Furry Friends Foster Haven

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Furry Friends Foster Haven Homebased foster care for feral cats. Providing shelter, food and love in my house or outdoors.

Wow! It's been awhile since I have been on here. Summer keeps you busy.I received an update and some pictures of Millie ...

Wow! It's been awhile since I have been on here. Summer keeps you busy.

I received an update and some pictures of Millie and Chloe. They are doing well in their new "furever" home. Both have settled in and hang out whenever they can. Look how sweet they are and how much Chloe has grown!

Update: Found the home for the little one. Safe and sound and with another kitty playmate.****My phone conversation with...

Update: Found the home for the little one. Safe and sound and with another kitty playmate.

My phone conversation with my daughter this morning revealed that the little black kitten discovered yesterday by my husband has returned today. We don't know where her Mama is and so far Lumos appears to be protecting her. My daughter has named her Uki. How cute is she?


Guess Lumos feels at home and appreciates us looking after him. This morning while I baked cookies he came up to the door with a chipmunk in his mouth. I went out to see if it was alive and sure enough the poor thing was struggling to get our of Lumos' mouth. I was able to get Lumos to release him and off the chipmunk went with Lumos chasing after. I distracted Lumos and the chipmunk got to live another day!

So true! Heed this advice. If you are unsure and concerned, reach out to a shelter who can help and assist with your con...

So true! Heed this advice. If you are unsure and concerned, reach out to a shelter who can help and assist with your concerns.

It's kitten season! And good-hearted people around the country are discovering kittens in their neighborhoods. While I love the passion everyone has for helping, especially kittens, this is your PSA for today 📣: DO NOT SCOOP UP KITTENS AND LEAVE THE MOM CAT BEHIND! It can be tempting to gather up the kittens and bring them indoors to keep them safe and fed. However, it is important to know that this is not in a kitten’s best interest if they are too young and certainly not in the best interest of the mom.

🛑 Stop and think about how this affects the bigger picture of overpopulation. If you REALLY want to "rescue", try leaving the kittens where they are so you might catch a glimpse of the mother and be able to help them ALL, so you can stop the unending cycle of reproduction. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Do not assume that kittens are abandoned or orphaned just because you do not see their mother. A mother cat will temporarily leave her kittens for good reasons, like looking for food. She may even be hiding and waiting for 🫵🏼YOU🫵🏼 to leave. Those kittens you found? They are healthy for a reason and that reason is because they have a mom caring for them. You can always reach out to a shelter or rescue for advice on how to proceed.

✨Remember, mother knows best.✨ You cannot replace a mother cats’ instinctive care. Plus, neonatal kittens (kittens 4 weeks old and younger) need specialized care to survive, which is challenging for humans to provide. Most shelters and rescues do not have the resources/fosters necessary to provide this kind of care round-the-clock care.

**If the kittens are sick, injured, cold, or dirty it IS time to intervene, whether you see mama cat or not.

If you scoop up kittens and leave the mom behind, you have left her to go through the same thing all over again in just a couple of months. 😭

STOP the cycle by spaying her AND rescuing the kittens. 👌🏼

After a long day trying to catch Chloe, she is now with her Mama at her 'furever' home. It was a long day! First Millie ...

After a long day trying to catch Chloe, she is now with her Mama at her 'furever' home. It was a long day! First Millie went home with her new Mom because Chloe, being the missile she is, was a challenge to catch. Finally after leaving Chloe alone for a few hours, she was caught about 4:30pm. I drove Chloe to her to her new home and got her settled in.

I recently heard from their new Mom that they were out from their hiding places and sitting on a chest looking out a big window watching the top of the trees sway in the breeze and the creek below weaving through.

Here's hoping they do well. I think they will. They are together and that in my opinion is a happy ending to their rough and sad beginning 😊.

How adorable is Lumos?

How adorable is Lumos?

I ended up picking Callie up on Wednesday, May 22. She was not doing well at her new home. Wasn't eating and always hidi...

I ended up picking Callie up on Wednesday, May 22. She was not doing well at her new home. Wasn't eating and always hiding. Brought her home and she was so happy. She explored the house and slept in her usual spot in the "box".

Maybe she is meant to be with us......?

Lumos appears to have made our place his home. He hangs out about 24/7 on our back deck. Walks around the yard with us, ...

