Don’t waste your time and money.
Sending your dog away for training, while convenient, can be expensive, and there are no guarantees of results (or there shouldn’t be).
Barking, lunging, and growling doesn’t have to be solved with boarding your dog somewhere else.
You can actually do all the training on your own together, and it usually has much better and long lasting results for both you and your pup.
You get to learn the skills you need to support your dog, and your dog learns with YOU instead of someone else.
Want to give it a shot and have a summer of fun, calm walks instead of stress this year?
My Reactivity Resolved online class is FINALLY OPEN!
It is a 12 week fully virtual training program to teach YOU how to train your own reactive dog with the support of a pro.
It includes:
🍄 Video tutorials for short and easy games you can play to resolve barking, lunging, and straining on leash towards distractions
🍄 Weekly checklists to guide your training session so you know what and when to train from start to finish
🍄 Live calls for support so that you can get answers to your pressing questions or adapt the training to fit YOUR dog
🍄 Daily q and a channel for immediate answers via text like having a trainer in your pocket
🍄 Video feedback on your training sessions so that you can make sure you are working on the games correctly and clear up any confusion
And it’s at the lowest price I’ve EVER offered it.
Want to make your summer one of relaxing walks with your dog instead of hiding away inside?
Comment, “BARK2024” down below to get more information.
Couldn’t be further from the truth.
While certain ways of training might not actually solve reactivity, with the right approach and wholistic care, I’ve yet to see a dog NOT improve while working with me.
Here’s what’s so different:
🍄I start by supporting the health and wellness of the dog.
You can’t feel better mentally until you feel better physically, you know?
🍄Once the health and wellness are covered, I move on to meeting ALL of the dogs needs... without triggers.
In human terms - this means self care for doggies.
We can’t learn well and do heavy work until we are cared for - the same goes for dogs.
🍄Once both areas are going well, THEN I layer in desensitization and training games.
The goal with these games is not to produce obedience.
The goal is to change the underlying feelings of the dog towards the things they are reacting towards.
Maybe they are fearful - we work to make it not so scary.
Maybe they are OVERLY excited - we work to make it not so interesting.
With all three approaches together, I have yet to meet a dog who hasn’t improved during our time together.
And guess what....
I’m bringing all that I’ve learned after working with over 200 reactive dog teams to you.
Right in your living room.
Keep your eyes peeled for what’s to come. 😉
PS don’t forget to follow and turn on notifications if you want to be the first to know about it or comment, “newsletter,” below to sign up for extra discounts and first access. 🤫
Video description: Blonde
Something I see all the time is that people just don’t realize how much training can do.
Training can:
Stop pulling, destructive chewing, pottying inside
Improve anxiety levels
Provide stress free vet visits
Teach cute tricks
Resolve reactivity (barking on leash or in the home)
Fix separation anxiety
And so much more
And this is why it’s so helpful to work with a dog trainer.
We know how much training can do, what needs evaluated by a vet first, and how to customize training best for each individual dog.
What behaviors are you struggling with right now or want to change? Leave them in the comments, and I’ll tell you if training can help!
PS this video features Pickles of @bigbonescaninerescue who is learning some very helpful behaviors with me and is up for adoption!
Video Description: Clip of a border collie mix nose nudging the camera. The text reads, “I don’t think people understand that training can do more than just sit, down, stay.”
You can pick up your dog without stress…
Even if you haven’t had time to work on it yet.
My fellow small dog expert @engineeringoptimismdogtraining made a post earlier this week about the power of predictable pickups!
But what if you haven’t had time to train this, and you have to pick up your dog for one reason or another?
Enter: predictable pickups for emergencies!
1. Use a cue. This tells your dog what you plan to do.
2. Lure into position with a REALLY good treat.
3. Support their body while you lift.
4. Give them several of those really good treats!
This keeps the pick up as positive as it can be while still getting it done for emergency purposes before you’ve had time to train.
Remember: use an AMAZING treat for this!
Mallory and I are having so much fun collaborating.
What questions do you have about small dogs?
Leave them in the comments and we’ll pick some to cover soon! 🥰
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