National Lupine Association, Inc.

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National Lupine Association, Inc. NLA is a member-based organization that promotes and provides wolfdog education and responsible ownership. If you aren't member, please join us!

Welcome to the National Lupine Association (NLA) page! NLA is a nonprofit organization focused on providing education and information about wolfdogs and advancing the interests and responsible ownership of these amazing animals. NLA is a member-based organization. New members receive a welcome packet with over a dozen educational publications; all members receive our quarterly newsletter.

We currently offer membership to residents of the US and Canada and are the process of setting up additional international membership options. To join NLA, please visit our membership page at

To join or participate on our Facebook group you do not have to be a member of NLA. We welcome all who want to learn or discuss canines, especially wolves and wolfdogs. No advertising is allowed on this group. This is an educational group intended for discussion related to lupine-type animals. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions please contact an admin: Jody Haynes, Kim Miles, Samantha Tambor, Kat Wolfdancer, Rose Pospisil, and Gerard Hildebrandt. DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on this social networking group are solely those of the original authors and do not express the views or opinions of the National Lupine Association, and/or all/any other contributors to this group.


Dear NLA Members & Wolfdog Community:

The National Lupine Association began as the Florida Lupine Association 20 years ago with the goal of educating owners in Florida about wolfdogs in an effort to reduce the numbers of animals entering rescue. When FLA was first created, there were a number of wolfdog organizations across the United States. Over the last decade or so, FLA found itself the sole remaining wolfdog educational organization in the US. As a result, FLA’s focus gradually shifted from Florida to providing assistance and information on a national level. In July 2016, the Florida Lupine Association officially became the National Lupine Association (NLA).

Over the last 20 years, FLA/NLA has achieved some remarkable accomplishments, and we’d like to thank all current and past FLA/NLA members and supporters for helping FLA/NLA reach those organizational goals, which included an educational website, a Disaster Relief Fund that was able to assist numerous members and nonmembers following natural disasters, our annual rendezvous that was attended by folks across the country, and a newsletter that provided quality education about wolfdogs. As is the case with everything, there eventually comes a time to re-evaluate the changes that occur over time, both within the organization and in the greater wolfdog community. During this most recent self-reflection evaluation, the NLA board made the difficult, but necessary, decision to dissolve the organization.

As part of the dissolution process, we will be liquidating the remaining merchandise and assets. Last November, more than $1,000 in merchandise and mailing costs was given away by former board member(s) to some of the NLA membership. The current board does not have an accounting of what was sent out or to whom it was sent. NLA is required to liquidate its assets, then the NLA Board of Directors will allocate all sale proceeds and any remaining inventory and assets to one or more 501(c)(3) nonprofits as required by law.

If anyone wishes to purchase FLA or NLA merchandise during the liquidation period (ending June 30), please contact us as soon as possible. The attached images contain a list of inventory and corresponding sale prices and shipping costs.

All items are first-come, first-served, so please verify with us that we still have the item you wish to purchase. Shipping costs are flat rate (see above). Orders can be placed via PayPal (write the items you are purchasing in the note) at [email protected] or via Facebook PM. You can also reach me at [email protected].

Kind regards,

Jody Haynes
President, National Lupine Association

International Wolf Center

It’s Wolf Awareness Week!!

How much do you know about wolves? Check out this fun and educational quiz from the International Wolf Center and ‘test your wolf knowledge’. After you’ve finished, don’t forget to share your results with us!

With it being the best week of the year (Wolf Awareness Week), we made up a super special quiz for you to test your wolf skills. So, how much do you know about wolves? Follow this link to take a quick quiz. Post your score back here and we'll pick three people at random to win a copy of the American Wolf book, which comes out today! Winners will be picked at 3 p.m. CT. Thanks for playing!


All of us at NLA are keeping those in the path of hurricane Harvey in our thoughts and prayers.


