JP Petwear

JP Petwear Bespoke Dog/pet wear. All items are made using quality products.

I will also be adding to the range, a Dog Walking bag to attach to your dog leash, which can contain the essentials for your Dog Walking.


In order to keep you up to date, I have to advise you that due to a further accident, in my home, I broke my hand about a year ago, and because I refused to spend 18 hours in A&E, as mentioned in the UK press and TV, the break in my hand healed, but sadly left me with a bad deformity at the point of impact, which then healed in an abnormal position. Whilst I am able to drive short local distances, long drives outside my home are now impossible.

Whilst I am trying to improve my range of movement, many things are impossible for me, and I suspect, that I will no longer be able to drive, past the end end of this year.

This is very sad for me as it means an end to day trips to the coast, and very reliant on those who are able to transport me from place to place.

If my situation should change I will of course advice you. My constant guide and companion is Mabelline my own Rescue Dog from Loughborough Dogs Trust, who I love and adore with all my heart.


I have to write again to remind you that I will be deleting this page.

Since writing previously, my heart condition has become significantly worse, and I now await at least 4 emergency Hospital appointments.

I post so that you can join, should you want to, my blog - "written" by my own dog Mabelline. Mabelline thinks she is a Princess, who lives in a Castle called Princess Towers. She is waiting for our Prince to arrive, she's been recently seen kissing the male dog next door. I have told her she shouldn't go round kissing strange males, but she refuses to listen.

Now that we are out of Covid restrictions, I hope to take Mabelline to Skegness for a day trip, but this will depend very much on my health, as I say which is getting progressively worse. So do come and follow and like Mabelline.

This is about Mabelline, a dog adopted from a Rescue - Dogstrust Loughborough. With so many dogs in


I write to you today to notify you, that I have cancelled the website name and JP Petwear will not be moving forward.

A combination of ill health - physical and mental, On-line abuse, sheer exhaustion from my accident last year, and the potential to move in the New Year with nobody to help me have all had a bearing on this. I do not see this changing either now or in the future, and I must put myself first for a change, get out and make a new future and new me.

I am sure my own dog will appreciate more fuss than she gets at present, if that's possible, hopefully she will loose a bit of weight as well.

I will keep this page for a couple more months and then I will remove it, as it will be of no use, and will then no longer appear in your list of pages, removing any notifications you may have signed up for.

If you would like to follow the blog of my Chihuahua Mabelline, then feel free to like and follow her

This is about Mabelline, a dog adopted from a Rescue - Dogstrust Loughborough. With so many dogs in


Good Evening Princess fans. Well as it's been wet stuff outside today, I have been trying to encourage my Hooman to play ball with me. Would you believe that I can make her throw the ball, but then she thinks it's my job to fetch it!! Have you ever heard the like before? It's really hard work making her play ball. I'll get her later, when she comes to bed. I'll do my Gazelle moves on her, I'm sure she loves it. Then we can play tug with my snake, I still can't get the squeaker out of the snake, so I think I need to shake it a bit harder.

Hooman had a moan again today, because I was laying on the bed with her this afternoon, and she didn't like it because I wasn't laying at the same angle as her, and my paws were pushing her legs out of the bed. It's not my fault if she lays the wrong way in the bed, she tries to rearrange me, but I always get back to how I was laying. I really don't know what I am going to do with her. It's a good job she doesn't have any other humans living here, I don't know where they would sleep, and I'm not sharing any of my doggie beds with anyone.

Well I'm off to bed now friends, I will catch up with you soon.

Lots of love and hugs
Princess Mabelline


Morning Princess Mabelline here. It's Mabel for short, and Mabelline when I am bad, like chasing cats, woof at things Hooman can't hear or see.

Apparently it's going to be a hot sunny day today, and Hooman says it is a good time to tackle the jungle that is our front garden. I like all the long grass, it's good to hide in, but it also means more cats can hide in it. As Hooman has to take things easy, she says we will do as much as we can without making her heart or spine hurt more than normal. Hooman says we need a gardener, but they are far to expensive, so we make do. I wish I could fix her Lawn Mower, somebody vandalised it, but I can't get my paws round the little bits.

Hooman says sometimes, that you never know what's round the corner. But that's wrong cos when we go round the corner, there's always another road, and that leads to another. I don't know why Hoomans are so strange.

I might do a bit of sunbathing today if it's really nice, but I'll make sure to keep away from Hooman with a strimmer thing she called it.

Have fun today Fans
Lots of Love and Licks


The results of our trial are in and prove that dogs can detect the odour of the disease with high levels of accuracy: a sensitivity of 94.3% sensitivity and up to 92% specificity.

