Chriskooi's kooikerhondjes - hollandi väike veelinnukoer

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Chriskooi's kooikerhondjes - hollandi väike veelinnukoer Kennel Chriskooi's in Estonia has been breeding kooikerhondjes since 2009. Our first dog Täpi (Manusia's Christa) came to us from Holland.

Today we have three kooikers, in addition to Täpi her daughter Lotte (born in 2009) and son Mufi (born in 2012).

I haven't updated the page for a while. In the meantime, after a 12-year break,  we've been to the Kooiikerhondje Clubsh...

I haven't updated the page for a while. In the meantime, after a 12-year break, we've been to the Kooiikerhondje Clubshow in Woudenberg, the Netherlands, with the entry of 136 kooikerhondjes from 13 countries.

Our Birthe took the 1st place in champion class and I am so very proud of her.

We took part in the symposium where kooikerhondjes' health problems and other important topics were discussed.

We visited an eendenkooi in Waardenburg and learned how kooikerhondjes once worked in luring ducks.

It was lovely to meet old friends again, as well as make some new ones.


Kes ütles, et vanale koerale uusi trikke ei õpeta. Mufi (12,5) õppis sukeldumise ära. Mufi pole muidugi vana ka.


Kõik naudivad kuuma suveilma

Mufi ja Birthe loodavad, et juba võib metsas mustikaid  leida😁 Teisel pildil on Birthe, kellest on kooikeri moodi koer k...

Mufi ja Birthe loodavad, et juba võib metsas mustikaid leida😁 Teisel pildil on Birthe, kellest on kooikeri moodi koer kasvanud. Ilmselgelt on ühtteist pärinud vanavanaema Täpilt ja vanaema Lottelt.

Üle pika aja üks postitus siia kaKäisime Zagrebis Maailma Võitja 2024 näitusel. Meie 12-aastane Mufi tõi ära World Veter...

Üle pika aja üks postitus siia ka
Käisime Zagrebis Maailma Võitja 2024 näitusel. Meie 12-aastane Mufi tõi ära World Veteran Winner 2024 tiitli ja Birthe sai oma esimese CACIBi. Lisaks kahele näitusele seiklesime Horvaatias ja Sloveenias ja nautisime imeilusat loodust.
Photography by Frida Slotte

Palju õnne 9. sünnipäevaks meie F-pesakonnale!

Palju õnne 9. sünnipäevaks meie F-pesakonnale!

UPDATE: Good news - SOFI has finally found the best possible home!8-aastane emane kooikerhondje (hollandi väike veelinnu...

UPDATE: Good news - SOFI has finally found the best possible home!

8-aastane emane kooikerhondje (hollandi väike veelinnukoer) on uue kodu ootel. Sofi on väga rahulik, sõbralik, leebe ja viksi käitumisega koer, kuid kahjuks ei sobi väikeste lastega perre. Talle meeldivad pikad jalutuskäigud metsas ja mere ääres, suviti armastab väga ujuda. Tõsise huvi korral ootan sõnumit. Palun kuulutust jagada!!!

An 8-year-old female kooikerhondje is looking for a new home. Sofi is a peaceful, friendly, loving dog, who sadly needs a new home where there are no small kids. Sofi loves long walks by the sea and in the woods, she is fond of swimming in summers. She'd make a wonderful hiking companion for an active family. Please share and help Sofi find a loving home!

Rõõmsaid jõule! Merry Christmas!

Rõõmsaid jõule! Merry Christmas!

A litter meeting for pups born on January 1, 2022. Sisters Birthe and Benthe meet one another regularly and are great fr...

A litter meeting for pups born on January 1, 2022. Sisters Birthe and Benthe meet one another regularly and are great friends. We also see Bertil now and then. Bria lives in Finland and has only met Birthe after having left our home. The youngsters were supervised by their granduncle Mufi, as well as Sofie, Bria’s ‘sister’. One pup, Boris, is missing from the photos. It’s most unfair, but he left two weeks ago and is running and playing somewhere in the dog sky now.

Chriskooi’s Birthe, 1 year 6 months

Chriskooi’s Birthe, 1 year 6 months


The best time of the year when the dogs find their own food in the forest


Birthe osaleb kõige võluvama naeratuse konkursil. Otsi kommentaaridest naeratav Birthe ja pane pildi alla 'Like', kui sulle ta naeratus meeldib.
Birthe is taking part in the broadest smile competition. Find her photo in the comments and 'Like' it, if you love her smile:)

Sinu koera heaks - Free Spirit Paws TOORTOIT! 😊 Valmistatud kodumaisest toorainest siinsamas Eestis.

Our Lotte's grandkids, absolutely adorable!Two boys are still looking for active homes.Born on May 2. Mother: Chriskooi'...

Our Lotte's grandkids, absolutely adorable!
Two boys are still looking for active homes.
Born on May 2.
Mother: Chriskooi's Helmi
Father: Cody Ginger von der Gramme Aue

Chriskooi’s Birthe at the age of 16 months

Chriskooi’s Birthe at the age of 16 months

Sisters Chriskooi’s Birthe and Britta (Bria) met in Finland after having not seen each other for a year.

Sisters Chriskooi’s Birthe and Britta (Bria) met in Finland after having not seen each other for a year.




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