Slithering Oddities is all set up at the All Cleveland Reptile Show! We will be here at Medina County Fairgrounds until 3pm today! Stop in and check out some awesome reptiles!
Two of the Mexican Black Kings are out. Here is a little clip of them.
#slitheringoddities #mbk #mexicanblackkingsnake #lampropeltisgetulanigrita
Special thanks to @paul.louis.bodnar for this wonderful Bismarck Ringed Python! This has been a bucket list animal here for a long time. So happy to have one in our care now, and we are looking forward to getting some more of these and establishing a breeding program down the road. Really excited about this one! He is such a beautiful little python! Great day here!
#slitheringoddities #bismarckringedpython #ringedpython #ringedpythons #bothrochilusboa #bothrochilus #python #pythons #pythonsofinstagram #snake #snakes #snakesofinstagram #reptile #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram
Take a look at this little ripper! Australian Olive Python. LIasis Olivaceous Olivaceous. There is still some confusion in herpetoculture about this species. A lot of people ask us about our “Apadora”. We see why these two species are easily confused. Taxonomy back in the day did nothing to help that. They are both similarly colored pythons of roughly the same size. We haven’t personally owned Apadora Papuana, but we understand that temperaments are usually similar in adults as well. If you are looking into getting one of these species, you will need to do your research. Apodora has a shorter snout than Olive Pythons. Olive Pythons of Australia have more of a charcoal grey olive tone whereas Papuans tend to be a richer shade of green with heavier blushing near the snake’s belly. These bloodlines should be kept separate as they are different species, and keepers/breeders are responsible for doing the research and choosing the right animals. I think if our community was a bit more diligent on the science end of things, maybe we wouldn’t always find ourselves looked down upon. Imagine if we took the energy we take fighting over BP’s, Cresties, and whatever else in the community and used that energy towards educating ourselves and the public about all kinds of different reptiles. We could really have something. I’m sure there are some other species out there that are easily confused with each other as well. When keepers/breeders are educated, and we are showing that we aren’t just in this for dollar bills a good light may finally shine on us. Thanks to all of the keepers and breeders who are properly representing. I see a lot of people out there who are working to diversify herpetoculture right now. Much respect to those who stick to their guns and work with the species that they are educated and passionate about.
#slitheringoddities #liasisolivaceusolivaceus #liasisolivaceus #australianolivepython #olivepython #olivepythons #olivepythonsofinstagram
We have been trying to get a good pic of this little one for a couple of days now. This is one of the babies from our Patternless Children’s Python. This one is taking food on its own at this point. The other three from the clutch are still being assist fed mouse or rat tails. Hopefully they will take off on the food soon as well. We decided to just get a video of this one, so that there is a good overall view of the animal. All three of the babies that look different definitely have some “fading” going on. All three are almost patternless on the back half of their bodies already.
#slitheringoddities #mangothepatternlesschildrenspython #patternlesschildrenspython #patternlesschildrens #childrenspython #childrenspythons #childrenspythonsofinstagram #dirtsnake #dirtsnakesofinstagram #dirtsnakesofinstagram #fadedpython #antaresiachildreni #antaresia #python #pythons #pythonsofinstagram #snake #snakes #snakesofinstagram #reptiles #reptile #reptilesofinstagram
And here is part 2 of our Olive Python video.
#slitheringoddities #australianolivepython #olivepython #liasisolivaceusolivaceus #liasisolivaceus #liasis
Part one of our Olive Pythons being put away. We incubated the clutch on two separate tubs. This is the first of two.
#slitheringoddities #australianolivepython #olivepython #liasisolivaceusolivaceus #liasisolivaceus #liasis
Slithering Oddities is all setup in Huntington at the West Virginia Reptile Expo! Come on down and see us today at the Marshall Health Network Arena!
Thanks to all of those that joined tonight! It was a good time!
A quick video of our clutch from our Patternless Children’s Python. Don’t mind me dropping the one a little. I was looking away an thought my hand was further into the tub when I put it down. It didn’t fall very far at all and is fine. These babies look awesome. Can’t wait to get them feeding and growing.
#slitheringoddities #mangothepatternlesschildrenspython #patternlesschildrenspython #childrenspython #antaresiachildreni #antaresia
Monday Night Pythons
Good chat with some fun people!