Boxes of boxes game - lots of entertainment!
#dogenrichmentactivities #petcareservices #staffy #frenchie #emmasmobilepetcare
Catnip bubbles 😺 🌿
#catenrichment #catnip #indoorcat #emmasmobilepetcare
Water play on a hot day 💦
#waterplay #summerdays #dogenrichmentactivities #emmasmobilepetcare
Little Luna enjoying a wet bottlebrush branch to chew and rip up and help keep cool. 😎
#weiro #cockatiel #enrichmentforbirds #waterplay #petcareservices #emmasmobilepetcare
Ginger Ninja 🥷 playing with his feathery reindeer toy from Santa.
#gingercat #petcareservices #emmasmobilepetcare
🐈 Tuesday Pet Care Tip 💊
My cat, like most cats, is very difficult to give medication to! We've been down the path of towel wrapping in a tight "burrito" and fighting with a pet piller to get anything down, but it was stressful all around! He certainly wouldn't take pills in any of the usual foods like cheese, ham, sausage etc. I will share a video in the coming weeks on using cooperative care to help your cat accept medications, but thought this tip may help some of you in the meantime. So much less stress to pill my cat these days, as you can see in the video 🥰
#petcaretips #catcaretips #vetnursehomevisits #emmasmobilepetcare
Carols by Candlelight last night 🕯️ Thanks to the Singability Choir for kicking it off 🎶 Only 3 more sleeps everyone! 😃🎄
#3moresleeps #carolsbycandlelight #ilovechristmas #localcommunity #emmasmobilepetcare
Hanging out with these two cuties last weekend.
#frenchie #staffy #petcareservices #emmasmobilepetcare
It's been really muggy out on walks the last couple of days 🥵 Gigi and Mimi the Samoyeds feel the heat, so we stop often and rest in the shade. Here they are enjoying a drink and a splash in the tap at the local park. 💦
#samoyed #muggy #waterplay #localdogwalker #emmasmobilepetcare
When mum tells you to share your toys and play with the puppy.... 😂
#ifimust #enthusiasm #kingcharlescavalierspaniel #bournwoodcavaliers #emmasmobilepetcare
Fun with cavvies 😍🌊
#bournwoodcavaliers #kingcharlescavalierspaniel #beachfun #localdogwalker #emmasmobilepetcare
Cuddles with the beautiful Yuri 😻
#catsitting #petcareservices #emmasmobilepetcare