Good morning, hunters!
Tip of the day:
How to cape a deer for a shoulder mount.
Please, do not cut around the tops of the front legs.
Notice the first picture. Your taxidermist needs approximately 4 inches down the front legs.
The second picture is a great diagram.
Approximately 4 inches down the front legs, make a cut all the way around.
Approximately 4 inches behind the front legs, make a cut all the way around the body of the deer.
On the inside of the front legs, the hair changes from white to brown.
Cut along this line under the leg onto the body to connect the first two cuts.
Now you can skin the cape away from the body until you get 4 inches from the antler burrs.
Cut the head away from the body at this point.
Put the cape and head in a heavy garbage bag and tie it between the antler burrs.
Freeze it until you can get it to your taxidermist. 
Now, you just need to harvest one!🤗