Mabel is: ⭐️ 15 years old ⭐️16’2hh ⭐️ Irish draught x. We bought May back in October last year and have since realised that she is not the right horse for me. ✅ STABLE MANNERS, Mabel has very good stable manners when stabled with a friend, but can get pushy and kick the door when alone (though she is not dangerous and will listen if you tell her off). ✅CLIPPING. I've never really had any issues clipping Mabel. She is usually fully clipped (head and legs included) she can get impatient but I’ve never had to sedate her to clip. ✅ GROOMING. Mabel will allow you to groom her all day either in the stable or outside. Shes never tried to bite or kick me However, only over the last 6month has she started to learn to have her feet picked out. She’s better with her back feet but her front she does like to paw them out of your hand or stomp them back down. She has her good days and bad day when it comes to her feet where one day she’ll be fine and the other she trys to pull her foot away. ✅TRAVELLING: She has recently been on a horse box and loaded and travelled fine. ❌ FARRIER & DENTIST. Mabel need to be sedated for both farrier and the dentist. As stated before she can be a pain with her feet, the last couple of times after the first 10/20 minutes she gets impatient and just get pulling her foot back or just being naughty. Shes never kicked anyone but she can be a pain just pulling her feet back and pawing. Same for the dentist she get impatient and just starts getting pushy so its safer for everyone that shes sedated! However she did have my farrier out recently for a trim were she stood like a Saint surprisingly and didn't need sedation. However, would recommend having sedation available until she's used to things. RIDING. Mabel is a funny one when it comes to being ridden. ✅ WITH COMPANY: All the times I've taken her out with other horses shes always been amazing and I've had no issues. HOWEVER, she has not been out since she's come back from training. Shes passed lorries, tractors etc and was not fazed. ❌ This being said, SHE WILL NOT HACK ALONE. ❌ We don't know what it is if its a mental block or what but she refuses to hack alone and can get quite dramatic with it. She will dive on the floor and paw the ground, continuously spin, rear (more like bunny hop), buck or whatever she fancys at that moment. She has also bolted once with a trainer I had out for her. She has recently been sent away for training for about a month where the trainer made little progress but he feels it may be something psychological. When ridden in one of my fields shes always been a lazy kick along ride, she does buck if you dont keep the contact in canter. We have tried teaching her to jump where we popped the tiniest of jumps. ✅ She has had the saddle fitter, dentist, chiro and physio out to make sure we could rule out pain, and all came back clear which is why we are now thinking it could be something psychological. We have tried our hardest to work with her and rule out everything but unfortunately I haven’t got the time to give her the one to one training that she desperately needs. I’m more than happy if she will find a loving and caring home 🏡