One of my new years resolutions this year is to deal with my confidence issues as a keeper, and see where I can improve!
Despite keeping for several years, I still notice problems pop up on occasion, and struggle with my confidence to combat these issues. Well, that's one hurdle over. I posted last year about issues with handling Zeppelin the FWC and realising that the problems lay with me and my handling. With most of the other snakes etc I'll drum on the glass before taking them out for handling (I don't do this for feeding) but Zeppelin was seeing the movement and going straight into food mode, hence the bites. Having adapted to him now, and using the hook to get him in and out, he's gone back to being an absolutely puppy to handle once he's out. Which is great because he's a great snake and I like to get him out for various enrichment and I don't want a spicy tearaway once he reached the bigger sizes that falsies get to.
It's always important to talk about the little wins I think. This is such a small thing to me that's started the year off well, and I've made a change to set one of my animals up for success rather than failure.