Tseena's Journey

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Tseena's Journey Tseena is a striking Clydesdale who captured the attention of millions around the world with her sto

Brought Tseena in for some arena time today to get a break from all the crazy 40+ mph winds we’re having in Maryland tod...

Brought Tseena in for some arena time today to get a break from all the crazy 40+ mph winds we’re having in Maryland today! She’s currently all cozy in her warm stall with plenty of hay to munch on to stay warm with the - temps were also getting over night! 🥶

Can anyone spot Tseena? Taking her regularly scheduled afternoon nap with herd mates!

Can anyone spot Tseena? Taking her regularly scheduled afternoon nap with herd mates!


Here it is if you all want to follow along in Jays story as well! 🖤

As requested! Tseena update! She is absolutely fantastic living the normal horse life and getting pampered of course! Sh...

As requested! Tseena update! She is absolutely fantastic living the normal horse life and getting pampered of course! She is dealing with a mild case of thrush since it’s been alittle wet here in Maryland, and you’ll see her pink booties that I wrapped her with to help keep any moisture out, and her footies dry since we are supposed to be getting more rain tomorrow! She’s here hanging out with one of our volunteers, Ella after her grooming and pampering for the day! 🖤


Just the sweetest girl getting her daily scratches in for the day! 🖤 I can’t believe a year ago she was a totally different horse with so much fear built up towards humans.


Check out this sweet moment between T and one of our long time volunteers, Patty! Patty found Tseenas scratchy spot and was LOVING it! 🖤


Here’s an update on miss Tseena!

Tseena and I had an awesome time at Double C Farm today! She did almost every obstacle without hesitation and hung out w...

Tseena and I had an awesome time at Double C Farm today! She did almost every obstacle without hesitation and hung out with the other horses tied at the trailer like a pro! Thanks for having us!

Another video in the comments! 🖤


Hi all! So I have been following Warwick Schillers training methods recently, and he has as exercise that is “building connection by hanging out” which can be a lot of things, but I have been using his methods on another very troubled mare that we have at the rescue. So I decided to go out and sit in her field for awhile and see if I could integrate into the herd.

To my surprise, not even 15 minutes into this Tseena came directly up to the fence I was sitting on and stood with me for 30+ minutes before I decided to move to a different spot closer to the other mare.

It was pretty cool to have her come up and hangout away from her friends and not be grazing but to just be totally relaxed with me. 🖤


Check out Tseena being the best girl helping teach our summer training intern, Maggie some of the intro steps to starting horses on liberty!

This is very special to see Tseena connecting and working with someone new other then me! She is so friendly to new people now compared to the horse that was so shy and wanted nothing more than to get away from people a few months ago. 🖤


Another video of the best girl! She’s really starting to catch onto my whistle to draw her back to me! 🖤

Make sure you turn your volume up to see if you can catch onto the whistles too! 😊


Hi all! Some updated videos on Tseena! I have been in and out of the state these past few weeks so she has been on alittle vacation, but she came in yesterday and went right to work with remembering her liberty.

Sorry for the poor quality video. Another is posted on the comments as Fb wouldn’t let me post both together. 🖤 Enjoy!

Hi everyone! I’m so sorry for not getting a post out for awhile! The farm has been moving pretty fast with a lot of new ...

Hi everyone! I’m so sorry for not getting a post out for awhile! The farm has been moving pretty fast with a lot of new horses coming in, and a lot being adopted, and the Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue drill team and I are preparing for our thundering hooves 5k run coming up in June here at the farm. If you haven’t already, head over to the GG page and sign up to come run with the 100+ horses we have at the farm!

Tseena has been doing super well! We have still been working on our liberty training and she’s coming along nicely and really enjoys her and I one on one time together. She LOVES her spa days with these warmer days. 🖤

Photos!!! Sorry guys I’m having a hard time getting the videos to save to my laptop, so all I have for now is more pictu...

Photos!!! Sorry guys I’m having a hard time getting the videos to save to my laptop, so all I have for now is more pictures! Enjoy!

Finally home and settled from the clinic today! She was AMAZING,we both learned a lot and came home with a lot of homewo...

Finally home and settled from the clinic today! She was AMAZING,we both learned a lot and came home with a lot of homework! I will post more pictures and videos once I get them off of the camera, but for now enjoy this cute picture of her playing in the stream. 🖤

Hi everybody, Tseena update! She’s been doing AMAZING, absolutely feeling great and our training sessions have been noth...

Hi everybody, Tseena update!

She’s been doing AMAZING, absolutely feeling great and our training sessions have been nothing but positive!

We have been playing with some very intro movements and steps into Liberty and she LOVES it!

I’m also super excited to announce that Tseena and I will be attending a liberty clinic this coming weekend with Sam Vanfleet's Mustangs!

Tseena has come so far and I’m super excited to take her offsite this weekend for her first clinic! Wish us tons of luck, and stay tuned for updates from the clinic!

