We had a fab day at The Paw Project searching the barns and every single dog did some fantastic work! We will hold another session at this venue soon!
The Indication Challenge!!!
How good is your dog’s indication on moving items? Here’s Jamie and Reggie showing how it’s done!
This is my dog Marvel demonstrating how dogs can learn to search high and low on their own instead of at nose height. The nose touch freeze indication at the end is what I aim to teach all dogs who come to scentwork training
Indication training; video 2 is here!
This time we are aiming to improve accuracy
🐶 Reward for the dog’s nose being in, not around the outside of the beaker
🐶 Ignore any behaviour you don’t want, for example licking, biting or trying to pick up the beaker
🐶 If you’re getting accurate nose touches, start to lengthen the indication by withholding your marker for a fraction of a second
🐶 Always end the session on a good nose touch, don’t be tempted to keep going
Have a few practices over the next couple of days and feel free to ask any questions you may have on this training.
Indication training; video 1 is here! Starring Chaos 🧡
Watch with the sound on to hear the description of what I’m doing and my markers but I will also put a description below.
Reasons for using a beaker:
🐶 Makes the scented cloth inaccessible to the dog so it cannot be picked up, chewed or swallowed
🐶 Concentrates the scent in one area so teaches the dog to go to the source of the scent
🐶 Uses the natural curiosity from dogs wanting to put their nose in or sniff something. Marking and rewarding that behaviour “captures” it so the dog will repeat it
🐶 The beaker will allow us to develop the behaviour in time by putting the lid on and shaping a nose touch on a solid surface
Offer the open beaker with a scent inside it to the dog. For any interest they show in it, mark and reward (avoid using “good” as it is often overused for good boy/good girl).
Try to let the dog work out what they are being rewarded for, rather than helping too much as the behaviour will be stronger for dogs who work it out themselves and are not lured.
Do several short sessions and don’t yet try to build up any duration of nose touch. Do reward more for accurate nose touches in the beaker rather than around it.
Have fun and I hope you find it useful!
Who’s ready for the first indication training video? Click to watch the video and make sure you have these things ready so you can join in!
The first training video will be coming soon and in preparation there are some things you will need. Those new to scentwork will need a scent jar. Click the video to see a simple guide on how to make one.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all soon and here’s a sneak peek at our amazing venue which is completely private and we have full use of. It includes two secure paddocks, 6 inside areas, multiple outside search areas, parking alongside the paddocks and a dedicated area for parking with reactive dogs. We can’t wait to welcome you!