Trimming hooves isn't a cookie cutter business. Every hoof grows differently because of many factors. My mentor follows Dr. Bowker and his studies and believes this is true and I agree.
We've followed Dr. Robert Bowker's advice for a couple decades now, and it has worked well for us. I don't wish to criticize those who practice differently, but I have always been shocked at how most of the hoofcare world has largely ignored Bowker's research, data, and advice. He has the receipts! He's a very kind person so not into arguing. In this current world, if you're not a loud mouth blabbing away, no one listens. But his information is spot on.
Want to debate the toes? How about THIS: "With the long toe, P3 is remodeling! The hoof wall grows LONGER and this elevates the periosteum off the coffin bone, and that space fills in with BONE (which elongates the coffin bone). The toes gets longer and longer. With a slipper toe, the periosteum goes out towards this slipper; the coffin bone will creep. The entire bone remodels forward. Everything is interactive. If the palmar process gets longer, the toes are too long."
Bowker is adamant: you MUST trim into the white line to shorten the toes to rehab a long-toed foot. "Horses will be sore when the semilunar line to tip of P3 is in excess of 40mm, and thus the toe is long. This happens because trimmers are afraid to come inside the white line! Farriers NEVER come inside the white line. And vets do not trim."
Conversations about this need to happen. The trimmers who put this into practice know that it works. Short toes are the best thing you can do for a horse's foot.
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Happy Hooves! - Yvonne Welz