Lumos appears to have made our place his home. He hangs out about 24/7 on our back deck. Walks around the yard with us, especially with our daughter and sleeps comfortably ontop of the container where the food is stored. He loves scratches and sits with us when we eat outdoors.

We love it and I am in the process of looking for an outdoor shelter for him. Thinking of converting an old dog house to make his. Anyone know someone who is disposing an old dog house or getting rid of old cupboards that can be converted into a shelter?

Callie was officially adopted about 3 weeks ago. She goes to her 'furever' home today. We are sad to see her go and happ...

Callie was officially adopted about 3 weeks ago. She goes to her 'furever' home today. We are sad to see her go and happy she found her perfect home. It is mixed emotions because she has come a long way from being a scared outdoor cat to a lovely, sweet cat who loves pets and belly rubs.

She is going to a wonderful lady who I have been conversing with via email and phone over the last few weeks. She is perfect for Callie. Someone I imagined Callie to be with.

Here's to a beautiful life for a beautiful girl
You deserve it Callie!

Lumos came for a visit and received lots of loving! He hadn't been around for 2 weeks! So glad he is okay. Though everyt...

Lumos came for a visit and received lots of loving! He hadn't been around for 2 weeks! So glad he is okay. Though everytime he comes around he has an injury or a cut of some kind to tend to. I would love to know where he goes, especially for such a long time.


I haven't been online much theses days. Work and life in general has been keeping me busy. In amongst all the craziness I have been working on getting Chloe used to human touch. She is now letting me pet her without running away. She even rolls for a small belly rub.

It only lasts for about a minute and it is an amazing minute!

Happy 1st birthday Jester!

Happy 1st birthday Jester!


Lumos has recovered. He has been neutered and released back outside. Success!

LuLu went home to her 'furever' home this evening. We all went to see her one last time. She was playing and roaming the...

LuLu went home to her 'furever' home this evening. We all went to see her one last time. She was playing and roaming the cage.

All the best LuLu! May your new life be full of love and new adventures.


Chloe at play!

This gives a whole new perspective on how spaying helps longevity in female cats. I had no idea. Glad Esmeralda has been...

This gives a whole new perspective on how spaying helps longevity in female cats. I had no idea. Glad Esmeralda has been saved.

Pyometra is an infection of the uterus that most commonly affects cats and dogs. Females left intact are not only at risk of breast cancer but this deadly infection where the uterus fills with bacteria. Left untreated (unspayed) the infection would eventually spread causing septicemia and death. Treatment of Pyometra is best done by removing the uterus or ‘spaying’.

Yesterday one of our latest rescues, Esmerelda was spayed and our vet was shocked to realize she had Pyometra. We were also shocked as Esmerelda showed no signs of illness. Usually a cat or dog with such advanced ‘Pyo’ would display lethargy, decreased appetite, swollen belly, vaginal discharge, change in behaviour i.e. hiding, hissing - but Esmerelda had none of these. We are forever grateful to our vet partners, who we work closely with, for accommodating our dogs and cats and providing such excellent care.

Pyometra is one of a long list of reasons to spay your pet. Spaying and neutering your pets can have many benefits, both medical and behavioural. All dogs and cats adopted out from EHS will be spayed or neutered. If you have not done it for your pets we HIGHLY recommend you do.

Emerelda was not a stray or street cat, she was owned. She is a 9-year-old cat whose owner passed away and she was surrendered to a municipal shelter. Her behaviour (spitting, hissing) at that shelter put her at risk of euthanasia.

Her behaviour was most definitely affected by her circumstances but probably also her health. She’d lived in a home with a person who was suddenly gone, found herself in a metal cage surrounded by new smells, sounds and people. Not to mention she was clearly not well despite displaying no clinical signs. Although changes in behaviour is a sign of illness - no one would have known if the hissing and spitting was ‘new’ behaviour for her.

In the end Esmerelda is alive simply because she was scheduled for a routine surgery considered basic animal care, at least in rescue.

LuLu is now at the Sunrise Pet Value in Kitchener hoping to catch the hearts of a family. She was so scared in her new e...

LuLu is now at the Sunrise Pet Value in Kitchener hoping to catch the hearts of a family. She was so scared in her new environment. I was sad to leave her. 😥 This is the hardest part of being a foster mum.

Happy one year 'gotcha day, Callie'! Today was the day I rescued you from the outdoors pregnant with your second litter....

Happy one year 'gotcha day, Callie'! Today was the day I rescued you from the outdoors pregnant with your second litter. I am forever grateful I made the choice to bring you in and give you and your little ones a life filled with love, protection and warmth.