Dear Charity Administrator,
Great news. We have an upcoming 1-day opportunity to drive additional AmazonSmile donations for National Lupine Association, Inc..
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) surveyed over 10,000 customers to measure perceptions of quality and value across retailers nationwide, and Amazon ranked #1.
In celebration of this recognition—and to say thank you to our customers for their support—on Thursday, March 16 only, Amazon will donate 5% (10 times our usual donation rate) of the price of eligible products customers purchase at This offer begins at 12:00 AM Pacific Time, and expires at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
On Thursday, March 16, share the message below on social media, your website, and in email to increase donations to National Lupine Association, Inc.. (Please do not share this promotion outside your organization until Thursday, March 16.)

U.S. House sanctions killing hibernating bears, wolf pups in their dens on federal refuges in Alaska · A Humane Nation

H.J. Resolution 69, which rolls back various protections for our wildlife, recently passed in the House and will be heading to the Senate. Specifically affected would be Black Bears, Grizzlies, and Wolves who currently reside on 76 million acres in Alaska. Among the potentially sanctioned activities are killing bears that are in hibernation, killing wolf pups in their den (referred to as "denning"), and using inhumane steel jawed leg hold traps. We urge you to contact your Senators and ask them to vote against this H.J. Res. 69 bill and urge them to take an active stance in protecting our wildlife.

What the U.S. House of Representatives did today – actually a very narrow majority of the House – was shameful. Cruel. Callous. Venal. The vote in favor of H.J. Resolution 69, authored by Alaska’s Rep. Don Young, was 225 to 193. Those 225 members voted to overturn a federal rule – years in the works...


National Lupine Association, Inc.'s cover photo


Announcing the 2017 National Lupine Association Rendezvous!!

Every spring NLA hosts the annual Rendezvous for wolfdog people to get together and share a fun, educational, and action-packed weekend.
▫️Make sure you read this entire post to find out the special surprise we have in store for you!

▫️Everyone! Whether you are a member of NLA or not, own wolfdogs or just love the 'breed', know a bunch of people in the community, or are brand new and looking to connect with others, everyone is welcome. And so are your canines! The Rendezvous is an all-inclusive event.

▫️Friday, May 19 - Sunday, May 21
▫️Although we get a lot of local day-trippers on Saturday, we strongly suggest you come down for the whole weekend.
▫️Many people arrive a couple of days early to meet and socialize prior to all of the weekend festivities. On Thursday morning, a group of us rent pontoon boats (weather permitting) and go cruising down the St. John's River.

▫️Parramore's Campground in Astor, FL.
▫️Parramore's offers cabin, RV, and campsite rentals. They have a pool, cafe, and other amenities inside the campground. Check out their site for booking and additional information at: Be sure to book your stay soon, as cabins fill up quickly!

▫️Friday night: We have our annual members' meeting, an NLA-sponsored cookout, and a special guest who will join us for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

▫️Saturday: We start off with the NLA Wolfdog Show, where the wolfdogs in attendance compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons in eight different categories as well as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place best-in-show trophies—all of which are sponsored by businesses and organizations across the wolfdog community.

Next up, our special guest will give an educational presentation, followed by an auction, raffle, and potluck dinner. We wrap up the evening by kicking back and socializing after an eventful day.

▫️Sunday: We get together for breakfast at the on-site cafe, hang out at the pavilion for a little while, and then say our goodbyes - until next year!

* The Rendezvous pamphlet will be posted online later this week and will be in the upcoming NLA newsletter. It will include details of what to bring, the schedule of events, etc.

None other than wolf behavior specialist, renowned photographer and Wolf Park's senior animal curator, Monty Sloan!

Monty is flying in all the way from Battleground, IN to give this year's educational presentation at the Rendezvous. And we couldn't be more thrilled!

Monty has given hundreds of presentations over the decades covering a wide range of topics about wolves (and wolfdogs). For the presentation at the Rendezvous, we will be posting a list of possible topics that Monty can speak on within the next few days in the NLA Facebook group and we invite our members to take a poll on which topic they would most like to hear about.

We're very excited to see everyone there!
~ NLA Board of Directors


We don't know yet how or why, but the NLA Facebook group is gone. This issue has been reported to FB. They said it would take 1-2 days to get back to us. We will inform you all when we hear something.