This means they can very reliably identify when people do and do not have the disease and crucially, they detected it even when samples were from asymptomatic individuals.

We are delighted to be sharing this news which confirms what we’ve always known –

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Durham University Department of Health and Social Care - DHSC

This is my dog, who I got recently from a Rescue.

This is my dog, who I got recently from a Rescue.


If you would like to order from us then please hit the email address or copy and paste to your email provider. We are always happy to help here. At present due to the restrictions being imposed by European Countries, and because we are no longer part of Europe, there are import tariffs added at Customs. If you wish to order, then all import fee's are your responsibility, and they are beyond our control.

Please check prior to ordering the fee's your Customs Port of entry will require of you BEFORE making an order any paying. We have no control over what your Customs will charge you. We do not make refunds just because you have failed to find out and understand.

We will ask you before accepting orders, that you understand your Country of Delivery Customs rules. If you fail to confirm, then we will cancel your order. Confirmation time will be 72 hours. This time will allow you to measure your canine companion, and forward their measurements to us with fabric requirements. Because all items are CUSTOM made, like humans, all canine/feline's are different. So once measurements are sent to us, we will confirm these back to you, and as such, the fabrics are cut, and are now yours. Depending these measurements these items will be made up and will be with you within 6 weeks, depending on fabric selection.

Fabric selection depends on stock we hold of that fabric, dependant on Colour/size required/availability. We have many suppliers so do just ask, we may just be able to find that certain fabric nobody else can find. You just don't know if you do not ask. I will not refuse just because one supplier can not get something. If you can afford it, I will find it. Satin, Duchess Satin, specific designs required, as in personalisation, we are always happy to help in any way we can.

So what does your Pet need, prominant wording, for Special Needs. Special Wording. Numbers? All can be done. We will offer you as much as you desire, we are happy to advise you via email at any time, we understand not everyone likes live chat. My needles are ready to help you design what YOU need. I do understand what Special Needs really are, What do you desire that is different from the rest?

Good idea for Doggies Holidays.  Sadly that won't be me this year due to health concerns.

Good idea for Doggies Holidays. Sadly that won't be me this year due to health concerns.


Weʼre raising money to For my daisy dog who is my seizure detection friend and saved my life many times she now needs surgery for slipped disc in her spine. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.


Please please please SHARE
Small apricot Cockerpoo (looks like a puppy but is 3 years old)
Stolen overnight from Boarding Kennels at North Kilworth Nr Lutterworth Leicester
He is a timid sensitive boy and will be terrified
Owner is devastated and recovering from operation
reward for return to follow
If you know of anything please ring the rescue 0116 2864266 so we can pass on information to owner
Thank you


As much as I wanted to know,
I never understood why things never worked out the way I wanted.
No matter who I loved or what I wanted, no amount of hoping seemed to bring me happiness..
Doors closed and my heart broke so many times that I started to wonder if I’d ever find love and happiness.
It’s easy to fall into despair and think that you’ll end up alone sometimes.
Not because I wanted to, but because everything I always hoped for seemed to inevitably go wrong.
People would tell me to “hang in there” and “it’ll happen for you,” but I started to believe that their words of comfort were just what people were supposed to say.
I crashed so many times in my journey that I didn’t know if I’d ever find the crossroads to happiness.
Continuing to believe in love when your heart has been broken is seemingly an impossible task, and one that I failed repeatedly on so many days.
Sometimes, it seems easier to wallow in misery and ask “why me?”..
Than to dust yourself off and pick yourself up.
“Meant to be” seems like a fairy tale read to children..
Until it happens to you.
When I stopped focusing on chasing the ones who didn’t want to be caught and started learning how to love myself, things began to change.
It wasn’t easy and there are still many days when I feel like giving up, but I know that at the end of the day, I’ll always be more than okay..I’ll be happy.
Happy with myself, happy with my life, happy with my choices.
It wasn’t until I realized that before, I was always willing to settle for “good enough” that I started understanding why things never worked out with all the others-
Because I deserved more.
Rain or shine, rise or fail, I’ll choose to be happy on my terms, in my way, for myself.
So, if “meant to be” finds me when the time is right, then I’ll be ecstatic.. with open arms and a willing heart.
Until then, I’ll keep loving my life, living my truth and always seeking the sunlight.

Do you ever get days or weeks when nothing is going right?  Yesterday Gwen and I went shopping, and got her a nice new h...

Do you ever get days or weeks when nothing is going right?

Yesterday Gwen and I went shopping, and got her a nice new harness and other bits. Got home to discover we had forgotten to get a lead as well!!