Tseena update!! Her bloodwork and spinal tap results have come in! As many of you know, Tseena had already tested positi...

Tseena update!!
Her bloodwork and spinal tap results have come in! As many of you know, Tseena had already tested positive and been treated for a neurologic condition called EPM back in January. Just days before we were supposed to leave for the Expo, she started showing new symptoms that were aligning with a second neurologic disease called EDM (Equine Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy).

Until now, EDM could only be diagnosed with a postmortem analysis of the brain stem and spinal cord, but there are ways to rule out other conditions in order to narrow down the possibility of a horse having EDM. Today, a new test exists that measures a biomarker of axon damage called phosphorylated neurofilament heavy subunit (pNF-H). Her pNF-H levels were within the normal range which does not provide evidence of active neurodegenerative disease, however, her vitamin E levels were lower than the vet would have liked to see. Every horse at Gentle Giants already receives a Vitamin E supplement in their diet, however, due to the vitamin E deficiency tied to EDM, Tseena is receiving a special, highly concentrated dose to help her levels get back to normal.

She’s going to be slowly starting back into training with me and we’re starting something new together! While riding may be in her future at some point, right now we’re going to be giving liberty a go! Liberty is a method of training where the horse still learns through pressure and release but does not have any ropes or halters on, it’s their choice to join up with me and can be a very rewarding and fun way to bond!

We’ll continue to monitor her vitamin E levels and keep an eye out for any signs of EPM or EDM. In the meantime, we’ll keep you posted on how our liberty work is going!

You can learn more about pNF-H and EDM here: https://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/hospital/support-services/lab-services/clinical-laboratory-services/pnfh


Hi everyone! Tseena did amazing at Penn Vet New Bolton Center I’m super proud of her for handling an entirely new environment and new people like a pro.

She had her neuro eval, more blood work drawn, X-rays of her head and neck, and a spinal tap. Her eval went very well showing minimal neurologic signs (which means her meds are working!), her X-rays came back clear and clean from any damage from her past trauma, but we wont be getting the blood work and spinal tap results back until later this week.

As always I can’t thank you all enough for all of the heartwarming messages, comments, and continued support from all over the world for this sweet girl! 🖤


We’ve hit the road and are about an hour and a half away! I plan on going live when we return later this afternoon to chat about Tseena and answer any questions - Stay tuned for more updates in the meantime!

Tseena and I will be headed to Penn Vet New Bolton Center early tomorrow morning for her neuro exam and hopefully some m...

Tseena and I will be headed to Penn Vet New Bolton Center early tomorrow morning for her neuro exam and hopefully some more answers.

This girl could use all the good vibes sent her way! 🖤

Hi everyone! I’m sorry for the delayed update, I have been sick since getting home from Expo so I’m late catching up on ...

Hi everyone! I’m sorry for the delayed update, I have been sick since getting home from Expo so I’m late catching up on all of your messages and comments!

First, Tseena is doing well with treatment. She has been on alittle vacation hanging out with her herd mates and just relaxing being a horse and is very much enjoying it!

Second, exciting news! She and I will be traveling to Penn Vet New Bolton Center later this month to see a neurologist specialist for more answers!

Thank you all for continuing to follow her story! I will keep everyone updated as much as I can! 🖤

The last few days have been very stressful and emotional and I want to fill everyone in on what’s been happening with Ts...

The last few days have been very stressful and emotional and I want to fill everyone in on what’s been happening with Tseena and I. As we’ve been preparing for our Rescued to Stardom competition, I’ve been noticing subtle changes with Tseena over the course of the last few weeks and even more so over the last few days.

These subtle changes included her tail tilt which previously was very mild, and is a classic EPM sign, however, it’s very quickly progressed to a more significant and obvious tilt to the side. She’s also always quivered her lips, initially we suspected this was due to pain from the chain on the halter that was embedded behind her ear that was constantly hitting her in the mouth. Once her halter wounds healed, her lip still quivered occasionally and seemed to be a soothing mechanism but in the last few days her bottom lip began to droop and it seems as if it must feel numb to her. As we were practicing our routine, simple groundwork exercises that used to be easy for her started to appear more challenging as she struggled to move her hind end, occasionally tripping and appearing uncoordinated.

Because of this, before we hit the road for the Expo, I wanted to be 100% certain that Tseena was going to be ready for this adventure, both physically and mentally. Thankfully, our vet was out this Sunday and was able to do a thorough exam and did a neurological evaluation.

Sadly, we were hit with some pretty unfortunate news. Tseena is presenting with every classic sign of the neurologic disease known as EDM (Equine Degenerative Myeloencephalopathy). I just had a feeling that there was more to it than her EPM and while having answers provides some relief in knowing my gut feeling is always worth listening to, it’s not news that anyone wants to hear about any horse or animal they love. EDM is a degenerative disease of the spinal cord and brain stem, with signs of slowly progressive ataxia and weakness and is believed to have some genetic basis and is linked to vitamin E deficiency when horses are very young. Usually clinical signs don’t appear until a horse is in their teens, like Tseena is now. Gentle Giants already includes a vitamin E supplement as part of our feeding program, but in Tseena’s case she is going to begin receiving a much higher concentration of Vitamin E and is going on a second type of EPM treatment that may have cross over benefits in helping her condition.