FLA Grants

NLA “Disaster Relief Fund” Fundraiser
For WD Owners, Victims of Hurricane Matthew

National Lupine Association (NLA) is hosting a "Disaster Relief Fund" fundraiser for Vicki Spencer and other wolfdog owners to help them recover and rebuild after damages caused by what is reported to be the strongest hurricane that the United States has seen in over a decade.

The NLA Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) was created in 2003 to help wolfdog owners in times of crises, typically natural disasters. NLA grants a maximum amount of $250 from the DRF; however, donors can specify their donations to an individual and those donations will be earmarked for that specific person, allowing the individual to receive more than the $250 cap that FLA alone can provide.

NLA has received an application from Vicki Spencer and will likely be receiving more applications with requests for financial help to address damages incurred as a result of Hurricane Matthew. While these individuals and their animals are safe, they did sustain damage with flooding, downed trees on fencing and kennel areas, etc.

To donate to our DRF we ask that you click the “donate” button at the bottom of our page at There are two ways your donations can be applied:

1) You can donate to the DRF in general to build up the DRF from its current $160 amount. Currently, we do not have enough in our DRF to provide a full $250 grant. Once we grant the $160 remaining, our relief fund will be depleted.

2) You can donate specifically to Vicki Spencer (or any other approved recipient) by letting us know in the PayPal notation that you want your donation to go specifically to that recipient.

We will likely be adding individuals in need of financial assistance as a result of hurricane damage, but we currently do not have anyone else approved. We are awaiting the applications and photos.

Please donate to the DRF today to help out fellow wolfdog owners in times of disasters. NLA is proud to have provided over $5,000 in much needed grants to individuals. We hope that with your help, we can continue to assist our fellow wolfdog owners in times of disaster.

All money donated to the DRF is tax deductible since NLA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.


I hope everyone in the path of Hurricane Matthew is prepared and stays safe. Please remember that NLA has a Disaster Relief Fund for wolfdog owners who sustain damage. It is low on funds right now, though, so any additional help would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate, please click on the "Donate" button toward the bottom of our Grants page:


National Lupine Association, Inc.


The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that we have changed the name of Florida Lupine Association (FLA) to National Lupine Association, effective 1 July 2016.

In 1999, FLA was conceived to provide an educational resource, multi-faceted network, and member organization that would actively speak on behalf of wolfdogs for the residents of Florida. Over the years, interest in the organization and its membership progressively expanded beyond the state level, receiving regional recognition and, ultimately, growing into a national presence.

This new name, National Lupine Association, reflects where we stand today and removes potential limitations imposed by the old name as we move forward in providing education and information about wolfdogs in support of responsible ownership.

Along with the new name, we are excited for the opportunities our national presence will bring to enhance our capabilities in the future. We appreciate your patience as we make this transition and thank you for your continued support throughout this journey.

As National Lupine Association, our core focus remains unchanged. We remain a “responsible voice for wolfdogs” and continue to pursue the same mission, promote the same values, and operate with the same integrity and dedication as we have for the last 17 years.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].


The Board of Directors
Florida Lupine Association

FLA Grants

As the president of FLA, it is an honor and a pleasure to announce that the FLA board has voted to designate $250 from our Disaster Relief Fund (DRF) to help Natasha Woodall (of the Texas Wolfdog Project) offset some of the costs associated with personal damages resulting from the recent flood. We will also begin accepting additional tax-deductible donations on behalf of Natasha via our DRF.

With the summer storm season now fully upon us, and with the funds in our DRF quite low, we will also be grateful for any donations made to our general DRF that we can apply to future recipients in need.

If you would like to donate to Natasha or to our general DRF, please follow the link below and click the “Donate” button toward the bottom of the page. In the notes, please clarify if your donation is for Natasha or our general DRF.

Thank you for your support. Please share as you see fit.


This is the schedule for the 2016 FLA Rendezvous.



Let’s Get Proactive: What You Can Do!

* Keep watch on potential legislation in your area. Monitor your county and state.

* Create a network of wolfdog owners within your state for the common goal of responsible ownership.

* Network with others (dog and exotic owners, activists, etc.) when fighting legislation. Groups are more effective!

* Meet your local DNR, Animal Control, and Fish & Wildlife officers. Build a relationship.

* Identify your state vets; network with them. See if your vets know the state vet and the best mode of approach.

