsas ja mere ääres, suviti armastab väga ujuda. Tõsise huvi korral ootan sõnumit. Palun kuulutust jagada!!!
An 8-year-old female kooikerhondje is looking for a new home. Sofi is a peaceful, friendly, loving dog, who sadly needs a new home where there are no small kids. Sofi loves long walks by the sea and in the woods, she is fond of swimming in summers. She'd make a wonderful hiking companion for an active family. Please share and help Sofi find a loving home!