Given this news, I’ve made the decision, alongside our vet and Gentle Giants leadership, to leave Tseena at home this weekend and not participate in the Rescued to Stardom competition. Tseena came to the rescue with so much fear and anger towards humans, and much of her trauma was based on the neglect she experienced her entire life. When it comes to Tseena, I will always fight for her and continue to show her that her new life is going to be different and she will always have someone to look after her and advocate for her. As much as it saddens me to make this decision, this is about what’s best for her.

This is the first time I’ll be away from Tseena since the day she arrived but she is in excellent hands here with the Gentle Giants team and I have asked for daily pictures and updates while I’m away. I never expected her story to reach and touch so many people. I think her resilience and ability to forgive and overcome is what brought us all together and I’m so grateful for each of you who followed along. Her story isn’t over, we’re just taking a new path and I will continue to share updates on her treatment, and of course pictures and videos of her daily life.

Even though we won’t be participating in the competition, I’ll still be at the Horse World Expo along with the Gentle Giants crew, cheering on our besties Lottie's Journey from Rescued to Stardom. You can also find me riding in our 10 horse mounted drill team during Equitainment or at the Gentle Giants booth where you can grab a and button!

A littlelate in the day, but HAPPY VALENTINES day from Tseena and I! We hope everyone has a great day/ evening with thei...

A littlelate in the day, but HAPPY VALENTINES day from Tseena and I! We hope everyone has a great day/ evening with their loved ones! How is everyone spending their Valentine’s Day?

This girl has come so far since day 1 and the change in her and the journey so far has been amazing!

Check out our interview with Jeffrey R Michael, about the upcoming Rescued to Stardom competition at the Horse World Exp...

Check out our interview with Jeffrey R Michael, about the upcoming Rescued to Stardom competition at the Horse World Expo. We get into talking about Tseena, her journey, our relationship, her training this far and so much more!


This is an interview with Rescued To Stardom 2022 competitors Gentle Giants with their trainer Courtney Garber and their horse Tseena. The Rescued To Stardom...


Just having some fun letting Tseena try out some new cookies that came in from our Amazon wishlist - she wasn’t quite sure what to do with it!

Hi all! Update on Tseena! Her bloodwork came back and she is positive for EPM, but negative for Lyme disease. EPM (Equin...

Hi all! Update on Tseena! Her bloodwork came back and she is positive for EPM, but negative for Lyme disease.

EPM (Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis), is a common disease in horses that has neurological effects. It can be difficult to diagnose and treatment options vary wildly. EPM is caused by a protozoa carried primarily by opossums. Many horses can be exposed and never show any symptoms. Thankfully, Tseena is one of those horses who doesn’t show any signs right now, though we are still making the decision to treat her in order to give her the best possible outcome.

We have been working on ground work only recently and she has been her normal loving, silly self. We’ll reevaluate her under saddle training soon and keep everyone posted! Thanks to ALL for being so supportive of this sweet girl, I can’t express how much it means to both of us! 🖤

“Horses are the mirror to our soul” 🖤🖤

“Horses are the mirror to our soul” 🖤🖤

Hi all! I’ve been getting a lot of comments and messages asking for an update on Tseena and I, so I figured I’d share a ...

Hi all! I’ve been getting a lot of comments and messages asking for an update on Tseena and I, so I figured I’d share a little with you.

She was seen by the vet this past week and we have determined that she has mild/moderate cataracts forming in her right eye which could lead to some spooky moments. She can most likely see shadows in that area once in a while. Physically she’s a little back sore and we will be working with a massage therapist to help, and we are waiting for blood work to come back to rule anything else out. Other then that she has checked out fine and healthy!

Exciting news, her and I did talk to an animal communicator. Which I had never done before and was a little skeptical of but it brought out a lot of points that made a lot of sense coming from Tseena, and I’m hoping this opens a new stage in our relationship. A few things she did share that really stuck out is that she has never felt like she has had a home or someone to call her own “person” and she feels that with me but she’s just not fully in yet but she knows she’s happy and that she’s in a safe place. The bucking had nothing to do with her not being ready, but more so she feels a lot of pressure and doesn’t want to be a “star” and that she’s not a trick horse, and she did express she doesn’t know if she will be ready for the competition and that it is a lot out of her comfort zone. She wants to do things at her own pace, and that she knows she still has things to overcome but she’s happy I’m here to help her along.

In other news, I am doing fine after the fall just a few bumps and bruises, but nothing serious. I appreciate everyone reaching out to see how we both are! Tseena and I will be taking some time to reconnect and start back at the beginning and see what may be missing. Thank you all for continuing to follow along with her and I and checking in on us both!


17250 Old Frederick Road



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