It’s always nice when a reptile eats right after bringing it home! In this case, this female Green Keel-bellied Lizard was eating from tongs virtually as soon as she was released into her new bioactive enclosure.
Even after what was likely a stressful couple of days being put into a container and transported to a reptile show, where she was then observed by huge crowds of hundreds of people; and then being transported to my Reptile Room and released into a new environment, this lizard felt comfortable enough to take food directly from me.
A reptile eating right away is a good indicator that the animal is healthy and relatively stress free. Reptiles that are overly stressed or having health issues tend to eat less readily, especially if being hand or tong fed!
#neat #nature #Neature #NicksNeature #themoreyouknow #reptile #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram #reptilekeeping #reptilekeeper #reptilekeepers #lizard #greenkeelbelliedlizard #gastropholisprasina #feeding #reptilefeeding #bioactive #terrarium #bioactiveterrarium #lizardkeeper #lizardbreeder #plants #monstera #reptilefacts #education #conservation #reptileroom
Some old dive footage from Palm Beach Inlet in Florida!
Sonoran Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer affinis) relocation! This guy was not happy with me!
This pond in the middle of the city is home to a large popular of invasive bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus)! Even though they’re invasive, seeing this desert watering hole so full of life is always a sight to see! #neat #nature #neature #nicksneature
Hiking in Florida is a lot different than hiking in Arizona, much bigger lizards #dumbwaystodie
#neat #nature #neature #NicksNeature #florida #wildlife #alligator #conservation #hiking #herping #danger #dontmolestthegators #donttrythisathome
A very shy rattlesnake from one of my first relocations of the year.
This snake decided to defend itself by hiding its head in a coil, rather than being outwardly defensive (rattling and striking). While rattlesnakes will often choose to be still and silent as a way of staying undetected, this behavior is hiding its head similar to a ball python would is less common. It always cracks me up when they do this!
#neat #nature #neature #NicksNeature #snake #rattlesnake #snakeremoval #arizona #phoenix #westerndiamondback #crotalus #conservation #urbanwildlife #nosteponsnek
Western Diamondback (Crotalus atrox) relocation!
Shovelnose Guitarfish (Rhinobatos productus) release after a good fight in San Diego, CA.
These alien-looking fish are always a solid fight at this size and easy to find if you know where to look (so they can really save a slow day of fishing.)
This individual was only around 3 feet in length, they can grow to over 6 feet, and do in this area.
While they look a lot like a shark, they are a kind of ray and spend most of their time on the bottom, where they eat crustations like crabs and shrimp. Much like a ray, they also bury themselves in the sand. However, unlike a ray, shovelnose are completely harmless. One of the coolest looking fish you can see/catch in Southern California, hope to pull up a six footer some day.
#neat #nature #neature #NicksNeature #fishing #ocean #oceanfishing #california #sandiego #californiafishing #sandiegofishing #shovelnose #shovelnoseray #shovelnoseguitarfish #guitarfish #bottomfishing #catchandrelease #conservation
DID YOU KNOW: in addition to rescuing reptiles, I also build bioactive terrariums? This is a small bioactive build that I completed a few weeks back for a customers little tiny baby crested gecko! Bioactive enclosures are a great option for so many different species of reptiles! If you’re interested in a custom bioactive tank of any size, send me a DM!
SPOT THE SNAKE! Level: easy
This might be the easiest “spot the snake” I’ve ever posted… comment when you see the snake!
#neat #nature #neature #NicksNeature #SpotTheSnake #arizona #phoenix #scottsdale #cavecreek #snake #rattlesnake #danger #venomous #westerndiamondback #wildlife #wildlifeencounters #donttrythisathome
Most of the time, the wildlife i rescue is extremely ungrateful… this gopher snake trapped in bird netting was no exception
#neat #nature #neature #NicksNeature #arizona #wildliferescue #wildliferesearch #snake #snakeremoval #gophersnake #urbanwildlife #snakerescue #conservation #danger #snakebites #ouch #trainedprofessional #donotattempt
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) removal! It’s always better to call a professional!