You gave birth to three beautiful babies and two have found their furever home. I know you and your youngest, Jester will have your turn soon when the right family comes along. For now you are part of mine and my family's life. We love having you both in our home.

UPDATE: This evening, (March 18) I was asked to pick Millie and Chloe up from the store. They weren't doing well getting...

UPDATE: This evening, (March 18) I was asked to pick Millie and Chloe up from the store. They weren't doing well getting used to their surroundings. All sad looking and no play. Some cats/kittens are just not meant for the store. I will be working on getting them their furever home from the safety of the home they have come to know.

Bonded mother and daughter were dropped off at the Pet Value at Sunrise Plaza in Kitchener the afternoon of Friday, March 15th. Visited them today in between my errands and they are getting used to their surroundings. Millie is doing much better and Chloe has received more pets and love than she ever did in my house because she has nowhere to go. Here's hoping this experience helps her learn and realise that receiving love is a good thing.

Update on Lumos. He is healing well and is a loveable big guy! He enjoys scratches and pets. Rubs your leg when nearby a...

Update on Lumos. He is healing well and is a loveable big guy! He enjoys scratches and pets. Rubs your leg when nearby and jumps up against your leg to get your attention. How can you not love this sweet face?


Callie at play! It is a rare opportunity to witness her playing and when you do, it melts your heart. This cat nip toy brought out her playfulness.

UPDATE: I had to pick Millie up after work on Monday, March 11th. I received a message and immediately went to get her. ...

UPDATE: I had to pick Millie up after work on Monday, March 11th. I received a message and immediately went to get her. She wasn't doing well. She was sad, not eating and didn't appear to be drinking. All she did was sit in a box with a sad expression. ☹️

I brought her home and she was so happy! She explored the house, immediately found her daughter, Chloe and gave LuLu a kiss. ❣️

She will be back at the store, hopeful Friday with her daughter Chloe. They will be adopted as a bonded pair. Here's hoping all goes well.
Sunday, March 10 - Millie is officially at the Sunrise Pet Valu in Kitchener. She is doing well despite being so scared. Her presence will be missed in the house. I hope nothing but the best for her and that she finds the right family to be her 'furever' home.


The 3, 3, 3 rule of welcoming home your new family member.

Received an update on Miso (formerly Snowball). He is doing well with his new family. They love and spoil him! He looks ...

Received an update on Miso (formerly Snowball). He is doing well with his new family. They love and spoil him! He looks like his brother and sister with his fluffy tail and beautiful face. Some pictures his family sent me.

This is posted on the All Paws FB site and wanted to share on my own page.My three newest fosters are doing so well sinc...

This is posted on the All Paws FB site and wanted to share on my own page.

My three newest fosters are doing so well since being rescued from the great outdoors in December. Millie (Tortoise) enjoys receiving pets and curls up in your lap to sleep.

Chloe (grey), her daughter has come put of her shell with the help of LuLu (grey tabby). Chloe is shy, loves to play with her Mama and LuLu and when they are busy lazing around she goes nuts over toy mice, springs and cat wands. I always find her watching me.

LuLu (grey tabby) is a friend to all. She doesn't seem bothered when another cat hisses or strikes her. Her strong personality and friendly nature eventually breaks down even the most resistant cat. Soon you'll find her making her way into their presence from a distance or in their face. She is a ball of energy and loves to play and wrestle with Chloe. Sometimes you'll see her zoom around the house and find her later sleeping in a cat bed, on the couch or on your bed with another cat.

LuLu, Millie and Chloe are officially ready to find their furever home. I will post their adoption profiles once I figur...

LuLu, Millie and Chloe are officially ready to find their furever home. I will post their adoption profiles once I figure out the best way to show them.

***** Update: She is now back with her family and her name is Sparkle.This cat just walked in my door when I opened my b...

***** Update: She is now back with her family and her name is Sparkle.

This cat just walked in my door when I opened my back door to see who was outside. Does anyone know who she belongs to? If you do, please reach out.

LuLu is a female version of Houdini! Twice she has escaped the spare room with the door closed.

LuLu is a female version of Houdini! Twice she has escaped the spare room with the door closed.

LuLu has been exploring the house and so far, no squabbles. Just a few growls from the other cats.

LuLu has been exploring the house and so far, no squabbles. Just a few growls from the other cats.




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