I am still here and working with my collection, just been too busy to keep up with any social media.
I have some very promising looking things coming from the Pixel project and want to wait until I have some final results to share with some better ideas on the mutations details. It has been a slow process since I have been so busy with trying to finish writing for my PhD and working my full time job so my time has been very limited and I been just going slow and steady with it all to keep a consistent schedule I can maintain.
Because of how busy I have been and the real feeling of being burnt out from constantly going all the time, I am trying to downsize as much as I can to relieve some of that pressure and focus on the animals I am working with so please check out the list below and let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss details. I am going to be pretty flexible on most of these and will give discounts on multiples. We are beginning to see some of the cold weather finally starting to roll in so the shipping window may be closing soon so please reach out to me sooner than later if you have interest in anything! Also anything that just says Het will be 100% hets and if they are pos hets, the percentage should be listed.