Hello My Furriends!!
How be you!???
We be doing ok! Mommy be working A LOT but we be getting to go to camp more so I not be complaining about that.
What Penny do be complaining about is mommy be having the great wall of China put up in the yard and I can not be finding the exit! How are Penny be doing the running all over the neighborhood now!? But is ok, my Furriends, you not be worrying! I are being so big that I can be jumping over the deck railing now! Is so easy, I just be running and flying right over. Penny always be a great flier!! But now mommy are putting a leash on me. I be confused, we are not to be wearing leashes at home! And Sissy not be having one. What are mommy doing!? Can you please be telling her that her is doing everything wrong? I not be understanding.
We also be having a good Halloween but I not be understanding our costumes. Mommy said is called "are you a good witch or a bad witch?" and her be laughing .. but what are the answer?? I do not be getting what is so funny. Mommy saying that it was easy for her to decide who would be who. I be thinking Sissy must be the bad witch, Penny are never bad!!!
We will be trying to remember to post more now that we're getting a better handle on our routine.
We be loving you!