* Identify your state senators and representatives; find out how they feel about animals. Network with them

* Find attorneys and politicians (senators, commissioners, representatives) who are supportive of wolfdogs.

* Go to your state capital; meet/visit your legislators.

* Conduct yourself professionally with legislators, veterinarians, etc.

* Ensure that your animals are properly maintained and housed, presenting yourself as an exemplary and educated owner of wolfdogs.

* Remember to use good grammar and no abbreviations (e.g., wd) when writing to your legislators and law enforcement personnel.

* Conduct yourself in a manner deserving respect (i.e., do not yell or condemn legislators or law enforcement personnel in your communication).

Most important of all, however, be an advocate in your state or area. People and organizations outside of your state do NOT have the pull that you do as a resident and constituent of your area. Get help from others, but be proactive. Do the legwork, network with others, contact your legislative authorities—or it could mean that wolfdogs are banned while you did nothing.

Florida Lupine Association

FLA Home Page

FLA provided a phenotyping presentation to the investigators and officers of the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission during their week-long training session in Tallahassee this summer. We have the presentation online (the three video links embedded in the presentation do not work) on our homepage, toward the bottom: For a CD of the presentation (with videos that work), please contact FLA at [email protected].

FLA Home Page

NOTICE: The FLA fiscal year has ended, so if you haven't yet renewed your membership, please do so soon. And if you aren't yet a member, please join now. Joining and renewing are easy on our website:

The goals of the Florida Lupine Association, Inc., are to provide information and education about the wolfdog; to track legal issues as they pertain to wolfdogs; and to advance the interests and the responsible ownership of wolfdogs.

Support Florida Lupine Association Inc by shopping at AmazonSmile.

FLA is now a member of the Amazon Smile program. Whenever someone registers with Smile and chooses FLA as their supported charity, Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of all Smile eligible items on Amazon to FLA as a donation. Please join Smile (it's free!) and please choose FLA as your designated charity (that's also free!). Thanks for your continued support!

When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate to Florida Lupine Association Inc. Support us every time you shop.



National Lupine Association, Inc.

Florida Lupine Association has a brand new website!!! Check it out, and learn about this years rendezvous coming up in just a couple weeks!! Bring the family, great time on the St. John's River. May 1st-3rd!!!

FLA now has a brand new website! Please visit us today at


FLA is currently developing a new website from scratch because our old site is outdated. On one of the new pages, we would like to add a few testimonials from people who know of or about FLA, have received educational information or assistance from FLA or one of its members, have received financial assistance from FLA's Disaster Relief Fund, etc. We really only need two or three sentences from each person. If you would like to help out on this, please send your contributions to me in Facebook PM or to my FLA email address at [email protected]. Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.


URGENT TO ALL MEMBERS IN FLORIDA: Florida will be reviewing
current captive wildlife rules and regulations.
Changes may affect those who keep exotic animals in Florida. Hybrid cat ownership rules may be adopted as well.
Now is the time to voice your opinion any potential changes to regulations. Attending meetings in person is
preferred however you may submit your comments to FWC online.
If you do not speak up now yourright to possess exotic animals in the future may be in jeopardy.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is hosting
a series of public meetings to help shape captive
wildlife regulations in Florida.
These meetings will give the public the opportunity to provide
feedback on current captive wildlife rules and
recommendations for regulations.
The main topics for discussion will be Administration,
Husbandry Experience, Caging and

Meetings will be held from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at each of the
eight locations.
Anyone interested in captive wildlife rules and regulations in
Florida is encouraged to
December 16, 2014 Embassy Suites
Tampa -Brandon 10220 Palm River Road, Tampa, Florida 33619
December 17, 2014 Embassy Suites
Fort Myers-Estero 10450 Corkscrew Commons Drive, Estero, Florida
January 13, 2015 Hilton Garden Inn Palm Beach Gardens 3505 Kyoto Gardens Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
January 14, 2015 Hampton Inn & Suites Miami Airport South-Blue Lagoon 777
Northwest 57th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33126
February 10, 2015 Hilton Garden
Inn Panama City 1101 North US Highway 231, Panama City, Florida
March 11, 2015 Hilton Garden Inn
Jacksonville/Orange Park 145 Park Avenue, Orange Park, Florida
March 12, 2015 Hampton Inn &
Suites Gateway/Orlando Airport 5460 Gateway Village Circle, Orlando, Florida
March 30, 2015 Hilton Ocala 3600 Southwest 36th Avenue, Ocala, Florida 34474
Meeting date, time and
Link to Florida Fish and
Wildlife site showing captive wildlife rules and regulations:
If you cannot attend a meeting
in person, you may submit your suggestions/comments to FWC using their online
form found here:

