Grace T. Macalaguing
Grade 12- ICT
Activity 1
Animal Welfare and Rights
Animals play an important role in everyday life, wether at home, on the farm, or at the dinning table. My objective is to learn about animal rights and welfare. They are our friends, our source of livelihood and clothing, and they are occasionally mischievous. I chose “ ANIMAL WELFARE AND RIGHTS” as my topic and have spent hours researching it. All animals in the world are protected by animal welfare and rights.
In order to succeed, it is critical to have a clear purpose. The goal of RA no. 8485, a bill to improve animal welfare in the Philippines, otherwise known as “THE ANIMAL WELFARE ACT OF 1998” overseas and controls the establishments and operations of all facilities used for breeding, maintaining, keeping, treating, or training of all animals as object of trad or as home pets in the Philippines. This is also time intensive because we need to spend time looking for information that is relevant to our topic, but it is worthwhile, I worked hard to create this concept paper.
The Philippine’s senate and House of Representatives in Congress have created ten sections, each with a specific mission. No individual, association, partnership, corporation, or cooperative are examples of this purposes. The certificate will be awarded if documentation is provided that the facilities for animals in such expertise are adequate, clean, and sanitary, and that they will not be utilized for nor will they cause pain or suffering to the animals. In 1997 these were 98,989,244 cattle and calves used in United States agriculture, 61,206,236 hogs and pigs, 7,821,885 sheep and lambs, and over 7 billion chickens used for egg and meat production.
I would like to ask a financial support in producing this concept paper in the name of this act to help animals live better life. Any amount will do as long as it came from your heart. We will accept it kindly.
Contact information:
Contact is with this landline 0967-579-8837 for more information or for some clarifications. Thank you!
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