Now even worse, our TV has died, and it's giving me a migraine trying to work my way through these new fangled HQ LED whatever. How simple it was back in my young years when mostly they all looked the same, had 3 channels if you were lucky, and your choice of picture was Black & White. Simples.

Picture of Gwen last night - tired from all the shopping and being fawned over in Pets@Home. I think she's broken and needs some Dog Glue2020 - stuck with you for ever.

From tomorrow I will be Foster Mother to this little lady.  She has been, and still is going through a bad time health w...

From tomorrow I will be Foster Mother to this little lady. She has been, and still is going through a bad time health wise. It will be nice to have somebody to talk to, but mostly to help her recover. JP Petwear is a very quiet place, with no visitors, so I am sure she will love it. Hopefully we will get more visitors in the coming days, but Christmas for myself and this little girl will be quiet.

I had hoped to have this up and running and filling your orders, but much the same as everyone, it's been a very difficult year, with the obvious Covid situation, and my accident, which still leaves me drained very easily, I had thought I would get better very quickly, but these things are sent to try us, and try us they certainly have. 👸
13/11/2020 👸

Retirement clocks made to order .😉😁


Sorry I have not been around, I have been dealing with some very private things.

All I can say at present is that I am packing boxes, getting ready to move, where I don't know. Nothing and nobody can help me with my current problems.

Sorry - so very very sorry.😭😭😭



1) When I say move, it means go someplace else, not switch positions with each other so there are still two of you in the way.

2) The dishes with the paw print design are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food.
PLEASE NOTE: Placing a paw print in the middle of my plate of food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

3) The stairway is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Nor does tripping me help because I can fall faster than you can run.

4) I cannot buy anything bigger than a king size bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue to sleep on the couch to ensure your comfort. Look at videos of dogs sleeping. They can actually curl up in a ball.

5) It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space used is nothing but sarcasm.

6) For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, bark, try to turn the k**b or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I used to enter. In addition, I have been using bathrooms for years; canine attendance is not mandatory.

7) The proper order is: 1) kiss me, 2) lick your butt.


Very tied up at sewing machines at present so just thought I would give you a High 5, to let you know I'm still about.

Very tied up at sewing machines at present so just thought I would give you a High 5, to let you know I'm still about.

You have to be a certain age to really appreciate Scooby Doo, never tell a person to Scooby Doo one, because it means to...

You have to be a certain age to really appreciate Scooby Doo, never tell a person to Scooby Doo one, because it means to leave, some people say this, when really they have no idea what they are saying.

One of the creative forces behind such classic children's cartoons as "Jabberjaw," "Dynomutt," "Houndcats," "The Barkleys," and "Scooby-Doo" has passed away. Variety reports, animation legend Joe Ruby died of natural causes while at his home in Westlake Village, California on Wednesday at the age of

Here are just a few of the fabrics that have passed inspection for the creations to come.  I select the fabrics with ext...

Here are just a few of the fabrics that have passed inspection for the creations to come. I select the fabrics with extreme care, bearing in mind their durability, type of use, and cleaning methods that should be used. I will supply cleaning guides with every item made.🐕🐩🦮🐕‍🦺🐈🐾🐾🐾
If you wish to place an order for your Dog Coat, prior to me getting the samples made, please feel free to message me.


henlo everyone this is your happy dog check-in. how are we feeling today? 😊

A Happy Post - enjoy.

A Happy Post - enjoy.

Frequently used by Dog Walkers and others, now fenced off.  Read below for how to help get this changed.

Frequently used by Dog Walkers and others, now fenced off. Read below for how to help get this changed.


I would like to start by thanking all those who have written to me and wishing me the best. You never expect to wake up one day, and go about your normal routine, and suddenly find yourself with a broken back. But that is just what happened to me. My Consultant is in regular contact with me, and they keep changing my medication in an effort to find one that works. I wait in eager anticipation.

It has been my Birthday today, although you would never know it, the lack of post or any communications with me are marked only by their absence. But I will always remember those who didn't bother even when they said they would remember.

Despite my current medical condition, I have finally managed to collect some of the fabrics that were chosen by myself, I will be carrying out an examination of the fabrics, and photographing them, and will tease you a bit with some fabric pictures in the next few days. Everything is taking such a lot longer, being limited movements with my current problems, but be assured that I am trying my hardest with everything.

Take care and Stay Safe.


Sadly the Owner of JP Petwear has sustained nasty injuries to their spine this week, caused by a fall in their home. Their Consultant has stated that they be in recovery for at least 10 weeks, may be more. They have no home care, and their only close family is a front line worker. Please bare this in mind if you do try to contact them. The owner is naturally very distressed about the whole matter.




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