Parramore's Fantastic Fish Camp & Family Resort in Astor, Florida on the St. Johns River.

Florida Lupine Association, Inc. is proud to announce that the dates have been set for the 2015 Rendezvous!!!!!! Mark your calenders and make your reservations. The rendezvous dates are May 1 thru May 3, 2015 at Parramore Campground in Astor Florida.. there are cabins, RV spaces and tent camps for rent on their property. There are also hotels relatively close by if the campground fills up - - More details will be forthcoming.

Cabin Camping and Florida RV Park located in Volusia County Florida on the St. Johns River, Parramore's.


Mobile Uploads


Fred Lanting takes on breed specific legislation. The reporter tries to get him to say what they want him to say (so they can show the need for BSL) but I don't think anyone could have said it better than Fred. (Ed)

International all-breed judge responds to questions on Breed Specific Legislation and Dangerous Dog laws: short video is worth quoting and airing everywhere!


A friend of mine send me this - it looks interesting. I pried out the webpage since it was from the wayback machine. It's a little dated but still good. (Ed)

Diamond Halts Pet Food Production at S.C. Plant

Diamond Halts Pet Food Production at S.C. Plant

Diamond Pet Foods of Meta, Mo., suspended all production at its Gaston, S.C., plant, following a dog food recall last week due to salmonella concerns, the company reported today.


Sadly my wife and I will not be able to go to the rezvendous this year and we are going to have to cancel our reservation at Paramores. :( The fee is non-refundable unless someone else rents the cabin - it's a smaller one w/ a futon and is only $90 a night. Please let me know if you want to call them to reserve it so i can let you know after I cancel. (Ed)


If you are coming to the FLA Rendezvous April 27-29, let us know what you can bring. The list so far is provided below:

SATURDAY DAY (drinks) & NIGHT (dinner)

• Mayo – coffee & giant coffee maker

Chips (we don’t need more chips)
• FLA (Kim & Jody) will cover all the chips for Sat lunch (variety single packs)
• Ed – a large bag or two of Cape Cod, maybe a large bag of corn chips

Hamburger Meat

Hamburger Buns (we need about 40 more hamburger buns)
• Jill – 10 packages of hamburger buns (100 buns)

Hot Dogs (Meat) (we don’t need more hot dogs)
• Vicki – 6 packages of hot dogs (48 dogs)

Hot Dog Buns (we don’t need more hotdog buns)
• Vicki – 6 packages of hot dog buns (48 dog warmers)

Condiments (Mayonnaise, A1, Ketchup, Mustard, etc.)
• FLA (Kim & Jody) -- Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Mayonnaise

Hamburger Dressing Items (Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Pickle, etc.)
• FLA (Andrea) – Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions

• Kim & Jody -- 2 cases Coke; ½ case of Diet Coke
• Ed – 2 cases Coke; ½ case of Diet Coke (I think this will be great since we’ll have folks who can’t drink the heavy stuff); 1 case of Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Cherry Coke, maybe a Rootbeer


Meat Items/Dishes (Sat night) Please Identify

Veggie Dishes (Sat night) Please Identify
• FLA (Kim & Jody) – baked beans (Friday night and Sat night)

Salad Items/Dishes (Sat night) Please Identify
• Vicki – pasta dish (not sure if salad dish or casserole)

Dessert (Sat night) Please Identify
• Vicki – chocolate cake
• Jill – two cakes

Plates & Utensils, etc. (all weekend--we don't need any more of these)
• FLA (Kim & Jody) -- plates, regular cups, & utensils; trashbags
• Mayo – Plates, cups (coffee and regular), utensils



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