They are ready to go and very friendly with kids , strangers and other house pets The Pug is keen, with a happy-go-lucky attitude. Animated, peppy and spirited, it is loyal, loving and affectionate with its family. Playful, lively and rambunctious, it is sure to keep you laughing. Highly intelligent, it bores easily without variety in its training. These dogs can be a bit willful if they sense the
y are stronger minded than the humans around them. Pugs are sensitive to the tone of your voice, so harsh punishment is unnecessary. They need an owner who is calm, yet firm, confident and consistent with the rules. They are good watchdogs, very devoted and are not yappers. Pugs get along well with other dogs and pets, and they behave impeccably with both children and visitors. Be sure to be your Pug's pack leader. Pugs that do not have strong human leaders can become jealous, and begin to display guarding behaviors, such as guarding furniture, food, toys, or other spots in the house. This behavior only happens when dogs are allowed to take over. These behaviors can be corrected when the owners start displaying the proper leadership. Dogs that feel they need to run the home are not as happy as dogs that know they are the human’s followers, as it is very stressful for a dog to need to keep "its" humans in line. The Pug is good for apartment life. It is relatively inactive indoors and will do okay without a yard. Cannot withstand hot or cold weather and should be kept indoors at a comfortable temperature. Pugs are strong dogs with short, straight legs. They need to be taken on daily walks. While out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as instinct tells a dog the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. They enjoy energetic games and will keep in better health if given regular exercise. But be careful not to overdo it, especially if you see them start to wheeze.