Jock is available for stud only to tested bi***es that do sport or work. He is a very energetic dog so his puppies wouldn’t suit a pet home.
Jock's temperament is like a border collie should be: loyal, happy, smart, fast, powerful, good with people children and other dogs and with plenty of will to please! He is very confident and would adapt to any situation.
He is a one man dog, he likes to work for me and would do anything I ask him to.
He can switch from doing agility at full speed and high excitement to move the flock that is grazing next door without even realising he was doing two very different tasks.
He has been training in agility, working on sheep and has done competitive obedience. Nowadays we do mainly detection work as this what I like to focus with me dogs.
His father is Supreme and National Scottish Champion Boredale Gus and his grandfather is Supreme Champion Dewi Tweed, both strong and powerful dogs.
Tyh Jock, isds and KC registered
date of birth 2/05/2016
HD A (3:4 BVA)
Elbow 0
IGS clear
TNS clear
NLC clear
GGD clear
SN carrier
MRD1 clear
CEA clear
EOD markers carrier
56 cm
20 Kg