My lucy is a 4 year old short hair domestic cat. Never been outside(totally indor). She is up on vaccines and annual physical exams. She has a very nice temper likes to spend quality time with me, don't mind belly rubs. She like her toys a lot, morning playtime is her favorite time in the day. She likes ball chasing game where I through the ball and my kids and her will chase the ball, but usually my kids will fetch it😂🤣. Lucy is a true princess very polite she just need time to adjust for new environments before she can show her true colors. We had lucy from adoption center and we connected immediately, she has a very polite loving soul that needs someone company and love. I'm very sad I can't take hair with me now, she was part of our family for the past 2 years (I'm moving out state and my heart is aching). I'm praying she will find gentle soul that will consider her part of their family.