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Rue Dog Recommends...#amreading #bookstack #bookstagram #ruefulpotato #fromtheshelvesofthehoard
Rueful Observations: Things to consider when deciding to get a dog. I've been asked where we got Rue Dog because he is so striking. He is a rescue, so (the I want one because it is pretty should never be in the criteria.) And unfortunately, this is a subject that gets beaten to glue. Example: Lovely Mr. Rue Dog.
He is a husky/eskimo cross, very pretty, yes, but VERY VOCAL and intense. Yes, he will talk to an extent, but when he is happy or excited he is hypersonic. It is just a part of who he is. An intense, intelligent high energy dog. Keep in mind, he is going to be eleven and he is still as demanding as he was as a puppy.
We do daily enrichment with him to keep him focused and occupied. Tonight we are setting up his agility set in the backyard. (He got it for Christmas). In the interim, I've been refreshing some basics (Tunnel, circle, through...). Circle is hardest for him, not because he doesn't understand. But because the command makes him think and wait.
He barks because he wants the reward of a treat without doing the command and as loud as Rue Dog is most folks fold and give into his demands just to stop the barking.
Dude knows the power his bark holds and thinks it will get him his way. Nope. He barks, I ignore, and don't engage until he's quiet. We do this at every meal. (He is food motivated and excited to do his thing, so he barks. He doesn't get kibble until he's quiet.)
Spitz breeds are not easy dogs and can be problematic for novice dog owners. Sure they are stunning, but...(Listen to the clip with the sound on. It is only eleven seconds of Rue Dog when he wants to play. Consider hearing that several times a day, everyday for 12 - 15 years. It is a part of who Dude is, much more so than just his pretty face.)
I grew up working with them, and they require a huge investment of time and energy. The rewards are amazing if one can make the commitment. Dogs are a living laundry cycle. Lather, rinse, repeat with commands,
Top Ten Random Moments of Potato Cat and Rue Dog. #lessonsofpotatothebookcat #lessonsofpotato #learnsomethingnew #booktoker #booktok #ruefulpotato #ruedog #bookcatoflacrosse
Summertime, Storytime. #potatocatrecommends #readingwithpotatocat #summertime #storytime #amreading #fromtheshelvesofthehoard #picturebooks #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #booklife📚
So you've read Bridgerton...#Regency #regencyromance #georgetteheyer #genrejunkie #amreading #amreadingromance #booktok #booktoker
Book sniffer! #Rue #ruedog #potato_the_book_cat #ruefulpotato
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